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For those of you who do not know, Fantasia was not meant to be a 2 hour film. Several short films were to be released at different times to keep the audience guessing what would be next. Please check here every week for a new Fantasia movie, feel free to discuss the movie, or post your own!


Walt Disney intended Fantasia to be more than just a film. It was to be an event, complete with reserved seating and fancy dress. Special program books were prepared for the film, featuring production artwork and photographs, dedications by both Walt and Stokowski, and the credits and synopsis for each segment. Each theater was rigged with 30 or more speakers, all lined around the perimeter of the ceiling, to provide the full Fantasound experience. The format of the film follows that of a concert rather than a motion picture. Besides the Deems Taylor narration passages, a proper presentation of Fantasia features a 15-minute intermission, which falls between The Rite of Spring and the Meet the Soundtrack segment.
- Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantasia_(film)#Film_presentation)


So in honor of Fantasia and Disney month the Kin presents:




Week 1 movie!


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AH! I love Fantasia. :D Watched it over and over when I was a kid. ^.^


I absolutely love in The Sorcerer's Apprentice, there's an homage to the short with Mickey as the sorcerer's apprentice, with all the brooms and mops and stuffs. Talk about absolute *glee* at seeing that scene. Made me feel all tingly inside. :)

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Ah, the most recognizable of all the shorts from Fantasia! I find it amazing that someone watched that and the idea for the movie sprang out of it. I can see how it would happen and kick myself quite often, lately, for not thinking of it first. *laughs*

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Guest BaLefireP

I have never seen it...  :(


Find it.... go watch it immediately! :D

I have to agree. This is a movie you NEED to watch!


I will post another clip on Monday!


Alright, I will go and do that!

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They did make a 2000 version, but it's damn near impossible to get hold of. Chances are you'll have an easier time finding the original, but that's cool because the original is just awesome.


I actually like the original better. I have 2000 on DVD. I should use it in lesson plans... *ponders*

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We took my granddaughter to Disneyland when I lived in LA back in 94. At that time in Frontierland there was a special show on the island across from the "raft landing". They did a show with portions of Fantasia using a huge spray of water as a screen and projected a combination of film images and a laser show and a live sorcerer's apprentice actor in a mickey suit.... very cool for the time...


On another note, that same week we took all of us to the Premiere of The Lion King at the El Capitan Theater (owned by Disney) and it was incredible too. There was a whole production of costumed Disney film characters doing a "show" of sorts, including Aladdin and Princess Jasmine on a flying carpet above the audience. Plus a bunch of Lion King folk (long before the Broadway Play) parading about.


The El Capitan Theater one of the classic Golden Age of Hollywood "Palaces", just across Hollywood Blvd. from Graumanns Chinese Theater. We lived a five minute walk from both.

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Post by: DaeDracos on August 19, 2010, 05:47:32 PM

Fantasia has always been my favorite movie, but by far I have to claim the baalrog scene as the best. Night on bald mountain is one of my favorite pieces of classical music, particularly if you can get the choral version.

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