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Really? that's great. I've made quite a few friends here in DM. Some stuck out, some didn't, but I've made the most of it and enjoyed knowing them to the fullest. Hopefully they feel the same way. I won't go into naming names because they know who they are :)  I love you guys. My life wouldn't be the same without you  <3


Here's to another year of friendship!





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happy friendshipsday everyone! :D


I met my two sisters here at DM, which is pretty amazing since I've never had sisters before. The whole brain rummaging thing the Shottish one does all the time is a bit annoying (no privacy and such) but it's a small price to pay. And so what if my UK Sis kills fish..... people have done that since the beginning. They have to eat, right? Not sure if goldfish are eddible, but I'm sure she has a good reason to do what she does.


I also met a good number of friends here, which is also awesome! Who knew there were people out there crazy enough to be my friend? LOL


Here's to you all *gulps down a cup o' coffee* (I just got up.... lol)

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I've met people here who have touched my heart, they took me in when i need friends the most, loved and comforted me. To each of you, and you know who you are, i love you.


*clinks glass with Myst's coffee cup* Here's to you all *snugglebites*

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too many too name, including my best friend in life (my fiance), unfortunatly (in most cases) i also lost friends here, but there is always that hope that friendships can be revitalized

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*sighs* So many people have come and left. My best friends from the BT of old... Andar, Arik Korpin, Mikeypoo... and my best friend... Dali..


And new friends... all of you. I love you all. And wish I could spend every waking moment with you. *loves*

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Here at DM I met so many people, and they changed my life. They enriched it and made me feel loved and cared about in times when I needed it the most. You guys know who you are, and you know how much I care about you all!


here is a little something for you!





I <3 you!

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