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How to lobby for the TOM prologue to be free


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I strongly suspect TOR will release the TOM prologue early again and probably the first 2 chapters.  I think its very nice that they provide some of the content early, however last time the part you had to pay for came first chronologically in the book and the free parts were after which was really frustrating!


If they are going to ask us to pay for some content and give some free, the prologue should be the free part as this comes chronologically first in the book.  


It was extremely frustrating to want to read the first chapters but not be able to since I didn't want to pay for the prologue before the book release...


Of course, what would be much nicer would be just having all the initial content free of charge or at least some sort of system for a rebate when you actually buy the book.


How can we lobby for the prologue to be free if released early?  ???

  • Moderator

Tor will stop selling the prologues as separate eBooks when we all stop behaving like junkies in need of a fix when a new WoT book comes out. If there wasn't a market for it, the product would not exist.


Tor will stop selling the prologues as separate eBooks when we all stop behaving like junkies in need of a fix when a new WoT book comes out. If there wasn't a market for it, the product would not exist.


In other words..... you will forever have to pay for prologues :P LOL

  • Moderator

Pretty much.


I'm not subscribing any particular morality or immorality to the practice. I'm old enough to recall when Tor would post the prologues for free and the outcry when Simon & Schuster sold the prologue for WH. But you're not paying for the content, you're paying for the privilege of reading it early. And like I said, we've proven pretty conclusively that we're willing to do that.




I strongly suspect TOR will release the TOM prologue early again and probably the first 2 chapters.  I think its very nice that they provide some of the content early, however last time the part you had to pay for came first chronologically in the book and the free parts were after which was really frustrating!

Only LoC and ACOS were free prologues online as there wasn't a paying online market yet. It's not going to change now. It's book 13 coming out, they don't need to tease potential customers with a prologue.


All I hope is if it's written they release the prologue as an e-book ASAP. I'd be happy with an August release giving us something to discuss for 3 months  ;D


I'd also like to point out that WH prologue was one of the longest ones in the series - it was almost like a mini-book in itself. Given how long it was, and the cost of making it downloadable, is it any wonder they tried to recoup some of that money sooner, rather than later?


Who could we actually write to about this?


Brandon seems to be very much in favor of releasing free content ahead of time as seen by the fact that he has free previews of prologues/early chapters for pretty much all his books on his site.


We've been waiting a looong time for these stories, just because someone is willing to pay more for reading some content early does not make it cool.  TOR could probably sell advance reader copies of the book for a hundred dollars or more and I bet some people would buy them, that doesn't mean they should. Heck, to make sure they squeeze the most each reader is willing to pay, they could sell it for like:

* +100 dollars 10 weeks ahead of time

* + 90 dollars 9 weeks ahead of time

... you get the idea.


I'd really appreciate to be able to read the prologue for free.

If they insist on charging something for some advance content, it would be better to make the prologue free in advance then charge for the first few chapters.


Last time they charged for the prologue and made the first few chapters free but I couldn't read them because I wanted to read the prologue first, agh...


In very few of the books will you miss anything if you skip the prologue and read the first six chapters and then go back for the prologue.  If you don't like that plan find a friend or family member with a credit card and give them two bucks to buy you the prologue.


Would happily pay for the prologue for the grueling effort BS has been putting into finishing the series.  What did it cost last time, the price of a couple issues of maxim or something?


Consider releasing prologues might also in effect turn someone off to rushing out to buy the hardcover when it comes out and instead try and borrow a copy from the library or a friend, like if most of it turns out to be Perrin and Elayne POV's.  Any business that would like to remain one will conclude they should charge for advanced access to parts of the book.


Personally, I am fine paying for any part of the book I can get early.  The earlier the better.  Yes, I need my WOT fix asap.  I did not think the cost was excessive for the last early release and I was pleasantly surprised for the other free release after.  


I hope we get something asap.  

  • Moderator

Who could we actually write to about this?


Brandon seems to be very much in favor of releasing free content ahead of time as seen by the fact that he has free previews of prologues/early chapters for pretty much all his books on his site.


We've been waiting a looong time for these stories, just because someone is willing to pay more for reading some content early does not make it cool.  TOR could probably sell advance reader copies of the book for a hundred dollars or more and I bet some people would buy them, that doesn't mean they should. Heck, to make sure they squeeze the most each reader is willing to pay, they could sell it for like:

* +100 dollars 10 weeks ahead of time

* + 90 dollars 9 weeks ahead of time

... you get the idea.


I'd really appreciate to be able to read the prologue for free.

If they insist on charging something for some advance content, it would be better to make the prologue free in advance then charge for the first few chapters.


Last time they charged for the prologue and made the first few chapters free but I couldn't read them because I wanted to read the prologue first, agh...


Tor's contact info is handily located on their website: http://us.macmillan.com/Content.aspx?publisher=torforge&id=261




Would happily pay for the prologue for the grueling effort BS has been putting into finishing the series.  What did it cost last time, the price of a couple issues of maxim or something?


Consider releasing prologues might also in effect turn someone off to rushing out to buy the hardcover when it comes out and instead try and borrow a copy from the library or a friend, like if most of it turns out to be Perrin and Elayne POV's.  Any business that would like to remain one will conclude they should charge for advanced access to parts of the book.

TOR knows that some of the WOT fans will wait for the paperback edition, or get it from the library as you indicated, so they will charge for whatever content people are willing to pay for on this series.


Considering the prologue ($2.99 US, IIRC) doesn't even cost as much as a beer at the ballpark, I have no problem at all buying the prologue.


I have no problem paying 3.00 for the prologue, especially considering 2 additional chapters were free.  If one doesn't want to pay for a luxury good, don't buy it.  I'd rather pay a miniscule amount for the prologue than not have it early.  We need new things to speculate about


Well, it's not a minuscule amount to everyone, you know. Actually, considering that a softcover usually costs 8 dollars, that 3 dollars is daylight robbery.

I'm not going to pay for the prologue.

  • Moderator

People have different ideas of what the consider to be a fair price for different items. When I was a broke college student, you better believe that I thought paying $5 for the WH prologue was high way robbery. Now that my situation is different and they've lowered the price, it doesn't seem so bad. Compared to how much I usually spend on new reading material every month, it's just a drop in the bucket. But not everyone has the same economic resources and not everyone has the same priorities for spending that I do.


Well, it's not a minuscule amount to everyone, you know. Actually, considering that a softcover usually costs 8 dollars, that 3 dollars is daylight robbery.

I'm not going to pay for the prologue.


That is fine, everyone has their own priorities. Many of us will pay the $3.00 and then buy the hardcover. You will save some money and wait for the hardcover. Others will wit for the paperpack, still others will save their money and either borrow a friends copy or get it fromthe library. Since many of us willing to pay for the privilege of getting the prologue early I doubt if Harriet or Tor will change the way they do business.


Of course they will not. Some will pay and they'll profit from that. Others won't. It's not like anyone is forcing you to read the prologue in advance.


That the prologue costs money and chapter 1/2 probably not, is a bit weird, however, I have to agree.


I have to agree it was weird that they charged for the prologue (parts of which were released at Dragoncon that year, I think), and released chapters 1,2 for free. Especially since Rand explicitly mentioned stuff that happened in it during the first chapter.

Nevertheless, for the price of a cup of coffee, I don't mind it so much. As someone who doesn't live in North America/UK, I appreciate any means that will enable me to start reading before my hardcover gets here (it usually takes about 3 weeks for Amazon.com to deliver it, though they sometimes manage to do it faster). And since I have no intention of passing over the hardcover for an ebook, this presents a unique opportunity.

BTW I sucks that you can't get an ebook for free when purchasing the hardcover/paperback. Someday, I'm sure it WILL work that way.


if u want my realy opinion if you preorder the book, it should be free.


The money for pre-orders goes into the pockets of the booksellers Tor does not see any money until the books are delivered.


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