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Sayings among Channellers


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(If anyone can come up with a better thread title, let me know)


So Female Channelers have the following saying:


There is no rock so strong that water and wind cannot wear it away, no fire so fierce that water cannot quench it or wind snuff it out

- tEotW Glossary / BWB Chapter 2


these were derived from their strengths in those powers


So what similar saying did men have?


Here's my attempt

There is no water so wet that fire cannot boil it away, no air so still that Earth cannot trap it.


Although mine kind of sucks.


So, what versions do you have?


Your wings catch fire in that downward flight,

and you'll fall to earth afraid.

what rain can quench that tormented soul?

what tide can wash that sin?

what gust will lift you up once more?

when the Dragon kills his kin?


stuck up Aes Sedai:

"There is no rock so strong that water and wind cannot wear it away, no fire so fierce that water cannot quench it or wind snuff it out."


calm collected Ashaman:

"Yet the sun still burns, the earth still stands, when your time meets its end."


Aes Sedai suck ass. they all die beccause they are weak. but Asha'man... Asha'man are strong





haha yea,




meh, your water and air is alright


But with earth and fire, you can blow s**t up, much cooler.


-Anonymous Ashaman, 3rd Age, A Contemporary Histroy of the War of Power....take two


I'd like to point out the glaring chemistry failure of the Aes Sedai - Air does NOT snuff out fire. in fact fire can only burn where there IS air so air is nothing more than Fuel for fire, all air can do is fan the flames not snuff them - Aes sedai caught in a lie - They are ALL Darkfriends.


I'd like to point out the glaring chemistry failure of the Aes Sedai - Air does NOT snuff out fire. in fact fire can only burn where there IS air so air is nothing more than Fuel for fire, all air can do is fan the flames not snuff them - Aes sedai caught in a lie - They are ALL Darkfriends.


Yeah, so you can snuff the Fire by pulling Air out of the fire proximity. I suppose you can make Air go out of a specific area, preventing more O2 to fuel the fire. Or decrese drastically the amount of O2 in the Air. The Fire won't stand long so.


it is the power we speak about , much like magic it is not bounded by the law of physique so your are off .


Every magic system we have a clear description of is bound by Physics law. Allomancy, saidin saidar, The Will and the Word.


For example, with the OP, you can't lift yourself up. Because you have nothing to push on. It's not the same with Allomancy in Mistborn, as you can use Steel and Iron to Pull or Push upon a metal, and lift yourself up, or as Kelsier say, fall in the wrong direction for flying.


And Thor, I forgot to disagree with you : nowhere is stated that earth doesn't counter Air and Fire doesn't counter Water. What is true is the saidar channeler saying. Which comes from the book, so you can't say itns wrong.


I'd like to point out the glaring chemistry failure of the Aes Sedai - Air does NOT snuff out fire. in fact fire can only burn where there IS air so air is nothing more than Fuel for fire, all air can do is fan the flames not snuff them - Aes sedai caught in a lie - They are ALL Darkfriends.


Yeah, so you can snuff the Fire by pulling Air out of the fire proximity. I suppose you can make Air go out of a specific area, preventing more O2 to fuel the fire. Or decrese drastically the amount of O2 in the Air. The Fire won't stand long so.


again massive physics failure ;) if you pull air OUT of an area you would (by the laws of air pressure) Suck fresh unburnt air into the area which would in fact feed the flames.


a little petty I admit but still true - I admit you need a certain level of suspension of disbelief dealing with Magic however - walls of air to block ears and tie people up for a start - again these leave me baffled how do you block someones ears with air? if you've made it solid as you would to hold someone sound would travel through it more easily (greater density) if you stopped the molecular vibrations completely to stop sound travelling there would be so little density it couldn't stop anything. would be better done with water creating ice


this is my second biggest bugbear in the whole series although not enough to stop me enjoying the series imensely


I'd like to point out the glaring chemistry failure of the Aes Sedai - Air does NOT snuff out fire. in fact fire can only burn where there IS air so air is nothing more than Fuel for fire, all air can do is fan the flames not snuff them - Aes sedai caught in a lie - They are ALL Darkfriends.


Unless they are just changing the density of the air, making it so dense that combustion cannot happen in that area.  It has been a while, but I believe that would be consistent with chemistry/physics.


A strong wind can blow out a candle. I don't know the exact physical explanation... Maybe it's a matter of removing the spark with a greater velocity than the combustible material can move with? Something like that?


Wind it not a sentient force it is only mass of air that move because of presure

so lifting or moving someone with weave of air or just gagging someone is much more about telekinesis .


And about lifting yourself up how do you explain when rand make stair with air and fire if I recall correctly .

In fact to fly you could use the one power you make a shield of solid air under your feet and all around yourself (velocity will smash your body if not ) and you produce a good enough propulsion ender the shield and off you go(using the shield as a rudder ) .

There are plenty of way you could use the one power with the knowledge of physic law but in itself it is not at all bound by it .

Don't forget the people in the third age as no understanding of atom saying air an making it seam alike wind is not accurate .


I'm not sure that would work. RJ said flying wasn't possible. If you make a shield out of Air, then you'd have to "disengage" it + propel yourself with winds blowing on a sail or something. That would be too much in the description of what it means to be "flying". So I think it's most likely impossible to "disengage" it once you step up on it.


(That's just my belief. You could be right, of course.  :D )


I'd like to point out the glaring chemistry failure of the Aes Sedai - Air does NOT snuff out fire. in fact fire can only burn where there IS air so air is nothing more than Fuel for fire, all air can do is fan the flames not snuff them - Aes sedai caught in a lie - They are ALL Darkfriends.


Yeah, so you can snuff the Fire by pulling Air out of the fire proximity. I suppose you can make Air go out of a specific area, preventing more O2 to fuel the fire. Or decrese drastically the amount of O2 in the Air. The Fire won't stand long so.


again massive physics failure ;) if you pull air OUT of an area you would (by the laws of air pressure) Suck fresh unburnt air into the area which would in fact feed the flames.


I was thinking about an underpressurized area. But risky, because if you release the "box" of air that contains it too early, the fire will burst out.


a little petty I admit but still true - I admit you need a certain level of suspension of disbelief dealing with Magic however - walls of air to block ears and tie people up for a start - again these leave me baffled how do you block someones ears with air? if you've made it solid as you would to hold someone sound would travel through it more easily (greater density) if you stopped the molecular vibrations completely to stop sound travelling there would be so little density it couldn't stop anything. would be better done with water creating ice


this is my second biggest bugbear in the whole series although not enough to stop me enjoying the series imensely


I've often been a victim of the lack of temporary suspension of disbelief, but never with WoT...


The gag of Air leaves air go through (or else, the person gagged would suffocate) and it's true that the one for stopping sound don't leave air go through... I suppose they form so high a density that sound can't go through... it should be possible. Something like a window. They stop sounds from outside.


Maybe it's like the Wards? You can make lots and lots of different Wards with lots and lots of specific functions (though not one Ward with too many functions).


Maybe a weave of Air can be made to allow air molecules to move one way but not the other. Breath in through the mouth and out through the nose. Or whatever they choose for a design.


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