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Will Moiraine be


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The reason for termination of the bond can be attributed to Moiraine being transported to an alternate universe. There is no precedent to this event in the WOT world till now. Personally I think that Moiraine will be back with full and perhaps increased powers.

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Moiraine's been in that alternate space before without her bond with Lan getting touched.


yes but last time the portal didnt get destroyed (the one in tear)


I dont see what she could do unsevered that she couldnt do severed. She doesnt serve any purpose as an aes sedai any more, she is Rands friend/mother figure/someone he cares deeply about. She will help him emotionaly and/or with information she picked up before or during finland. Not to be an aes sedai hater but the organisation in its curent incarnation is pointles and useles to the world. Moiraine is important and awesome because she is  cool+brave+smart and is 100% focused on wining tarmon gaidon and HELPING rand


There's still a connection to the realm via Tower of Ghenjei.



For the connection to work so, the ToG has to be open. But it isn't. You need a bronze knife, and blabla for opening it and then connect the ToG to the Randland's realm. The finnland is a parallel world, so if the connection is shut, no access to it. It's not like the Skimming place, which is a bending of the Pattern, so still connected to it.


There's still a connection to the realm via Tower of Ghenjei.



For the connection to work so, the ToG has to be open. But it isn't. You need a bronze knife, and blabla for opening it and then connect the ToG to the Randland's realm. The finnland is a parallel world, so if the connection is shut, no access to it. It's not like the Skimming place, which is a bending of the Pattern, so still connected to it.

Ok, so what about the other doorway, the one in Tear?


Well if she already walked through that one then it would just be a normal doorway to her at this point.  We don't know if the warder bond just needs any potential connection between worlds to maintain its existence, or if Moiraine can no longer maintain any ties to the normal world at all.


I dont see what she could do unsevered that she couldnt do severed.


Oh, I dunno - save Rand's life some more times? Take some FS off his back again? Participate in a new Sealing? Being a channeler is a very important part of Moiraine's identity - why cripple her?


I mean, that's like saying that Mat could become paralyzed because his main value is as a super-general - and sure enough he could command troops from a litter - as some military geniuses have done iRL.




What kind of "balance" would there be with Thom? Thom is an old geezer and if Moiraine doesn't bond him he won't even be able to enjoy the heightened vitality of a warder.


I dont see what she could do unsevered that she couldnt do severed. She doesnt serve any purpose as an aes sedai any more, she is Rands friend/mother figure/someone he cares deeply about. She will help him emotionaly and/or with information she picked up before or during finland. Not to be an aes sedai hater but the organisation in its curent incarnation is pointles and useles to the world. Moiraine is important and awesome because she is  cool+brave+smart and is 100% focused on wining tarmon gaidon and HELPING rand


And, just possibly, she is Ilyena reborn..


@Lambada and Demiandre: Moiraine got stuck in the Eelfinn's realm, which may be separate from that of the Aelfinns (reached through the Tear g/w). The ToG may be a place where those realms meet, and meet also with Randland, and who knows where else.



Moiraines value to Rand can best be summed up by this quote from Chapter 22 of tFoH


"There were two," Rand told [Amys]. "I... destroyed the other."

Why should he be hesitant just because Moiraine had warned him against Balefire? It was a weapon like any other.


This show perfectly how Moiraine helped restrain the weapon mentality that Rand gets into without her. It shows how her advice is taken to heart. The advice in question was: (tFoH Ch6)

[After Moiraine tells Rand of the consequences of Balefire]

"I can't promise not to use it again Moiraine. You yourself said there are times when it's necessary to do what is forbidden."

"I did not think that you would," she said cooly [...] "But you must be careful."

Compare that with Cadsuane's approach to Balefire (after a similar shadowspawn incident)

(aCoS Ch 36)

Calmly Cadsuane picked her way across to Rand. And slapped his face so hard his head jerked. Min's breath caught in shock. "You will not do that again," Cadsuane said. There was no heat in her voice, just iron. "Do you hear me? Not balefire. Not ever."


That is the value of Moiraine.


@FarShainMael. Hmm.. I always thought they were the same realm. But now I think about it, that has never actually been specifically stated. very interesting possibilities if your theory about ToG is correct.




What kind of "balance" would there be with Thom? Thom is an old geezer and if Moiraine doesn't bond him he won't even be able to enjoy the heightened vitality of a warder.


AS rarely marry because they outlive non-channelers by vast amounts and because the relationship becomes grossly unequal. Since Thom can't channel, the only way they'd be on a reasonably equal man-woman footing would be if Moiraine couldn't, as well.


(Edit: formatting)


@Lambada - in tSR Ch28 there is a reference to the realms [plural] of the Aelfinn and the Eelfinn. From IdealSeek:


Search Results


aelfinn eelfinn realms Search


Your Search: aelfinn eelfinn realms

Matches Found: 1

Entries: 1


The Shadow Rising


Chapter 28


to the realms of the Aelfinn and the Eelfinn


Also, note the markings on the two doorways: wavy lines in Tear, triangles in Rhuidean.




I always thought it would be some nice closure, be a nice turn of events if Moiraine was stilled and Nynaeve was the one to heal her. Obviously though that would not be ideal considering the diminished effectiveness of same-sex healing (something I heartily disagree with btw), but it would kind of bring things full circle I think.

AS rarely marry because they outlive non-channelers by vast amounts and because the relationship becomes grossly unequal.


Moiraine would still outlive Thom by many decades. And she'd be physically in her early 20ies, while Thom is a geezer. I see no equality there.

Relationships are what people make of them. Thom was always able to deal with powerful women, he isn't so insecure and petty that a woman needs to be artificially diminished to have a relationship with him, LOL.

And BTW, how about married Asha'man and Rand and Min? Isn't there the same "gross inequality" there? Must they all burn out now?




The Ashaman generally (at all?) haven't got married after learning to channel. We have seen a few hints that there are some problems with the extant relationships and how they're evolving.

Also the majority of Ashaman are probably still unaware that they will live much much longer than they expected


A middle-aged woman marrying somebody 20-30 years older. People do often enough.

A channeler, who is going to live 250-300 years marrying somebody, who will live 75-80.

That's different. 

Closer to the one somebody takes when they decide to adopt a kitten.

I don't think Thom would have a problem, dealing with it. Moiraine might.

Think Aragorn -Arwen if you like - it's a very cold,hard choice.



Will they all burn out? 

I think one way the whole saga could end, is with the power to channel being removed. Foreshadowed by hints that there are ages when channeling is forgotten and RJ's statement that this is a reflection of our world and time is cyclic. Perhaps whatever Rand will need to do will involve getting rid of OP or suppressing the channeling gene?. 



Thom had a nephew that was born with the spark . . . What if Thom is one of those men that could learn to channel?  Of course, I can't see Thom being too interested in learning (something about teaching an old dog new tricks!).


AS rarely marry because they outlive non-channelers by vast amounts and because the relationship becomes grossly unequal.


Moiraine would still outlive Thom by many decades. And she'd be physically in her early 20ies, while Thom is a geezer. I see no equality there.

Relationships are what people make of them. Thom was always able to deal with powerful women, he isn't so insecure and petty that a woman needs to be artificially diminished to have a relationship with him, LOL.

And BTW, how about married Asha'man and Rand and Min? Isn't there the same "gross inequality" there? Must they all burn out now?


Then again - if Moraine is indeed stilled or burned out, I would imagien her lifespan will get considerably shorter, no?


Honestly, I think AS don't marry for a number of reasons; it could've started out as them not wanting to marry if they bear male children that can channel, Aiel and windfinders don't look on it the same way.  Then as they grew more arrongant and like the shining AS examples we know now it became we dimish the men by our radiance.  Lan didn't seem to have a problem with it, I know Thom wouldn't, Min doesn't and some wives and children of AM won't.  Now that Saidin is clean one impediment is removed and someone, Rand probably, needs to give the AS, including Egwene, several humble pies.


Thom had a nephew that was born with the spark . . . What if Thom is one of those men that could learn to channel?  Of course, I can't see Thom being too interested in learning (something about teaching an old dog new tricks!).


Q: Can Thom channel?

RJ: Absolutely not. I never intended anyone to think he could.

I brought up the hereditary point (i.e. Owyn) but he said just because your parents have a particular gene doesn't mean you'll receive that particular gene. Also he made a point that Owyn was Thom's nephew so therefore not necessarily very similar gene-wise. When I pressed him again on it, he said (I'm quoting) 'There is no way in hell Thom can channel.'





Bummer . . . I think it would have been awesome if he had.


Besides, if one has to have parents who can channel to be born with the ability, where did Egwene get it?  And Rand?  And Alivia (if her parents had been able to channel, she'd never have been born)?  It seems it's a mostly random "gift/ability" endowed by the Creator.


Recessive genes - both parents have a copy.

Neither can channel without being taught.

The child is potentially a sparker - somebody who will spontaneously channel.

Also the physical ability must be backed by a "soul" that has channeling power. The Pattern or GLoD in the case of transmigration will plug such a soul into the right body.




Besides, we don't know, at least I don't, whether Tigriane or Janduin could channel, obviously Janduin wasn't a sparker.  Maryn and Bran might've just been recessive genes but what of Egwene sisters?  In EotW I'm pretty sure it says Egwene and her sisters lived in rooms at the front of the inn, then after that reference egwene we only hear of her.  Is the sisters a mistake or does she actually have some and can they channel.


I think at least one of Eg's sisters is older than her. She has several.

From what I remember, RJ deliberately obfuscated channeling inheritance - it needs both the right genetics and also the right soul. 



I don't think we have any evidence that the reason the bond was broken was the door melted.  However, we do have evidence of the warder bond being broken with death or stilling.  We know she is alive, so we can assume she was stilled.  I don't think even the DO knows that stilling can be cured.  I am not really sure why Cyndane's power is less than Lanfear, though.


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