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Harry Potter Mafia Maddness <Game Over - Congrads Town & Siblings>

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I'm not gonna reveal until absolutely necessary, but if I don't manage to before I'm lynched. My gut feeling's on Krak, Nyn and Som1else. ALl three have provided little reason for their votes other than vague "I agree with you guys" or "My gut feeling/intuition says he's scum." Even after SO many things have been said, there still isnt' any proper reason to vote? I get what Verbal says about Day one randomness. Yes, your initial votes would be random, but after a full day 1 reset and 40 pages on, you still have no idea who to vote for? I'd say either you weren't really paying attention or you KNOW who's not scum and don't really care about who you vote for as long as it's not your teammates.


You seem to think that after 40 pages of a game things should be crystal clear? Personally, I think it's quite the contrary. If nothing else, things are even more mixed up then before, jumping at every word or comment a person makes.... or jumping at someone that says nothing.... or jumping at someone that makes jokes... or jumping at someone that seems to be contradicting himself/herself (when it's possible they just had a change of hearts) and so on. My point is that what I've read so far might have pinged my radar here and there perhaps but I'm far from having anyone figured out.


With that said, I'm not going to let my vote go to waste.... you had my vote on the first day. And you have my vote on the reset of the first day. And that's what I'm going to stick to until I have a better take on things. Call it bad luck, if you want. But that's the way it is.


Upon what you said, though... It seems very conveniant to me that your list of suspicious people consists of two that voted for you and, to mix it up, a person that isn't even posting in the game much, if at all. And your quotes of Som1 might show that he indeed hasn't contributed much to the game.... but I'd be more inclined to find it suspicious if it wasn't coming from the one person that has the majority of votes right now. And, his vote for you came after Wombat's explenation of why he thinks you're scum. So now being convinced by another person that they're on to someone scummy makes them suspicious? Because if that's your rational then I have done nothing wrong by sticking to the vote I've made from the start and not letting anyone sway me away from it :P  


So, to conclude, no accusation so far has convinced me to change my vote and so, yes, I am going to stick to my initial instinct. If it's wrong, then at least on the second day I'll feel like I have more to go on when I cast my vote. So, if you don't find my choice and the reason behind it valid.... tough. ;)






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Aha.  I didn't quite grasp that one until just now but I thought you were trying to tell us something.


But Som1, why won't you say anything in your defense against all these votes building up on you?  Even if you're on the side of the good guys, you're acting more like scum and a character name isn't going to keep you in the game if you're not helping the town at all.


I'm kind of torn, I'm not sure who I really want to vote for.  Boopsy hinting at revealing a character/role didn't really do much for me, mafia can say "well if you guys insist on trying to lynch me I'll be forced to reveal my role" in hopes that people will back off because "Oh, he must be a good guy then, and we don't need unnecessary reveals out there."


(also, Boopsy did that in the last game I played with him a while back, kept threatening to claim, all the way up until he was lynched, and turned out mafia, so I can't help thinking of that :P)


I might just go with Som1 because he's active but not helpful, but I actually feel that there's more chance of Boopsy being scum than Som1.


Yesterday I would've voted for Daruya, but this close to the deadline, with no votes on her, that's not a good idea.


Okay, internal debate over, I think there's more to go on with [glow=red,2,300]Boopsy[/glow] at this point, and more chance of him being scum.


**edit new**

Ah, yes, Nyn's point about being convinced by someone else's argument reminded me of something that bothers me--when people say "Posting saying you agree with so-and-so's reasoning is scummy."  Especially in a game this large, odds are, somebody else is going to state exactly what you're thinking, and in a better way than you yourself could have done.  And if that's the case, then what are you supposed to do?  Ramble on about how you think such and such, when someone else has already said just that?  Granted, you could phrase it better than "I agree with Bob, so let me vote Susie." But even saying "Bob, I couldn't have said it better myself. Vote Susie," is essentially saying the same thing.


Anyway, that's just a pet peeve of mine, I've gotten blasted for "just going along with what other people have said" and "not thinking for myself," even though I honestly couldn't think of anything to add that hadn't been said already.

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Elli please be nice.  Day 1 usually is like this, minus the reset part anyways ;)


Deadline T - 5 hrs and counting!!



Wed, June 2nd @ 2pm CST; 38 alive, 20 to lynch


Vote Count

Boopsy(8 ): Aemon, Nyn, Tayla, Jeran, Verbal, Wombat, Som1, Meesh

Som1(5): Elli, Boopsy, Pete, Mynd, Amadine

Wombat(2): Ausr, Adella

Thorum (1): Taei

Lia(1): Thorum

Adella(1): Alanna

Rojano(1): Pankhuri


no vote (19): Bela, Mottlee, Marta, Krak, Daruya, Lia, Nae, Tigs, Pookie, Player, Dah'mir, Wolfie, Locke, Charis, Blig Blog, Danya, Rose, Rojano Crusher, Koujin, Summer





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Som1 is scum. He has contributed NOTHING for the past 10 pages since the vote reset(As far as I bothered to re-read and check) except for random silliness and repeating what people have said. His vote follows Wombat's allegations that I try to look good. Well I AM good. And while I see where Wombat is coming from, I think Som1's just agreeing because he KNOWS I am not Mafia and just wants to hop on the bandwagon. Here are his posts since the vote reset.


umm... I think it's been established hes not a miller, also time wasnt frozen that was mynd he got stupified and someone used a time turner to reset day one.


also can people explain what is scummy about boopsy, i havent been paying paricular attention to him and dont want to have to read X number of pages to find out


Also, Som1, I thought it had been established that Thorum IS a miller?

i wasnt paying attention as i typed and relised my mistake as soon as i loged off


In other words - yes, Aberforth definitely has a thing for goats. He and his sister would feed them and his patronus is also a goat.

and according to rowling he liked their horns (if you know what i mean)




what odes PAFO mean? Pablos Awesome Foam Oreos?


has anyone here noticed that dumbledore has a Griffen Door Knocker


the gargoyle gaurds the stairs to his door, the door has the knocker


yep thats right, can anyone tell me when nearly headless nick died without cheating, DD/MM/YYYY

I won 20$ from someone cause i could pull this of the top of my head


And of coz... the CONCLUSION of all his useless trivia... culminating in a vote for me.


*agrees* boopsy


Vote [glow=red,2,300]Som1else[/glow].


I'm not gonna reveal until absolutely necessary, but if I don't manage to before I'm lynched. My gut feeling's on Krak, Nyn and Som1else. ALl three have provided little reason for their votes other than vague "I agree with you guys" or "My gut feeling/intuition says he's scum." Even after SO many things have been said, there still isnt' any proper reason to vote? I get what Verbal says about Day one randomness. Yes, your initial votes would be random, but after a full day 1 reset and 40 pages on, you still have no idea who to vote for? I'd say either you weren't really paying attention or you KNOW who's not scum and don't really care about who you vote for as long as it's not your teammates.


I haven't read past this post yet, but had to stop here and say something.  This is, in my opinion, the best post of the game so far.  If you're scum, Boopsy, this was sneaky good.


Ok, back to catching up.

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Deadline T - 3 & 1/2 hrs and counting!!



Wed, June 2nd @ 2pm CST; 38 alive, 20 to lynch


Vote Count

Boopsy(10): Aemon, Nyn, Tayla, Jeran, Verbal, Wombat, Som1, Meesh, Dah, Nae

Som1(5): Elli, Boopsy, Pete, Mynd, Amadine

Wombat(2): Ausr, Adella

Thorum (1): Taei

Lia(1): Thorum

Adella(1): Alanna

Rojano(1): Pankhuri


no vote (17): Bela, Mottlee, Marta, Krak, Daruya, Lia, Tigs, Pookie, Player, Wolfie, Locke, Charis, Blig Blog, Danya, Rose, Rojano Crusher, Koujin, Summer





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I think I'm just gonna comment on stuff as I read it until I'm caught up.


I am so confused right now lol. So the day was reversed. Now we can re-submit our day actions if we have any. Can anybody recap for me?


No.  If you're town, do you want the mafia to give you a recap?  If you're mafia, then you don't need one.  Either way, please don't ask -- do it yourself.

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If you don't think Boopsy is scum, why are you wasting your vote on Thorum?  He's not going to get lynched today - he only has 2 votes now.  Boopsy has 10, with only 3 hours left.



Fwiw....[glow=red,2,300] Boopsie[/glow].  Majorly defensive, still trying to pull the confusion act, (we know better by now)


Something isn't sitting right with me regarding you, Nae.  I think I'll have to keep my eye on you...


*plucks out his left eye and sticks it to Nae*



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Marta- After everything we went through on Day 1.0, trhat vote has to be the scummiest thing I have yet seen. The only reason I don't change my vote to you is because of the deadline.


Verb- You say this is the best post of the game, but I see it as a clear scum move for this reason:


[quote author=Wayward_fool link=topic=58099.msg1694775#msg1694775 date=1275436909

I'm not gonna reveal until absolutely necessary, but if I don't manage to before I'm lynched. My gut feeling's on Krak, Nyn and Som1else. ALl three have provided little reason for their votes other than vague "I agree with you guys" or "My gut feeling/intuition says he's scum." Even after SO many things have been said, there still isnt' any proper reason to vote? I get what Verbal says about Day one randomness. Yes, your initial votes would be random, but after a full day 1 reset and 40 pages on, you still have no idea who to vote for? I'd say either you weren't really paying attention or you KNOW who's not scum and don't really care about who you vote for as long as it's not your teammates.


He comes out saying he has a gut feeling and then claims that these three people are scum for voting because they have a gut feeling. That's just scummy.

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If you don't think Boopsy is scum, why are you wasting your vote on Thorum?  He's not going to get lynched today - he only has 2 votes now.  Boopsy has 10, with only 3 hours left.



Fwiw....[glow=red,2,300] Boopsie[/glow].  Majorly defensive, still trying to pull the confusion act, (we know better by now)


Something isn't sitting right with me regarding you, Nae.  I think I'll have to keep my eye on you...


*plucks out his left eye and sticks it to Nae*




*takes verbs eye off my chest (where else do you think he'd put it) and eats it*

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Somehow that got screwed up. Let me fix it.


Marta- After everything we went through on Day 1.0, trhat vote has to be the scummiest thing I have yet seen. The only reason I don't change my vote to you is because of the deadline.


Verb- You say this is the best post of the game, but I see it as a clear scum move for this reason:


I'm not gonna reveal until absolutely necessary, but if I don't manage to before I'm lynched. My gut feeling's on Krak, Nyn and Som1else. ALl three have provided little reason for their votes other than vague "I agree with you guys" or "My gut feeling/intuition says he's scum." Even after SO many things have been said, there still isnt' any proper reason to vote? I get what Verbal says about Day one randomness. Yes, your initial votes would be random, but after a full day 1 reset and 40 pages on, you still have no idea who to vote for? I'd say either you weren't really paying attention or you KNOW who's not scum and don't really care about who you vote for as long as it's not your teammates.


He comes out saying he has a gut feeling and then claims that these three people are scum for voting because they have a gut feeling. That's just scummy.




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Marta- After everything we went through on Day 1.0, trhat vote has to be the scummiest thing I have yet seen. The only reason I don't change my vote to you is because of the deadline.


Someone will die anyway.




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Deadline T - 2 & 1/2 hrs and the tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife!!



Wed, June 2nd @ 2pm CST; 38 alive, 20 to lynch


Vote Count

Boopsy(10): Aemon, Nyn, Tayla, Jeran, Verbal, Wombat, Som1, Meesh, Dah, Nae

Som1(5): Elli, Boopsy, Pete, Mynd, Amadine

Wombat(2): Ausr, Adella

Thorum (1): Taei

Marta(1): Thorum

Adella(1): Alanna

Rojano(1): Pankhuri

Thorum(1): Marta


no vote (16): Bela, Mottlee, Krak, Daruya, Lia, Tigs, Pookie, Player, Wolfie, Locke, Charis, Blig Blog, Danya, Rose, Rojano Crusher, Koujin, Summer





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For some reason, this game makes my brain fail terribly. The things that stand out is Mynd, as usual I guess. What I think is strange tho, is that if people were set on lynching him at the end of day one when time were reset, what made everyone change their minds? And now people are set on Boopsy? I can see what makes him attractive for lynching tho.

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Somehow that got screwed up. Let me fix it.


Marta- After everything we went through on Day 1.0, trhat vote has to be the scummiest thing I have yet seen. The only reason I don't change my vote to you is because of the deadline.


Verb- You say this is the best post of the game, but I see it as a clear scum move for this reason:


I'm not gonna reveal until absolutely necessary, but if I don't manage to before I'm lynched. My gut feeling's on Krak, Nyn and Som1else. ALl three have provided little reason for their votes other than vague "I agree with you guys" or "My gut feeling/intuition says he's scum." Even after SO many things have been said, there still isnt' any proper reason to vote? I get what Verbal says about Day one randomness. Yes, your initial votes would be random, but after a full day 1 reset and 40 pages on, you still have no idea who to vote for? I'd say either you weren't really paying attention or you KNOW who's not scum and don't really care about who you vote for as long as it's not your teammates.


He comes out saying he has a gut feeling and then claims that these three people are scum for voting because they have a gut feeling. That's just scummy.





I don't disagree with you, Aemon.  Actually, I think you might be right, and that's why I tossed that last sentence in my post....and also why I didn't unvote him.  ;)

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For some reason, this game makes my brain fail terribly. The things that stand out is Mynd, as usual I guess. What I think is strange tho, is that if people were set on lynching him at the end of day one when time were reset, what made everyone change their minds? And now people are set on Boopsy? I can see what makes him attractive for lynching tho.


I think when day was reset and Mynd came back full force, people didn't want to up against him so much. But also because of his saying he was frozen and then the lynched really went quickly on him. They maybe realised their mistake or weren't too sure of themselves to go up against him after they had frozen him. Easy to go after a person who can't answer back, especially someone like mynd ;)


Boopsy, Well I've given my reason. Others have their own reason.

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40 mins until the Hammer Falls



Wed, June 2nd @ 2pm CST; 38 alive, 20 to lynch


Vote Count

Boopsy(11): Aemon, Nyn, Tayla, Jeran, Verbal, Wombat, Som1, Meesh, Dah, Nae, Crusher

Som1(5): Elli, Boopsy, Pete, Mynd, Amadine

Wombat(2): Ausr, Adella

Thorum (2): Taei, Marta

Marta(1): Thorum

Adella(1): Alanna

Rojano(1): Pankhuri


no vote (15): Bela, Mottlee, Krak, Daruya, Lia, Tigs, Pookie, Player, Wolfie, Locke, Charis, Blig Blog, Danya, Rose, Rojano Koujin, Summer






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