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What do you think of.....


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This is some game thing we used to play once in awhile on the offboards of SG when we had them.  Lists all of the sg members and you get to say what you think of them.  I know we are an evil group but don't be overly mean with this.. its more like Joe: he's great at mafia, Sue: she's the coolest dreadie i know!, Bob: I don't know bob but hes in SG so that's gotta count for something right?  Evil people like their ego stroked too yanno. ;)  Here is the list of members taken from the points page... have fun!






Ashaman de Rouge












Far Dareis Mai

















Lord of 13 











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Guest dragonsworn1991

This is some game thing we used to play once in awhile on the offboards of SG when we had them.  Lists all of the sg members and you get to say what you think of them.  I know we are an evil group but don't be overly mean with this.. its more like Joe: he's great at mafia, Sue: she's the coolest dreadie i know!, Bob: I don't know bob but hes in SG so that's gotta count for something right?  Evil people like their ego stroked too yanno. ;)  Here is the list of members taken from the points page... have fun!






Ashaman de Rouge












Far Dareis Mai

















Lord of 13   












I think that is a little better

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cosmicpanda - is awesome!  One of the best leaders SG has ever seen.  I'm not partial though.

Naeann- that's me!

Verbal32- One of the funniest people I've ever met.  I was one of his first friends on here and he finally honored me with a bond right here in Shayol ghul.  :D 

Moghedian - she's a good kid.  She is the organization behind the scenes.  I could never keep up with all the points stuff but she does great at it.

Ashaman de Rouge- is very sad he had to leave.  His blog was hilarous and we worked well together.

Dragonsworn1991 - Pete has a big heart.

ed2funy - He is a goon but he's a good guy.

Alaksuleiel- she is taking the wrong side in the raid but she's the only other active black ajah woman... :P

Barmacral - What can I say?  He's ... um.... Barm.  Sometimes he is funny.

Kivam - I want to be Kivam when I grow up. :P

Canukistani - She is evil personified. :D

Twitch - He is pretty and he has puppies.

Nynaeve - She is pretty and she has puppies?

Gerrendus - Oldbie who pops in once in a blue moon

TheMasterDude - same.  I remember he cookpotted me. :P *shrugs*

Talya - too busy with those black tower peeps to grace us with her presence much.

Far Dareis Mai- miss her! 

Haxorsist- Didn't I already talk about Barm? Oh, right.. Hax amuses me.

Ubel - my first SG ORG leader.. she was pretty cool.

Raeyn- don't really know her that well.

Raijin- needs to come around more.

Edielin- she is well worded.. or just pompous.. I haven't decided yet.

Liathiana- needs to come around more.

- ChronocrosS - has an interesting way of handing out his points...

- Demigod - miss him.

- Poledra- hasn't been around in ages

claireducky- is too busy with those white tower peoples.

Liitha- likes to torture people with singing and she falls asleep while talking to people on skype.

DaeDracos- who?

WWWwombat - he is scary in mafia.  he always picks on me.

Emperor - she is pretty and she has puppies.

LilyElizabeth - bigger flirt than her baby sister.. she is devious at mafia.

Aust - this dude is funny!  He will give everyone a run for their money on next year's empys. Im glad hes come out of his shell more.

Eclipse0- needs to come around more

Jelly - ditto

BadCompany - ditto again

Aemonkristen - had an awesome mafia game.

Krakalackachkn- kraks alot of chickens.  *shrugs* 

mcs0083 - not around enough.

Mmeeshal- she disappeared on us

Ellianora- ditto?

Damane - don't really know her enough.

Wes - my mafia hero.  *nabs*  He's all mine!  The compulsion worked!

Chillimous - needs to come back!  I miss my lil mous!

Carwyn- she needs to come back too... GNOME!

Jadira - never seen her here

Tynaal - likewise

The Winds of Time- where did he go?

Elmindreda - hasn't been around in ages

Lord of 13 - don't know him well yet but i think he will fit in nicely

LedZepMan  - kinda disappeared too

Tigraine - same

Amadine  - who is this person?  jk jk... Ama is too nice for SG. :P be meaner!

dapianoplay3r  - only know him from mafia games

Adella - is dating ed.  BRAVE woman!

DSage- needs to come back

Pale Merlot- likewise

Reyoru- i think he recently came back.. hes a cool guy

Locke- good kid

Som1else- loves the greyman tasks :P

BalefireP - don't know him that well

Zashara - she joined?

Matrimix - been gone forever

Talmanes- he joined?

Eqwina - who?

Blig Blog - he disappears alot

Azael - who

anoxanamore - she joined?

Silver- he joined?

ConQuest and a big WHO? on all the rest....





Jhor Syr

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cosmicpanda - Awesomely adorable Panda bear who was a good sport to me. Takes to long at the Salon though >.>

Naeann - NAE!!!!!!!!! :o Um... she is Nae.. need I say more? *arches an eye brow*

Verbal32  - Verby! Um... Angelina is to Verb what chocolate cake is to a fat kid >.>

Moghedian  - Moggy, don't know much about her other than she seems a sharp and  witty person.

Ashaman de Rouge - >.> He was always nice and polite to me.

Dragonsworn1991 - That's what she said. ::) This kid is one of the most talented poets and writers I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and loving.

ed2funy - Brat Monkey Child. :D

Alaksuleiel - EL! *licks*

Barmacral - Barm! Has always been helpful when ever he can be.

Kivam - Haven't ever really talked to him but seems not bad at all.

Canukistani - Jesus? ???

Twitch  - Seems funny as hell!

Nynaeve - Nyn has some of the funniest and most random conversations. EVAR.

Gerrendus - Eh.. "Meh?"

TheMasterDude - This kid right here is a brat :p just kidding, he is really hard working. :)

Talya - OMG I love this woman!!!! 'nough Said. <3

Far Dareis Mai - Far is an awesome and hard working woman and a good example for us all.

Haxorsist - Hax... Umm.. FISH! >.>

Ubel - I got nothin'. :(

Raeyn - Ehhh.. Same..

Raijin - Raijin is red. *nods* Like an apple! :D

Edielin - I don't know them sadly

Liathiana - LIA! *pinches* Cooky lady with books

- ChronocrosS - I know he is a gamer and seems to really know his stuff, and that is AWESOME!

- Demigod - I have seen some of his old posts, This man is FUNNY

- Poledra - haven't seen them before :(

claireducky - MOTHER DUCKER! She is amusing as hell on Meds. :D

Liitha - She seems like a really cool woman trying her hardest in life.

DaeDracos - :\ Don't know them

WWWwombat - Jester. >_>

Emperor - Empy is a cooky old crotchety ;D

LilyElizabeth - She is wearing panties this time right? :D

Aust - "It's Limi" :P He is cool and down to earth.

Eclipse0 - Don't know much about him...

Jelly - She is an awesome siggy artist!

BadCompany - Heh... It's BadCo, need I say more? ^^

Aemonkristen - You always make me laugh, I still remember the first time we met cause he named his butt cheek Aemon and Kristen and put stickers on them ;D

Krakalackachkn - Krak is Wack. ^^ Seems to have a funny sense of humor and fit in well here while working hard around the Site for all.

mcs0083 - MCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He needs to get on more >_>

Mmeeshal - Meesh = Squirrel :D She is a kindly woman and very nice

Ellianora - Elli!!! She is a lightie and another awesome Brit!

Damane - I don't know them I am afraid..

Wes - DRP :o I LOVE his username SOOO much! It makes me stab happy.

Chillimous  - Chili and shoe polish...aannndd... that is pretty much all I know. ^^

Carwyn - Don't know them sadly.

Jadira - Nor this person

Tynaal  - Ty. ^^ Has a playful and energetic attitude

The Winds of Time - I do not know this person. ^^

Elmindreda - Nor her... wait.. it IS a her right? right?!

Lord of 13 - 13 my my my... what to say about 13... Um.. Heh.. He is fun to taunt ;D

LedZepMan - He is a SEXY dinosaur. *nods*  

Tigraine  - Tigs is freaking funny (Doesn't care what Eddie says) and a strong woman who has been through a lot and still keeps going.

Amadine  - Ama is an AUSSIE! And hotter than a BBQ :D *hides from Adella because of the pun*

dapianoplay3r - Player is an amazing writer and really talented in poetry

Adella - Psh... this girl is freaking nuts...Seriously.. She is crazy *nods*

DSage - A legend among spammmers and in Fiddles no?

Pale Merlot - PALE! He should get on more often.. >.>

Reyoru - Rey should visit Alaska. ;D

Locke - Locke is one of the nicest people I know and is always randomly cooky

Som1else - He is still alive :o

BalefireP  - Bale is an odd cooky for sure. ^^ but seems cool

Zashara - I don't know them at all :(

Matrimix - Nor him

Talmanes - TALNIKO!! :o He is so mature for his age and always has so deep insight into thing.

Eqwina  - Don't know them

Blig Blog - Spam and tea cups :D

Azael - Don't know them >.>

anoxanamore - Anox

Silver - I don't know them :\

ConQuest - QUESTY! Doesn't live here any more *cries*

CraftStPaul  - Don't know thems

Alyria - Nor thems

Questor  - Nope

Forgemage - Not uh

Jhor Syr - zilch



Alrighty This is all I gots. ^^ Just wrote the firt thing that came to mind so that is was honest. >.>



EDIT: >_> I am not going to undo what I just typed out...

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cosmicpanda - a musician, a charismatic good leader, and a sense of humor dryer than an expensive martini - what more could you ask for?

Naeann - OctaNae! What can I say? Nae was one of the first to befriend me when I arrived, and I have a good amount of respect for (and some healthy fear of) her!!!!

Verbal32 - Funny-guy extraordinaire! It's a pleasure to serve.

Moghedian - My goal is to be one of the few who have managed to rile her up! Super nice.

Ashaman de Rouge - did not know well, but admired him

Dragonsworn1991 - Pete is everything his reputation says he is, and more! All-round good guy.

ed2funy - Ed is one of those rare people who can maintain the comic relief of a place without ever running out of steam!

Alaksuleiel - I think she greeted me when I arrived?

Barmacral - A fellow Canadian!

Kivam - reminds me of my lawyer friends (go figure!)

Canukistani - Another Canadian, she'll rip your head off in WoW while she tells you about her latest sexcapade... frightening woman!

Twitch - I've never met, although he is the subject of a GMT, and therefore a legend in my mind!

Nynaeve - just exudes cool - don't know her very well, but strangely quite like her!

Gerrendus - One of the 'old-timers' I believe.

TheMasterDude - TMD is just plain out cool, and the master of tunes!!!

Talya - Another one who is just great. You should really try her brownies!

Far Dareis Mai - I'll always remember my Ode to her!

Haxorsist - Has some good one-liners.

Raeyn - never met

Raijin - don't know

Edielin - not sure if I know her?

Liathiana - formidable in mafia!

ChronocrosS - Great sense of humor, he was my first DO.

claireducky - I will always remember the grammar lesson she taught Ed - classic!

Liitha - I've just seen her a few times.

WWWwombat - Wombat impresses me with how articulate he can be. Very unpredictable in mafia!

LilyElizabeth - I hear violins when I think of Lily.

Aust - Unhinged.

Jelly - has very beautiful sigs.

Aemonkristen - My mafia arch-nemesis! Very good mod, great humor, and older than me.

Krakalackachkn - Krak cracks me up, plain and simple! He has good avatars too - you can't beat Calvin!

Mmeeshal - Incredibly nice.

Wes - My mafia idol.

Lord of 13 - Math wiz. 

Tigraine - Who doesn't love Tigraine?

Amadine - Who doesn't love Amadine?

dapianoplay3r - great forum name! Piano = win.

Adella - I've seen her hold her own in a variety of situations! Impressive woman.

Reyoru - Rey seems quite bright.

Locke - Locke I think is one of the most interesting people on these boards! And he read my story in the blight!

Som1else - I think I'm talking about someone else here?

BalefireP - Raw untamed enthusiasm.

Talmanes - Quite congenial - haven't seen him around lately? TALMANES WHERE ARE YOU?

Limi - Limi made my first signature, and so I'm eternally grateful! (once I finally figured out her name lol )

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  • Club Leader

Nae, this is a great idea!



 cosmicpanda - I met Pandy when he was the mod of my very first mafia game. He is awesome! The more I know him, the more I like!

Naeann - We butt heads a lot, but I love her to death! We're too much alike, you know.

Verbal32 - The little ewok? Liked him the minute I met him and it's only gotten better over time.

Moghedian - REALLY want to get to know her better!

Ashaman de Rouge - Will miss him a lot!

Dragonsworn1991 - Is there anybody who DOESN'T know how I feel about my bro? If so, where ya been?  ;D

ed2funy - A really, really good friend.

Alaksuleiel - Ell is awesome! Want to get to know her better.

Barmacral - Funny, I still don't know him all that well.

Kivam - One of the nicest people I've ever met. (Spoiled your image, didn't I, big guy?)

Canukistani - Sorry she's not around so much anymore. Didn't really get to know her.

Twitch - Where are you, anyway? How's a girl supposed to get to know you? He's SS - must be cool!

Nynaeve - First thing that comes to mind - I envy her cleavage!  ;)

Gerrendus - Don't really know him - yet!

TheMasterDude - ditto

Talya - Awesome lady! Funny, too.

Far Dareis Mai - *sobs* She'll be missed by everybody. I still get to give her game gifts on FB, but that's all I see her anymore.

Haxorsist - Wicked sense of humor!



Edielin - Don't know very well yet

Liathiana - Don't see her much outside of mafia, where she's a great player.

ChronocrosS - Don't know very well yet

claireducky - She rocks, when you can get her out of her tower. She rocks IN her tower, too...

Liitha - Really nice and helpful too

WWWwombat - A little on the crazy side, but who among us isn't?

LilyElizabeth - She has a cool sister.  :P

Aust - More there than meets the eye  ;) Get to know him.

Jelly - Want to get to know her better

Aemonkristen - Sexy bugger! Have you SEEN his pics?

Krakalackachkn - Cool guy who I don't know very well yet

Mmeeshal - Nice little squirrel

Wes - Getting to know him better. He's pretty amazing, but he hides it well.  :P

Lord of 13 - Really cool dude

Tigraine - Really sweet. Wish she had more time

Amadine  - My favorite Aussie! She rocks!

dapianoplay3r - Nice guy. Don't know him too well, yet.

Adella - Too much like me. Watch her!

Reyoru - Brilliant! And one of my favorite people.

Locke - Don't know him very well yet.

Som1else - ditto

BalefireP  - ditto

Talmanes - Getting to know him. He seems pretty cool

Limi - Also too much like me. Also bears watching....


There's only a couple on the list who I haven't seen around at all.


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cosmicpanda - Who doesn't love Pandy? You've gotta love his Kiwi ways

Naeann - a fabulous young woman  :-*

Verbal32 - he's a little rough around the edges, but he's cool

Moghedian - Awesome person, needs to stop stealing my spears (I have begun wondering where she keeps putting them >.>)

Ashaman de Rouge - A fellow LFC fan, we'll never walk alone

Dragonsworn1991 - Good ol' Pete and his mafia ways, he's a good friend

ed2funy - master of spam and highly amusing (sometimes >.>)


Barmacral - for some reasons thinks he is mighty sexy. While I can't comment there, he's a helpful mod when you need him

Kivam - I don't really know him, except for his mafia reputation



Nynaeve - This one belongs to me  ;D


TheMasterDude - Macho man

Talya - complete legend!  :D

Far Dareis Mai









WWWwombat - He's into Shakespeare, must be a good thing  ;)

LilyElizabeth - Hehe, what is there to say except that she is superb?  :D (Well, you could say she is mafia too  :P)

Aust - Has a wide vocabulary, would be great to get to know them

Jelly - Master of sig making



Mmeeshal - Really nice person is the squirrely sith

Wes - [glow=red,2,300]Vote Wes[/glow]

Lord of 13 

Tigraine - One of my BT homies  :)


dapianoplay3r - A poet is there ever was one

Adella - Very charming, glad to have met her

Locke - Nice guy, a contender for spammer of the year




Limi - Alaskan.  ;D


For all the rest who I've left blank, I don't know you yet, but undoubtedly soon will  ;) *stabs*

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Guest dragonsworn1991


  cosmicpanda - Laid back, fun to talk to, and even more fun to cook.  :D

Naeann - She makes the best Martha goods

Verbal32  - Angelina, Angelina, where for art thou Angelina

Moghedian - La Pink Menace

Ashaman de Rouge - Gone like a freight train

Dragonsworn1991 - MEEEEEEEEE

ed2funy - CHUCK NORRIS

Alaksuleiel - Chill and awesome

Barmacral - Strict and fun

Kivam - Manipulative SOB

Canukistani - I was under her for a while  :D

Twitch  - Shmexy

Nynaeve - Exceptionally funny

Gerrendus - Wish he would post more

TheMasterDude - That dude is a master

Talya - Lady BT, she is kind and caring and helps people when they are down

Far Dareis Mai - One of the best org leaders ever

Haxorsist - NORWAYYYYY

Raeyn - I don't know her that well

Raijin - Red friend, and an adorable princess


Liathiana - Chocolate queen

ChronocrosS - Has a fish hat

claireducky - Insanely brilliant

Liitha - Reserved and cool

WWWwombat - Obnoxiously funny  :D

LilyElizabeth - I entered into a mind trap with her, that should speak volumes

Aust - Is amazingly witty, and he is an easy going guy who is fun to talk to

Jelly - Almost to nice

Aemonkristen - Doesn't like non voters  :P

Krakalackachkn - Helpful and funny

Mmeeshal - That's one squirly gal

Wes - Should I drink the Wine in front of me

Lord of 13 - Best soul reaper this side of the Mississippi

Tigraine - Needs to fill her prescription for LynchMe

Amadine - Versatile, and a really strong woman

dapianoplay3r - Is a Kiwi  :)

Adella - Really crazy and fun, and almost illegal in 26 states

Reyoru - Wants to help people, and he will be amazing at whatever he sets his mind to

Locke - Always optomistic

Som1else - No he isn't that person you met in the mall he is some1else entirely

BalefireP - Spamtastic

Talmanes - Wise beyond his years, and has some pretty amazing life lessons

Limi - Mirror, Mirror on the wall...

Wolfie - Very advanced and resilient

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  • 2 weeks later...



So I'm thinking about my future, start thinking about my dream house. Gosh, can’t wait. Everybody’s got a dream house. The house of your dreams. You lay in bed, you dream about it. All the fascinating items you’ll have one day, and it can be anything you want, dreamers. Anything. Maybe instead of hallways, you want canals that you swim down. Maybe at the bottom of your cereal bowls you want mirrors so you can say hello to yourself after you drink the milk. “Hello, me.” Dream it, you f****g dreamers. It’s your dream house. Maybe you flush the toilet, the toilet goes, “Thanks for sh****g in me. I enjoyed your s**t.” Why not? It’s your house. I have my dream house, and here it is right here. I’ve always wanted a mystery house ever since I’ve been young. I’m gonna have it some day too. If i’m having a party, i want that giant bookshelf that i can go up to, and when no one’s looking, i pull the big green book. All of a sudden, i’m in a lab with bunson burners going. Elixirs and schematics. I don’t even know what schematics are, but i want them back there cause i know schematics belong in labs. I even love that creak. I’m not even gonna WD-40 the sound out. I want the ambiance. Little secret hallways that you have to run around like this. You never make secret hallways normal height so its convenient. They always have to be almost uncomfortable like, “why the f**k did i build them like this?” Where’s my lab? Oh, i’ve always wanted to be able to look through pictures’ eyes. I can’t wait to have the pictures with eyes so i can look out through. “Are they really enjoying my party?” and hope that no one is standing in front of the picture going, “its a horse with an equestrian, but it looks like Al Jenn’s eyes.” “OW!” “I just poked the horse’s eyes and it sounded like Al Jenn getting poked in the eye.” “AHH!” “Wouldn’t you say its almost like Al Jenn’s behind there looking through the horse’s eyes.” “AHH! Why am i still looking?!” “See? Al Jenn!” In my mystery house, i don’t want guards, i don’t want 911 or alarms. I want trap doors that i will own and operate. And here’s the thing: I don’t have the trap doors. I don’t even have the house yet, but i’m already excited at the possiblility of a bandit coming into my home to steal – i get goosebumps. Look at this!- thinking about a bandit stealing so i can use my trap god-damn doors. I think i would be so excited that i would leave a path of expensive gadgets just strewn about in the street up into my house just to coax a bandit up inside. I would hide behind the pictures’ eyes, and wait. With my schematics. I don’t think i could even wait to be robbed. I think i would have to use my trap doors on family, friends, loved ones. I’d be too exicted. My girlfriend would be like, “you said you washed theses dishes a week ago and they’re starting to stink.” “Actually what i said was –--“ “AHH!” “Yes. Now you’re in a swamp three miles away. Hahaha.” That’s right. I gotta have a swamp too. Gotta have a swamp. Either a swamp, or a marsh full of marshmallows. MARSHmallows. That would be kind of funny too. Cause you’d be pissed about the trap door, but if you land in marshmallows, you’d have to kind of be like, “Oh god. I landed in marshmallows. How mad can I be?”


*I pull the my lever as Aust walks up and he falls down my trap door into my marsh of marshmallows. I look down at him and laugh and realize looking down that the stay puft marshmallow man didn't deliver the marshmallows. I shrug and walk away*


Stupid Ghost Busters...

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