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Congrats to.......


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Pete and Lily.. they have proven themselves worthy of the Cour'souvra bond.  You will hearby be soul bound to each other for eternity.  There is no backing out of this bond.


*stabs both heartily* ;D


Oh for God's sake Ed, what the hell is a 'hugstab'? PLEASE tell me this is not going to be the start of another one of your parades of insipid spam-filled posts composed almost entirely of nonsensical emotes that probably don't even come close to depicting how disorganized your affective regulation really is. I mean seriously, what were you “Chosen” for? Infecting threads with a virulence comparable only to that of the Ebola virus? Actually no – comparing you to the Ebola virus is a disservice to viruses everywhere, because they at least show a potential for evolution whereas you continue with the same idiocy in post after post no matter how many times you're smacked down. Even the most unsophisticated prokaryotic bacterium has a better creative flair than you! Weep. Weep for the single celled organisms living in your sinus mucus that die as you gouge them out of the rain forest that is your nasal passage, knowing that they would have contributed more intellectual stimulation to the universe than you. You can't even post from a real computer for crying out loud. From what I understand your laptop cord fried? Well guess what Ed? That's what happens to cords that are forced to channel that mess of ideas that flows from your brain into a laptop – they just wither and die like an abused neuron!   And your posts may just garner a modicum of sensibility if you would actually finish a word now and again. Simply deciding to stop typing mid-word does not create a universally accepted short form! Or mbe i jus gve u 2 mch crdt? MAYBE YOU ACTUALLY JUST CAN'T SPELL ANYTHING! Heaven knows your spell-check feature probably jumped out a window after the first sentence you ever tried to string together.


So do us all a favor, please. Instead of trying to make any more moronic faces out of random symbols, sneeze on the keyboard. It will be a lot more interesting for us all.



Oh... and congrats to Pete and Lily.

Guest dragonsworn1991

Well you know what they, all the best things in life are worth waiting for.


I could think of no one I would rather share this bond with other then Lily.

  • Club Leader

There is nobody else I'd rather share this bond with than Pete. *snugglestabs her cour'souvra*


Thanks for the congrats, everyone. Party's at Pete's house.



Congrats Lily, and Pete! *snuggles them both.


*pats Ed on the head* I'm never completing that task. I may be mean to you, but I don't use verbal abuse. It's not my style, however sarcasm is my style. *smirks* I have to go finish evil plans. *snuggles Ed* Catch ya later.


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