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Lord of the Rings - The One Ring - Mafia DAY 6


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OMG! Frodo, Sam and Gimli! *cries* (And Theodin, but he's not as important, I think.)

This is crazy. 4 killings in one night... No first or second breakfast for me.  :-X


Methinks Mynd knows something about a certain ring's effects...


I agree with that. But considering how Mynd has been rambling on -- I mean he had Ed and Adella pegged as scum and look how that turned out -- um, I'd rather vote for [glow=red,2,300]Meesh[/glow]. She was sure about Adella and now it turns out she was wrong. Plus, she's not voting.


(No offense, Meesh! I know you're going thru stuff right now and this is NOT personal, 'kay?  :-* *keeps snuggling the Meesh in her pocket*)


Well, I'd explain myself if I could, but let me just say that I agree very strongly with Mynd and my choice not to vote reflects that.




I like being alive in this game, and I suppose if I die by being lynched that's better than being modkilled for doing something I'm not supposed to do.


And that's all I'm going to say at all this Day Phase, lynch me if you will.


Well! It was mY precious dang it. Never yours to begin with. I found it first before any of you! And I wants it back [glow=red,2,300]MEESH[/glow]


Even as an innocent I fell to the rings power. *spits out a mouthful of water*


And that's all I'm going to say at all this Day Phase, lynch me if you will.

Except this: Mynd, you spelled his username wrong. :P


Million had the ring.  The person who killed Sam and Gimli had their actions doubled.  That person was not a good guy.  


Fool of a Took!  Did you not read where I vouched for Aemonkitten AND Adella being innocent?  And for the record, I had EVERYONE pegged as scum on Day 1.  Or, weren't you reading that either?


While I do agree that it is quite questionable that Meesh (Steward of Gondor) was so gung-ho about lynching Adella/Theodin, I smell manipulation here.  There could be a Wormtongue giving us mis-information or controlling ones thoughts.  


Either way, Millon is the much clearer target.  He had the ring, which doubled his night action, which he used to kill both Gimli and Sam.  AND now he votes Meesh, the only other bandwagon option, to save his skin at L9?  I beg you to challenge that he is the best choice for lynch.  


Please do try.


[glow=red,2,300]Millon[/glow]  (Thanks Meesh)


Even as an innocent I fell to the rings power.  *spits out a mouthful of water*


Interesting. I once spoke as you did, so let me try this....You killed Gimli and Sam.  How are we to be convinced otherwise? 




Also, for our reference:


Marta - Boromir

Liathiana - Faramir

Mynd - Cate Blanchett

Aemonkitten - not a vulcan

Charis - Fool of a Took

Meesh - Steward of Gondor




Fool of a Took!  Did you not read where I vouched for Aemonkitten AND Adella being innocent?  And for the record, I had EVERYONE pegged as scum on Day 1.  Or, weren't you reading that either?


Mynd, when it comes to your ramblings - rational as some may be - I DO try not to read them all. You change your mind as often as an orc deciding between eating human flesh and a fight with another orc!  :P

While I do agree that it is quite questionable that Meesh (Steward of Gondor) was so gung-ho about lynching Adella/Theodin, I smell manipulation here.  There could be a Wormtongue giving us mis-information or controlling ones thoughts.  


Either way, Millon is the much clearer target.  He had the ring, which doubled his night action, which he used to kill both Gimli and Sam.  AND now he votes Meesh, the only other bandwagon option, to save his skin at L9?  I beg you to challenge that he is the best choice for lynch.  


Please do try.


I will try no such thing. I wont be dragged into your boxing ring. What you have written is simply your opinion. I never said I disagree with you. I simply choose to vote differently.


EDIT:: I like my title! =D


Oh, I already give up on not saying anything else this day phase, I'm too...hmm...inflamed.. (haha, punny) :D


Charis, I don't think Mynd is trying to drag anyone into his boxing ring, I think he's trying to make people think about how he could be wrong, so they can see first-hand that his theory really is quite fool-proof.


You shouldn't try not to read what someone says, you might miss valuable information that way, and if Mynd wasn't vouching for you too, you'd be shooting up on my suspect list for that.


His mind-changing has all seemed to make sense, like him vouching for Adella and Aemon AFTER Night phase and he'd had a chance to view them.  He's vouching for you, now, so I wouldn't say he's just changing his mind on a whim.  He's using information.


Listen to Mynd.  Lynch me if you must, but once my name is cleared listen to me when I say that you need to listen to Mynd.


Those of you who have played my Heroes Mafia, remember that the Puppetmaster (and later on Parkman) could influence the actions/posts of other players.  I suspect something similar is going on here, in that there is a Wormtounge whispering sweet nothings into players ears. 


Notice that Meesh refuses to vote and mentions a MOD KILL of some kind if she explains any further? 


Adella was indeed Theodin as I already knew, which means that my read on both her and AemonKitten are correct.  Last night, I confirmed that Marta loves catapults.  Based on the hints (and therefore, ROLE CLAIMS) that have been given, I'm pretty sure that Charis is innocent.


While the Steward was hardly a bad guy in the books/films, he was quite misguided in his actions.  He thought he was doing right, even when doing horribly wrong.  A Whispering Wormtounge in his ear would further that mis-information. 


Now, sing along with me.....*strums harp*

The ring doubles powers, this I know. 

For the PR told me so. 

Opinions are opinions, but facts are facts.

Now, lets see how he reacts.


Let's hear more from our RANTING and RAVING Millon. 



Lols. Ok, Meesh. Duly noted. I just didnt want another 40pgs of Mynd's verbal sparring.  ::)


Nice song there, Mynd.  ;D


Again, as I said, I agree with Pookie's assertion that Mynd knows the effects of the ring. I only choose to vote for Meesh instead b/c her actions smelled like scum to me. I would like to hear Millon's defense, just as Mynd does (and I'm sure others will). In my opinion at the moment, if he did have a double kill, I'm pinging more vig than mafia. Could be b/c he hasnt said much that seemed scummy. Vig is still Town right? Mynd, you had the ring, and I'm willing to believe you're still Town... at the moment.


So, help me change my mind. *has a rumbly tummy for missing meals*


For our better reference..... ;D

The Players:

1. Ellianora

2. TheMasterDude

3. Locke

4. mmeeshal - Steward of Gondor

5. WWWwombat - Eowyn Killed by the Old Willow day 1

6. LedZepMan

7. aemonkitten - some kind of elf

8. dragonsworn1991 - Gollum Night Killed - Night 1

9. ed2funy - Gimli Night Killed - Night 2

10. ThorkinBarrimore

11. Thorum

12. Amadine - Frodo Night Killed - Night 2

13. MCS

14. Charis al'Aslan - Pip

15. Lia - Faramir

16. Tigs

17. Pookie

18. Al Jenn - Eomer - Day 1 Lynch

19. Marta Sedai - Boromir

20. Talm

21. Blig Blog

22. Efrit

23. dapianoplay3r

24. Millon

25. David Hermes - Sam - Night Killed - Night 2

26. Som1else

27. Mynd - There are no aliens in Indiana Jones!!!

28. Adella - Theodin - Night Killed - Night 2


So, Green means Good.  Brown means not good, but not necessarily Mafia.  Rain makes corn.  Corn makes whiskey.  Whiskey makes Mynd feel a bit frisky. 


ANYHOO, Pip, look again at the nature of those kills.  Adella death was clean, hinting at a swordsman, like Aragorn.  Frodo died from magic, strongly suggesting Gandalf, Sauromon, or Sauron himself.  Millon's kill was sloppy and scratchy, what one would expect from an Orc.  Make sense?




And then David H (Sam) and Ed (Gimli) were collapsed in a pile with some not too accurate stab wounds and various cuts and bruises!

It's the not too accurate stab wounds.  Ring Wraiths?  Or maybe Super-Orc? Either way, there is something about this kill that I am very familiar with.  Something doubled this person's actions last night and now, they are missing something...precious.


This not be a beastie I want to meet at night, do you?  :-\


Wow, 4 NKed...and all Innocent.  That sucks! :-\


But I think I agree with Mynd's analysis of what went on here.  [glow=red,2,300]Millon[/glow]


And Meesh still seems innocent to me.  


Edit: Thank you Mynd.  That's useful/just plain nice. :D




Until just now, I thought Mynd was making fun of me (by calling me AemonKitten). I now realize that he simply misread my name. Just thought I'd throw that out there. It gave me a chuckle.






Mynd makes sense. Millon had the ring and Mynd already told us that it doubled his ability. Millon has a kill ability. Don't know if he's scum, SK or Vig, but he needs to be taken out before he gets a shot at another innocent.


Until just now, I thought Mynd was making fun of me (by calling me AemonKitten). I now realize that he simply misread my name. Just thought I'd throw that out there. It gave me a chuckle.


Actually, I realized my error a few posts ago, but now I'm used to it and so it's stuck.  Its kinda like when you call a large guy tiny though.  A ferocious killer named kitten.  Well, at least, one that is pretty good with a bow, no?  :D


I've been called MUCH MUCH worse....  :-[




Millon: (5) Mynd Pookie Locke Aemon

Meesh: (2) Charis Aemon Millon


21 players left it takes 12 to lynch!



Until just now, I thought Mynd was making fun of me (by calling me AemonKitten). I now realize that he simply misread my name.


I just thought it was a pet name...  hur hur...


(someone had to go there!)


I also believe Meesh has been misled.


I'm a little confused here and have a few questions...1) how do we know millon has a killing actions?  (must have missed that in all of Mynd's "nonscummy spamming") 2) If Mynd is saying he had the ring and it doubled a power, why are we automatically believing that?  3) Why, when Meesh was so positive about Adella have we not lynched her yet?





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