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Baby Making Machine GAME! - SIGN UP closed


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Hey people! This a sign up for a game I'm going to run for our fun little Yellow Ajah activity ;)


Let me give you an idea of what's going on to happen!


First of all you sign up here. The more people sign up, the more I have to work with, so you want to sign up, trust me ;)  Every person that signs up here needs to say so (haven't mastered my mind reading skills quite yet) and post a link to a picture of themselves (preferably one where they look forward). Doesn't matter if it's a picture with a group of people, just as long as you're in it (and you give me a fair indication on which of them is you lol).


Once the sign up is complete I'm going to pair everyone to PARENTS and create your own little baby by using a snazzy baby making machine that Meesha stumbled upon. All the baby pictures will be posted on this thread, along with a list of the parents I created. I'm going to build up that list according to what amuses me the most *grins*


Anyway, your task would be to match the parents to the kids. The one of you that manages to get the most right will be given a special gift. It'll be a surprise for the end of the game.


Note: People that did not sign up and gave a photo can participate in matching parents to baby pics, however they will be grouped off with all the people that didn't sign up and win the 'Good Eye' Siggy award over their accomplishment (compared to that group ALONE).


So, please hurry up and sign up. I will only leave this open for a couple of days (more if I don't get enough people, but hopefully that wouldn't be a problem ;)).


So, remember! Just sign up and post a link.... and everything else is on ME! Put me to work, people!!! ;D






List of parents to be:

1. Silver (http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee104/silverwolphe/Sickanddrunk.jpg)

2. Nynaeve (http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m91/Nynaeve28/ME/NuritCookie.jpg)

3. aemonkristen (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v420/Aemon/?action=view&current=P2110031.jpg)

4. Summer (http://i42.tinypic.com/x5nhtw.jpg)

5. Charis al'Aslan (http://kupercaya.files.wordpress.com/2006/11/jas-090425.jpg?w=184&h=240)

6. ed2funy (http://i858.photobucket.com/albums/ab148/pena_edward/DSCI0164.jpg)

7. Amadine (http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1350/5800852/11845879/385819882.jpg)

8. Marta Sedai (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs374.snc3/23981_348071991919_720216919_4089402_2762766_n.jpg)

9. Mystica (http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k54/Mystica_bucket/myst/mysthorse.jpg)

10. Shamaeso (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs059.snc3/14643_1139285296308_1652691978_329075_7566709_n.jpg)

11. Lia (http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f379/sithdevani/DSCF1974.jpg)

12. Talya (http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r116/Tinks_place/Me3.jpg)

13. Krak (http://i649.photobucket.com/albums/uu220/Krakalakachkn/Photoon2010-02-27at15152.jpg)

14. Crafyreader (http://i996.photobucket.com/albums/af87/craftyreaderchic/Sarah2a.jpg)

15. dapianoplay3r (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs122.snc3/16980_344631240549_572245549_4930520_367196_n.jpg)

16. LedZepMan (http://lh6.ggpht.com/_sycZT8pwqEI/S0nYOa23stI/AAAAAAAAAws/NNIyD0hrskY/s640/LedZepMan.jpg)

17. Rinkai (http://s1024.photobucket.com/albums/y308/drcarr/ME/?action=view&current=n515338660_990143_1688.jpg)

18. Adella (http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q237/nullchik09/Melissa.jpg)

19. Tigara (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs147.snc3/17441_305009744210_700304210_3696024_4720706_n.jpg)

20. Joram (http://www.the-escapist.com/temp/tie.jpg)





Thanks Silver, it'll do :D


Btw, peeps, if you want you can just link me to the photo you have up in the WT photo gallery of the members :)






Me too!! I want a baby with Alan Rickman! :look


right, so this is a pic I'm particularly proud of: mysthorse.jpghttp://Mad Hatter[/img]


if that one doesn't work, I have others that might be better, just let me know. :)


Thanks guys!!! :D  For the ones of you who haven't provided a pic please do so as soon as you can cause otherwise we can't move on to the next phase when the time comes.



To the rest of you out there, sign up! It's going to be worth a while, trust me :D Think of the destruction some of these baby will be capable of!!!  ;D







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