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HP Mafia Dead Thread - for those sent to Azkaban and the Departed


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Mottlee claims Alanna was Anti-Town aligned.


Alanna claimed she'd flip regular old Townie after revealing herself as a jester.


Except I wasnt lying about that, because that really was part of my role. So I didn't make up the 'becoming-a-vanilla-townie-if-I-revealed' part. It's not my fault I got recruited too :P


It's actually a good idea; it keeps the jester from just being really annoying until people lynch him/her.


And, darn! I gave up because I thought my death would end the game lol. I can't believe there's still another mafia out there.


So sad...no more mafia out there.  I hadn't realised you were recruited.  


Congrats Town!


I'll pat my team on the back a bit too.  The only one of us to be lynched was our recruit Greyback AND we managed to survive to within 1 lynch of victory even though 4, count them, 4 times our kill targets were revived or blocked by a "goody".  I was gnashing my teeth and pulling my hair you may be assured.


i know Jeran.


i can get most of the stuff posted today before i leave work, but it will be later tonight when i have my Actions List complete for you guys to veiw.  i have it compiled up til Day 9 so only a bit more info to add :)


All original Roel PM's to describe the roles and abilities has been uploaded.


i've also uploaded the roles, how i designed them.


feel free to discuss stuff here until i can get the Action Tracker neatened and uploaded :)


I think the complete bash your head against the wall, rip your hair out, scream to wake the neighbors feelings our team experienced need further explanation.  Not only were our kills being undone by abilities and goodies, but we lost 5 of our final number of 7 (4/5 original) members to vig kill items (70%).  It really felt like all the items were stacked against us and when we did have something a little useful, nothing came of it.  The ministry team lost 2 to vig kill items, the town 4 (16%) if you count Crusher, who died because he was linked to me and not because he was targetted.  Vig kills usually aren't that accurate and it really gave the feeling of being searched out by the item rather than by the weilders of the items.  :P  The game felt unwinnable since day 7, regardless of how close Elli came to winning it. 


Pookie the VK's were assigned via post #, the only requirement was that it was a town member. and the post # was choosen at the beginning of the day with regaurds to what # the thread was up to.



everyone who got a VK will tell you, none of the mods influenced their decision on who to choose and the only info they were provided was the name of the VK and when it expired.




i have yet to post the Action Tracker, which will answer alot of your teams questions, though the roles themselves should answer soem of the questions about the NK's being blocked.  

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Story on how I ended up Ministry mafia:


I deduced from my role that I'd likely join the team I protected, and given the opportunity, I will ALWAYS go bad.  ;)


So I protected Aemon when I knew he'd die, and joined the Ministry.  Unfortunately, the mods made a small mistake and kept Aemon dead, so I was given his roleblock as consolation.  I then had the RB and NK combo to break through most defenses.


Apparently the RB didn't work on a Shield Charm, as my last action was blocked and I was VKed that night.


Awesome things about this game - lots of characters, lots of powers, good balance between mafia teams/cult.


Something that bothered me - the town was STACKED.  All those VKs made it almost impossible for a mafia team to win.  That was a lot of VKs in the last few days, which pretty much eliminated both mafia teams.  I felt like I could have talked my way out of a lynch, but I couldn't stop any of the multiple VKs that were given out as bonus items....meh.


Overall - solid game, Red, and well-modded.  Thanks!!!


Some things (partly) off the top of my head:


1) Pookie said it feels like the Vig Items were targeted at the mafia since we got nailed at least 4 times with them.  I agree it feels like it.  I know that there would be no influence from the moderators.


2) Since they were only available to Town players weren't they actually targeting the mafia?


3)Maybe there should have been fewer vig items and have them front loaded in the game when it's more likely to make a mistake with one.


4) It may be that those with Vig Items got the idea of who to kill from actual game play which is certainly fair enough.  I think that all of the orignal Death Eaters were relatively active so we stood more chance of standing out.  In a normal game the town would have had to spend a lynch to get someone who is suspicious and not get a free Vig kill plus a lynch.


So the thing that bothers me specific to this game are the extra kills given only to Town players.  One thing that bothers me generally about a large game like this is the number of revivals and possible immunes to kills; this can make it too long (not to mention frustrating if you get the shaft with them like the DEs did  :D)


Overall, though, I like the game and appreciate the enormous effort it must have been to design and run.  Thanks for the effort Red, Ed, Sarah.

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Btw, Jeran, I keeled joo!!!


I was Voldemort-hunting for a few cycles, and finally found you!  I used a RB & NK combo on you.  Just wanted you to know.  :P


You hid well, as you were the 3rd choice by me on who Voldy was, lol.


Well your role block was useless  :P  ;) I had targeted the healer.  Although come to think of it I never asked her if she had healed herself that night.  I just assumed.


Well your role block was useless  :P  ;) I had targeted the healer.  Although come to think of it I never asked her if she had healed herself that night.  I just assumed.


yeah, that was Night 6.  Elli used her heal on herself, thats why it didn't go through.


Some things (partly) off the top of my head:


1) Pookie said it feels like the Vig Items were targeted at the mafia since we got nailed at least 4 times with them.  I agree it feels like it.  I know that there would be no influence from the moderators.


i misunderstood what she said then.  i'm sorry Pookie if it sounded like i was snapping at you.


2) Since they were only available to Town players weren't they actually targeting the mafia?


looking over the end result, it does seem like the Anti-Towns were directly targeted.  this was good guessing on the part of the people assigned the VK's as any player still alive at that time had an equal chance of getting chosen by the person with the VK. 


the reason why i limited the VK's to town only was because typically Vig's are town aligned.  only one VK ended up with a Mason, which i was glad to have avoided since i realy wanted the VK's to go to un-grouped Townies  with all the scene selection goodies, i used a random method for delivering them; but i also tried to make sure it was even out, that way one person wasn't always getting a PR and such. 


3)Maybe there should have been fewer vig items and have them front loaded in the game when it's more likely to make a mistake with one.


in hind sight, i agree with this.  but at the time of it being designed i wanted the goodies to be balanced, not to mention the over enthusiasm i had while designign the mechanics.  there were LOADS of PR's that were designed that didn't make the cut lmao


4) It may be that those with Vig Items got the idea of who to kill from actual game play which is certainly fair enough.  I think that all of the orignal Death Eaters were relatively active so we stood more chance of standing out.  In a normal game the town would have had to spend a lynch to get someone who is suspicious and not get a free Vig kill plus a lynch.


i have to agree here as well.  i think if i include the random VK thing again, i'll make sure not have one each phase.


another reason i included it was because 5 deaths during a phase seemed a good number to keep the game moving, and they made the game both interesting and kept players on their toes.


So the thing that bothers me specific to this game are the extra kills given only to Town players.  One thing that bothers me generally about a large game like this is the number of revivals and possible immunes to kills; this can make it too long (not to mention frustrating if you get the shaft with them like the DEs did  :D)


yeah, as the game progressed i saw how it was more of a hinder than an awesome factor.  trust me, i don't ever plan on using that many revival items ever again.


as for the immunities (atleast role assigned) that was purely for balance because both the DE & ministry were very powerful.


Overall, though, I like the game and appreciate the enormous effort it must have been to design and run.  Thanks for the effort Red, Ed, Sarah.


:)  thanks.  i couldn't have done this game without my two Co-Mods to tell you the truth.  both Sarah and Ed are the un-sung heros of this game *nods*


I died... so close to the end. I died. *sighs*


Oh well... ONE MORE GAME!!! And that's the end of Mafia for me.


Great game Red, if only a little slow and tedious. But a great game all the same. GOOD JOB MASON PEOPLE!!! And I have to declare... I LOVE CRUSHER!! *lol* He's insanely funny. And that's saying alot coming from me. You should TOTALLY get him to play as many games as possible.


*snuggles all*


Story on how I ended up Ministry mafia:


I deduced from my role that I'd likely join the team I protected, and given the opportunity, I will ALWAYS go bad.  ;)


lol i think all of us would *grins*


So I protected Aemon when I knew he'd die, and joined the Ministry.  Unfortunately, the mods made a small mistake and kept Aemon dead, so I was given his roleblock as consolation.  I then had the RB and NK combo to break through most defenses.


yeah, i got so excited in the fact i got to blow up Umbridge (and srsly, i got way more excited than i should have) that i had forgotten totally about the fact you had selected Aemon.  


i felt really bad about losing Aemon like that too, becuase hes a great player.  We couldn't punish the Ministry team for my mistake so Ed, Sarah & I decided to let Verb keep Aemons ability.  he had already won the DV ability via Snapes Task so they weren't shorted a vote on the lynch either.


had i not jumped the gun on the death scene, this would have been avoided and because of his character i couldn't bring him back because he would have been a sure lynch even though i hadn't sent out his alignment to Mottlee yet.


Apparently the RB didn't work on a Shield Charm, as my last action was blocked and I was VKed that night.


nope.  the Scene goodies could effect roles, but the roles certain roles woudln't effect the goodies.  the Role Blocker is designed specifically for blocking a role, while the Shield Charm was a one-use ability that expired at the end of the phase.


Awesome things about this game - lots of characters, lots of powers, good balance between mafia teams/cult.


thanks :)  i loved the characters as well; also enjoyed matching the book characters to Mafia Abilities lol


Something that bothered me - the town was STACKED.  All those VKs made it almost impossible for a mafia team to win.  That was a lot of VKs in the last few days, which pretty much eliminated both mafia teams.  I felt like I could have talked my way out of a lynch, but I couldn't stop any of the multiple VKs that were given out as bonus items....meh.


i had to balance against the Anti-Town's abilities because both teams had dangerous power combinations.  if i hadn't put lots of power roles in the town, they would have been sitting ducks.  i do agree about the VK's, and i agree that it helped shift the balance of power greatly in the towns favor.



the kills made by George Weasley (Dah) in Day 10 were separate from the VK's.  because of this, i had actually neglected to issue the assigned VK for that scene.


Overall - solid game, Red, and well-modded.  Thanks!!!


i'm gad you think so, because honestly i feel it was more of a disaster on the actual execution of the game.  mostly i'm not impressed with the fact i failed at making it go smoothly in a good time frame.  basically this game lasted longer than the BP Oil Spill lol (and no i'm not bragging lmao), then there was the mishandling of all the in actives.  


i tried so many things but each one seemed like it wasn't enough; finally i took the idea of a roll call from DPR's game but by then it was too little too late, the damage had already been done.  i didn't want to kill them off totally, so i ended up doubling up powers and getting subs, which only started to cause confusion.  then i saw that the town was severely lacking in vote numbers so random townies were assigned DV's to counter that (only 3 people ended up with DV's Lia, Verbal, & Thorum)


now i understand why inactives really make Mod's mad lol


I died... so close to the end. I died. *sighs*


Oh well... ONE MORE GAME!!! And that's the end of Mafia for me.


Great game Red, if only a little slow and tedious. But a great game all the same. GOOD JOB MASON PEOPLE!!! And I have to declare... I LOVE CRUSHER!! *lol* He's insanely funny. And that's saying alot coming from me. You should TOTALLY get him to play as many games as possible.


*snuggles all*


*snuggles her blue brother*


hows about adding another to yer list *wiggles eyebrows and covertly nods toward the link in my sig*


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