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I just went on a holiday where the high point was a nice cup of tea.


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??? at Ed.


Ashaman, it was quite an interesting cup of tea for somebody such as myself who doesn't drink a whole lot of it. It seems to be made from the leaves of the kawakawa tree and blended with lemongrass and ginger. It had a bit of a burn like that you get from chilli, which was good fun.


Moggy, you're from Christchurch. You can't be blamed for the coffee thing. It does terrible things to a person, though. I have a friend who is quite religious who once gave up coffee for Lent. She took it well - she wasn't actually twitching - but I don't think the way she had five cups every Sunday helped her adjust to the no coffee for the rest of the week.

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I prefer a sweet tea, herbal tea often has undertones of dirt that I can't shake, that or they are too bitter to drink.


Call me boring if you will, but you'll change your tune when I reveal that I shockingly have 2(!) sugars in!

Oh yes.




That being said I normally drink 2 coffee's a day, tea is a weekend afternoon thing whilst taking a break from some household construction project that I've spent all day swearing over.

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I'm very good at glowering.


I would believe that.  ;D


I don't drink much tea, since I find that most of it tastes kind of the same to me. When I do drink it, I choose teas that smell nice. *nod*


Alternatively, I'm with LedZep; beer is quite good.  8)

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??? at Ed


I'm really big into teas, tisanes, oolongs, and rooibos (rooibosi?).  I much prefer looseleaf tea to that prepackaged and bagged crap that most people chug.  I have a timolino (australian press) and couldn't live without it.  I also bought a martini shaker just so I could make single glasses of iced, sweetened tea for the summer.


Black, lightly flavoured teas are often my favorite, but they can often be too strong or bitter.  Give me a white tea any day; such delicate flavour and high in antioxidants.  Herbal teas aren't my favourite, but some are good.  Rooibos are usually good, just like green tea but without the slight acidic aftertaste.  Oolongs aren't always my favorite, it really depends on the blend and flavour.  Greens are usually delicious and nutritious and go down smooth.  Jasmine Green is one of my favourites along with Moroccan Mint. 


I also drink coffee a lot.  I prefer darker roasts usually, with a higher acidity and a less earthy flavour.  I don't usually like African coffee, but Latin/South American coffee is almost always delicious.  Of course, I'm a big fan of Hawaiian and Jamaican coffee, they have some of the best in the world.  When it comes to tea vs. coffee, I can't choose.  It really just depends on what I'm feeling or how tired I am.  I usually drink coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon or night.


My current tea stock:


Grandma's Apple Pie  7/10

Sugarplum Spice  4/10

White Christmas  8/10

Red Velvet  4/10

Creme Brulee  1.5/10


I could go on all day about tea and coffee.


Also, Starbucks SUCKS!  That is all.

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