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Started Resonance of Fate the other day


Enjoying it so far..the game does spike in difficulty alot at the start.


Still trying to get used to the combat but it is good as u have to think about your moves in some battles. The boss battles are really tense at first as well (hard...)

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I am a huge fan of the Elder Scrolls games. I am currently still playing Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion and awaiting the release of Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim. Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind was also a great game and I might even start a new character in that one again. The feel of ES4:Oblivion is so close to the feel of the books that I would highly recommend it to any fans of the books that enjoy role playing games. The game has such a huge wide open world that the possibilities are endless.

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Persona 3. I enjoy this game, have it for my PSP, and its a challenge. A fun challenge.


Demon's Souls. So far I enjoy it but I'm disappointed as far as "omg difficult" goes. I can only assume that things get tougher later on.


Valkyria Chronicles 2. This game is great, I like the new classes introduced though disagree with the Engineer being nerfed and the Heavy Tech class made, while the Sniper as an advanced Scout kinda makes sense... and I guess I don't mind, since on the first game Scouts were god (so far on this one too).

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Playing Starcraft II relentlessly over the past six months has stirred my appetite for strategy so as of late I've been replaying:

Sins of a Solar Empire

Medieval Total War

Civilization IV

Rise of Nations


And, I've even dug out my install CD's for what I consider one of the best RTS games ever Emperor Battle for Dune.


BTW - Sins of a Solar Empire frustrates me to no end and yet I keep playing it.

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I've grown weary of COD on-line play. Heck, I've been playing for over two years and the new maps and even the new gameplay with Black Ops could only delay my getting tired of FPS multiplayer. Ditto for Halo Reach.


When are they going to reboot the old Star Wars: X-Wing and Tie Fighter DOS games from way, WAY back in the day - a great campaign and some serious on-line action? Imagine dog fighting...in space...in an X-Wing...on-line...against Imperial players who are on-line.

How cool would it be to have a Defend The Deathstar game? You play the Empire you have to fend off the Rebel attack...play the Rebels, you have torpedo the exhaust shaft and not get killed...

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When are they going to reboot the old Star Wars: X-Wing and Tie Fighter DOS games from way, WAY back in the day - a great campaign and some serious on-line action? Imagine dog fighting...in space...in an X-Wing...on-line...against Imperial players who are on-line.

How cool would it be to have a Defend The Deathstar game? You play the Empire you have to fend off the Rebel attack...play the Rebels, you have torpedo the exhaust shaft and not get killed...


Those were such great games! I would love to see a reboot because my modern computer can no longer read those ancient games.

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I love X Wing and Tie Fighter. And X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter. I remember I somehow conned my friend to lend me $50 to buy it back in the day. I was in year 6 I think...


Yeah it sucks that modern computers can't run the old lucasarts sims. I think X-Wing Alliance still works maybe? That had some cool missions.


Had even better DIY melee... 2x Mon cal cruisers v 2 ISD and all the fighters you can scramble...



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