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The Kindly Words and Flowery Compliments Thread (Gifts to All)


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Ny I'm so glad you arrived!

Thank you for the compliment!

I merely gave a gift that I saw fit!

I meant absolutely no discontent!


Alrighty then.



Nyn, what a surprise!

Surely, this is not a guise!

Is it you? Have you come?

Please, don't lie...I'll bite my own thumb. :(


I think tongue would have worked better than thumb :P  Better visual.




Oh, and I hang out here sometimes, seeing as I'm technically a member. You know, in the technical sort of way....  *grins*






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I'm glad someone got my reference!

That definitely is my preference!

I've used it before,

And you can be sure,

That it's not received always in excellence!


I hope my haiku's

better than my limerick.

Twas not very good.


There is my attempt at poetry,

I hope you all enjoy it.

I'm not very good,

But I really am trying.

Thanks for the suggestions,

They were all great,

This doesn't even rhyme,

How does that relate?


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Ahhh...Nyn, you should visit more often, so that everyone can know how awesome you are.


A Haiku? These one's I know.

Now, her name was Lor,

And oh lord, what a woman,

She had great beauty!


Limericks? I am not sure what those are...*goes to look*

I am not sure what the duck was for

Nor did I get the reference to her

Who was it about?

For I am in doubt

Maybe the internet, I can explore

(not sure if that was right...:-\)


Claire, if you would bless us with your knowledge of the blue duck, I would be pleased. I am sure such a woman as you knows what it means.


I am glad you enjoyed it Meesh.

Anything to to brighten you day,

And let you unleash

All that you may!


I am glad you enjoy good Samurai,

Oh, how you must be spry

to flip

without a slip.

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Claire, if you would bless us with your knowledge of the blue duck, I would be pleased. I am sure such a woman as you knows what it means.



Billy Madison: Well, I made the duck blue because I'd never seen a blue duck before and I wanted to see one.


Miss Lippy:  Well, I think it's an excellent blue duck. Congratulations Billy, you just passed the first grade.


Billy Madison:  Wow, Miss Lippy, that's great. What do you think of that, Mr. Blue Duck?


Drawing of Blue Duck:  That's Quacktastic!



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Hello my friends,

Your not posting much,

Is this thread no longer useful,

To entertain you and such?


I hope this isn't so,

I hope for this dearly,

I hope that instead,

I hope it is merely,


You all taking a break,

To enjoy yourselves dearly.



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Iambic Pentameter? Why that's right up my alley, so ta' speak. Jak o'th' Shadows verses being just such a form and me bein' the author of just a verse or three  ;)


Let's see if'n I can still do this


Oh look who's come to join the Kin

Be welcome lads just come right in

Just keep eyes peeled for Lor's gold pin

Or you'll dance with Jak o' th' Shadows


My Twinny lass ain't far behind

Though it may seem she's lost her mind

There's none so lovely nor so kind

Who'll dance with Jak o' th' Shadows


And I'm the Auld Lord of the Dance

With words to put you in a trance

Some say I'm nice, of that no chance

When I dance with Jak o' th' Shadows



.... and I dearly love a limerick


There was a young lass named Lorraine

Who could really be oh, such a pain

When she flitted about

Making strong men cry out

Gold Needles make man tears like rain

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