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The Kindly Words and Flowery Compliments Thread (Gifts to All)


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I had to start somewhere Lor. Here I have a special box of chocolates for you. *hands her the extra special box* Might I add you look great today?

You know I once heard that life was like a...nevermind ;D


And Meesh unfortunately I can't join at this time, although it would be great.

Is that a sweater you're knitting? It looks great. Oh and don't forget your chocolates and roses.  :)



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I bring the Kin flowers! Here, in this time of love, I shall love the Kin as they were mine own.



*smirks* Literal translation, eh? It's a good start. Good luck. ;)



And you should join. We really are freakin' awesome. *nods*


Literal translations are the best, are they not?

I agree. The Kin are freaking awesome.


You COULD if you really wanted to.


Just sign your life away....er, I mean...um.. >.>


*pokes with a knitting needle as a distraction*


Oh, never mind, Lor beat me to it. :D


Ahh Meesh, she may have beat you to it, but another Kin member is always wonderful.

Meesh, we are greatly considering joining one of the best Orgs around DM.

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Rhyming couplets....good idea....

*goes to look it up*


I came to the Kin,

holding up my chin.

But away I walked,

For bad had I talked.


Iambic pentameter! Another great idea....

*goes to look it up* ;D

The Kin are a wonderful Org, just look!

With gaiety and happiness they play.

Oh, how I wish I could join their Org now,

For then, I would know kindness in my heart.


*is not the best at poetry....but will attempt it* ;)

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You just like getting in trouble, don't you?


You are lucky I do not use the One Power and grow 10 feet and toss you in a lake.  :P



Here is a list of a few of the Kin:






F Horn of Valere




Please pick two names and give them a gift. And don't forget Lor, she is the eldest, and needs special attention.



You know I am going to have fun with this. **Evil Grin**

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Ah, the beautiful Torrie has arrived! How has your day been, good lady?


For Lor, the most precious of gifts:

A new kitten to play with and snuggle.



For Torrie ;):

A token of friendship. No matter where we comes from, we can all be friends.



And for Meesh:

May you have peace in your heart always.



And of course, for all the Kin to enjoy:

Gift baskets!

width=640 height=480http://www.movalleymerc.com/Gift%20Baskets%20&%20Boxes/giftbasket%201.JPG[/img]

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I apologize in advance for my terrible poetry, it is not one of my strengths.


For Lor, of course,

Not any cat would do,

You have a kitten small,

Now something bigger you could use.

For you this day I give,

A cat that says it all.123792145.jpg


I come bearing some gifts for two more.


For the lovely Jaydena

this is what I bring.

A special penguin,

That I taught to sing.



For the wonderful Mirshann,

I have a gift too.

Not just any duck,

But one that is blue.

width=640 height=418http://www.iantraffordphotos.com/gallery/photo-lib/image/blue-duck.jpg[/img]


These gifts I give to you.

They're exotic to these place.

I hope they bring you joy.

And bring a smile unto your face.


Nae how lovely to see you.

Torrie and Kivam too.

And even FDM has joined us.

On this fine day I invite you to join with us in merriment, and splendor.

It of course will continue, past today,

but let's make it extra special anyway.




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