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Vote Count - Day Two


Lily (9) : Red, Ed, Al, Wombat, Jeran, MCS, Nae, Tigs, meercatman

Ed (3): Liathiana, Lily, dapianoplay3r

Pete (1): Pale

Boopsy (1): Boopsy

Pale (1): Pete


NOT VOTING: Alanna, Tynaal, Pookie


Day Ends Sunday at 9pm GMT.


[glow=green,2,300]With 18 alive, it takes 10 to lynch. [/glow]

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I still haven't gotten caught up, but I don't want you to think I'm hiding or something. I did catch up in my Ajah and on most of the other games I'm in. But it's 4AM and I'm pooped. I'll be back in 8 or so hours, if I'm still alive and read all the pages and pages of posts, and I'll address whatever you all want addressed. I don't see what else I can say, though. I haven't viewed anyone new since it's not night yet. I still don't know what Ed is, except that he's lying about my statement being a lie. I still don't want the town to lose it's lie detector. Nothing new.


*yawn* Night....

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Sorry for the double post. *looks at Talya*


But actually I noticed that too. I keep looking at Pale. He didn't say the phrase too when I asked. He might have missed me asking....but you can't be too sure, since he posted right after me there.


Also....I was a not a spamming that much. :P

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It's a good thing we are at the baths...last night was the coldest night of the winter so far.  It got down to -18C (-0.4F) and my furnace decided to quit!


There's nothing like waking up at 5:00 and your house is down to 10C!  Luckily it was fixed by 8:00.

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I... I am overwhelmed. I'm gonna go back and read posts, but it's late here AND tomorrow's a busy day so I might not being to post anything anytime soon.


Good luck getting a bad guy.


Personally I think Tig is either scum or insane... so... I'm gonna do [glow=green,2,300]Unvote[/glow][glow=red,2,300]Tigs[/glow] for tonight.

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Vote Count - Day Two


Lily (9) : Red, Ed, Al, Wombat, Jeran, MCS, Nae, Tigs, meercatman

Ed (3): Liathiana, Lily, dapianoplay3r

Pete (1): Pale

Pale (1): Pete

Tigs (1): Boopsy


NOT VOTING: Alanna, Tynaal, Pookie


Day Ends Sunday at 9pm GMT.


[glow=green,2,300]With 18 alive, it takes 10 to lynch. [/glow]

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  • Club Leader

Hey, guys, I'm sorry to do this, especially with the noose around my neck. Something came up (no, everyone's okay) and I can't be online much today. I'll be in and out of the house, mostly out. I don't think I'm going to catch up with all these posts today, either.


Like I said last night, I have nothing more to say. I don't have any more viewings for you. Ed isn't telling the truth about my lying, and I really would like to see the finder settle this so that we don't lose a power role. If the finder is night killed, you'll be sorry you lost me, too. Please consider that. That's all I've got for you.


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Guest dragonsworn1991

I would hate to hammer you Lily without hearing a last statement, to sway my oppinion, I will change my vote sometime tomorrow if I can find time on the computer, if I do not hear an explanation from you.

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I would hate to hammer you Lily without hearing a last statement, to sway my oppinion, I will change my vote sometime tomorrow if I can find time on the computer, if I do not hear an explanation from you.


I've mostly caught up, I guess. I certainly caught that one. Pete, what do you want me to say that I haven't already said? An explanation of what exactly? I've told you my role, my results so far, that Ed is lying (note - I have NOT said I think he's scum, just that he's lying.) He may be scum, but I'm trying to stick with what I actually KNOW. It may be that he has a similar role to mine, which is why I would prefer to have the finder settle this, rather than the noose. For the sake of the town, I really wish more people agreed with that plan of action. Isn't there one of you who does? One who doesn't want to take the risk of losing a power role?


I'll check back when I can and see if you have an answer to what you want explained. Now, I've really got to get out the door....

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Okay, here's what I think...


Ed- I think it's kinda weird that Pete knows more about your role than you do

    and I think it's fishy that you want everyone to say the same exact        sentence when in any other game people are happy if everyone just flat out says "I'm innocent" I also find it convenient that everytime something new comes up, you go and read your PM again and oh well I didn't realize this in the first place.


Pete- I think you are trying awfully hard to put suspicion on me just because I don't want to say the one sentence that you thought of to make it easier for the lie detector.


Wayward_fool- Why does it make me scum or insane that I refuse to say what everyone thought in the first place was something related to a solo win.


I have an innocent town role what more needs to be said?

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Guest dragonsworn1991

You could have a role that is normally town, or you could be a vanilla mafia, that is the difference there, you have said nothing about your allignment and that reeks of scum.


[glow=red,2,300]vote tigs[/glow]

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Well that statement is circumstantial a sk is protown when they target a mafia member. A cult is protown when they recruit a mafia member. A mafia is protown when they nk a sk, and mafia members are protown when they nk a cult member.


I know I am being a little hard on her, but we can't give her the opportunity to slip through the cracks, and stab us in the back.

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