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I'll take this opportunity to say that I'm NOT the new conspirator recruit. And I finally have decided between Lily and Ed (who to vote for that is). And my choice is [glow=red,2,300]Lily[/glow]. Nothing personal hun :-* It's just that Ed seems slightly more believable at this point.

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Well the majority is going for Lily and I still can't decide which of them is lying.  Someone made a valid point.  Ed is actively trying to get people to say "I am not anti-town" and Lily isn't really doing much to further her case except protest Ed's way of getting everyone to post something he can check.


Rey... you don't know how bad that sounds... a suprise in the baths.  *looks around for the PG-13 sign*


In case he is mean and won't take it cause of the joke vote on him... [glow=red,2,300]Unvote Rey Vote Lily[/glow].

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Rey... you don't know how bad that sounds... a suprise in the baths.  *looks around for the PG-13 sign*


In case he is mean and won't take it cause of the joke vote on him... [glow=red,2,300]Unvote Rey Vote Lily[/glow].


Oh dear... I didn't think of it that way  :-[


Vote Count - Day Two


Lily (8.) : Pete, Red, Ed, Al, Wombat, Jeran, MCS, Nae

Ed (2): Liathiana, Lily

Pete (1): Pale

Boopsy (1): Boopsy


Day Ends Sunday at 9pm GMT.


With 18 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.

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They are asleep. I regret posting this with nothing overly useful as it only adds to the 53 pages of mayhem.


Lily I hope you come back to defend yourself. Hopefully we can piece more of this puzzle together.


Is there any necromancer role that can revive a player? And would the mafia have the ability to do a day kill?

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Nae. Seriously. This is getting annoying. I posted last night. A couple times, I think. Then I went to bed. I got up a couple hours ago. Got on just now (actually the past hour I've been rereading another game I'm in). ARE WE NOT ALLOWED TO SLEEP? Again, this game is moving very fast. A lot of people post in a small amount of time. It can make it seem like people are gone for long when they're not. Geez.


Player also just posted a bunch. Just because we don't post as much as you doesn't mean we aren't participating. Ugh.


As for voting, not sure who I believe yet. I really don't.



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It's also getting annoying getting snipped at every time you post in my direction love.  I do recall seeing you a bit yesterday though so my bad.  I can tell you in pm another annoying thing. ;)  Snip at me again though please dear.  I've been very generous in other areas and think that will stop now.

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okay now i'm totally lost.  someone tell me if i got this right please


someones been recruited during the day.  man rey talk about throwing in the monkey wrench lol


a players ability has been enhanced, hopefully its to offset there being a person recruited.



so mcs is cleared by ed, but this could be null & void due to the recruiting, but ed is able to still check people from quotes from day one.



....  O.O -.- o.O   lots of info to injest.   on a side note, rey this game rocks :)

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I think you got it Red. :P  Except we can't really be assured of MCS or myself just becuase Ed said he checked us and we cleared anyways.  1. because there's obviously recruitment going on and 2. If Ed is lying he could have chosen me or MCS to "clear" on purpose.  That's why we have to lynch off one of them to determine who is lying about being a lie detector.


I was played in a game badly by an uncontested finder who got recruited.  NEVER TRUST ANYONE!  There's no such thing as confirmed innocent.


I've also been bested by a fellow mafia teammate who had an traitor role so you can't even trust people when they are on your own team.

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so mcs is cleared by ed, but this could be null & void due to the recruiting, but ed is able to still check people from quotes from day one.


I don't think so Red. I got an answer, but it could be either way. I think if we have a cult instead of mafia, that would really be annoying for my abilities. everytime it happens, I would have to have everyone repost it, or only a few, and pick one.

But I am thinking maybe the mafia doesn't have a recruiting ability full time.


Also...sad to admit Nae is correct. If it a full time recruiting thing, there is a chance I may be recruited later.

But, as I haven't got any PM's telling me that I have been recruited, I have to assume I have not. :)

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Okay. I'm done sleeping.


Honestly, I don't know what more to say to convince you. If I live, I'll view someone's post tonight, but it doesn't look like I'm going to get that chance. I hope Ed's scam isn't going to hurt the town too much, and I guess as long as we still have our finder, I'm reasonable expendable. Not happy about this - losing a vanilla would be better, if we have to lose a townie. If I think of something to say that might convince you, I'll post it. Otherwise, nice job at scamming the town, Ed. I'm not sure how you pulled it off, since your story is so full of holes, but somehow you did.


Okay, here's one idea. If any of you are concerned about losing a power role, let the finder view one of us tonight. Then you'll know. I'd prefer Ed, so he can't pull the "you're the godfather" card on me, but that would be their choice. And before Ed says "Oh, they recruited the finder" please remember I proposed this yesterday, too.



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Holes you have yet to mention? The holes I ripped into your fake reveal?


You just want to live longer to dupe us Lily. If you flip innocent, which you won't, they will lynch me tomorrow. Those are good odds for town, considering they will have two mafia down.


You are fishing for the finder.

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I don't see what could balance a full-time mafia recruiting power.  Or a cult with an nk, however you want to think about it.  I think the most likely setup is one mafia family and no cult, but I'm not ruling out the possibility of a cult.


For Lily:  Ed's story is pretty bad, I'll admit, but the more you two posted, the more my gut has been leading me away from Ed and towards you.  That comment you made about the solo win sealed it for me as it didn't really add anything except fear and it smelled of desperation.

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I wasn't the only one here in that game, Wombat. In fact, our then-godfather, who I won't name, unless she chooses to come forward, had far more to say about Barm and the Small Furde thing. I was panicked in that post, but not for the reason you think. Boopsy said what he said, and I thought "OMG, is that what Ed's up to?" and freaked out. It's become an obsession for me to figure out what he's actually up to. I don't think he's mafia. I think he's doing all this on his own, but for what purpose? It's driving me nuts, and I even dreamed about it. (Ed, watch the ego. Yes, I just said you were in my dreams, but not in a good way, dude.  :P) Frankly, getting into Ed's head is a scary proposition. I can't think like he does. My head can do "evil with a purpose" but not "evil just for the fun of it."



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