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Would Thou Be Nae'blis? (DO Thread)


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*Wanders in and flings herself to the ground*

Oh Great DO, I bring you this offering of a bowl of never ending chocolate pudding and a matching spoon made of arsenic- which of course will not harm you, but may cause some discomfort to anyone who tries to sample the unholy pudding...

*Worships and shuffles out*


I haven't posted on a DO thread since... God knows when.


So I'm a little rusty.



*Gives the Great and Magnificent DO a can of spray paint, that when sprayed by someone as lovely and powerful as Kathana, the sprayed image turns into real life*






I got nothing, nor had anything taken away. I demand justice!


I haven't posted on a DO thread since... God knows when.


So I'm a little rusty.



*Gives the Great and Magnificent DO a can of spray paint, that when sprayed by someone as lovely and powerful as Kathana, the sprayed image turns into real life*




I got nothing, nor had anything taken away. I demand justice!


Justice?  From the Dark One?


Man, you are rusty


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*falls to his knees and presses his face to the floor in obeisance*


Command me, lord and Master. What may I do to prove My undying loyalty to You and Your plan?


Zapp Brannigan quotes.


Zapp Brannigan quotes.


Yes Great Lord, yes!


Captain Zapp Brannigan: Oh, God, I'm pathetic. Sorry. Just go... You want the rest of the cham-paggin?

Leela: No, and it's pronounced "cham-pain".

Captain Zapp Brannigan: Oh, God, no!


Captain Zapp Brannigan: Cham-paggin?

Leela: I didn't realize you were such a "coin-asseur."

Captain Zapp Brannigan: Well, I have studied abroad... or two.


Captain Zapp Brannigan: Kif, I have made it with a woman. Inform the men.


Captain Zapp Brannigan: Brannigan's Law is like Brannigan's love, hard and fast.


Captain Zapp Brannigan: Mmm... Welcome to my humble chamber or as I call it, "The Lovenasium".


Captain Zapp Brannigan: We have failed to uphold Brannigan's Law. However I did make it with a hot alien babe. And in the end, is that not what man has dreamt of since first he looked up at the stars?


Captain Zapp Brannigan: Kif, I'm asking you a question.


Captain Zapp Brannigan: As my protégé you should know that the only way to deal with a female adversary is to seduce her.

[Kif groans]

Captain Zapp Brannigan: This time we are sure she's a woman, right?

Kif Kroker: *Yes*.


Captain Zapp Brannigan: Captain's log. Stardate: 3000.6.

Kif Kroker: Who are you talking to?

Captain Zapp Brannigan: You, Kif. Aren't you writing this down?


Have I pleased you Great Lord?

  • Moderator

Five points to this Anoxamore chap.


And five points to the next three people to post after me.

  • Moderator

Minus fifteen from ed2funny.


Starting over from here, next three posters who are not ed2funny will get five points.




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