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[{[Rey Mafia]}] JULIUS CAESAR MAFIA - Sign Up Thread - CLOSED


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[glow=black,2,300]JULIUS CAESAR MAFIA[/glow]




The last night of the Roman Republic

  Five centuries old.

Tapers flickered in Brutus' tent.

  And darkness fell and fell



The Roman Republic. A strong republic. A republic that would go on to become one of the greatest Empire's the world would ever see. A republic that is on the brink of collapse - all lies on the edge of a dagger.


Julius Caesar and Pompey, the two greatest generals of Rome, who had won conquest after conquest had turned on each other. Caesar had routed Pompey's armies in Northern Africa, and returned to Rome in triumph. He was now without a doubt one of the most powerful generals in the known world. But would he be content to merely remain so? He held power and glory in his right hand, but did a heart full of ambition yearn for yet more? Would he make himself the most powerful man in the world? Opinions were divided.




On the streets of Rome by the Tiber, amidst the the hustle and bustle and dirt of city life, a cobbler and a carpenter stood watching the oncoming procession through the streets celebrating Caesar's victory over Pompey. The streets were filled with joy and laughter, jugglers were performing at every street corner, merchants and stall owners shouting about the quality of their wares, and yet still be drowned out with the cheers of the common people at Julius Caesar, the man of the people. The great conqueror and defender of Rome.

The cobbler and carpenter were both care free and at ease, smiles decorating both of their faces. They were simple common folk, and the majority of Rome was just like them. Plebeians - poor people who worked hard for a living, who lived in squalor and abject poverty. Celebration did not come frequently and like all other Plebeians in Rome, they were enjoying every minute of it. Only a handful of the rich aristocrats had the power to vote in the Senate, and they held no love for common peasants. But here was Caesar who provided for all of their needs - his conquests put gold in the common coffers, he was richer than the Senate itself and most importantly, he listened to commoners. He gave the people what they wanted and gave them hope as well. Rome was weak after civil war and here was a strong man. Although they did not voice it, every Plebeian that day knew what should be done. "Let Caesar be dictator. Let him rule Rome..."



In a dimly lit house within sight of the Capitol, a dangerous group of people were meeting for a dangerous reason. Whisperings were heard within the room:

...."It must be by his death, and for my part I know no personal cause to spurn at him"..."Rome has grown weak of late"..."Rome thou hast lost the breed of noble blood"..."We all stand up against the spirit of Caesar"..."Caesar must bleed for it"..........


Conspiracy saw and smiled.



"By force of arms"

"Force overcome by force"

"In men of the highest character and noblest genius there is to be found an insatiable desire for honour, command, power and glory"




Looking across the seven hills of Rome, under the blackness of the firmament and before the outstretched horizon a dagger was drawn, its edge caressed.

"[glow=white,2,300]Fools... you know know not where the power lies... I will have my revenge[/glow]"

The maniacal sound of laughter was always drowned by the din of applause....





Ok guys, this game will begin on the 2nd of February, hopefully with the 20 players I need. Here are the rules:


1) Mod is God. I reserve the right to change things and run the game the way I want.

2) No editing posts. EVER. You WILL be modkilled, WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS.

3) You must post at least once every game day. If you go on LOA please inform me, otherwise you will be modkilled.

4) No revealing character names. You can claim whatever role you want, but no character names.

5) A lynch will be held everyday, requiring a majority (half the players plus 1). In the event of a no-lynch, a player who did not voted will be killed randomly. If everyone voted then a player will be killed randomly.

6) Game days and nights will vary in length. I'll let you know when we start!

7) Character names, roles and alignment will be revealed after death

8.) To vote, you must [glow=red,2,300]Glow[/glow] your vote. Same goes for unvoting for it to count.

9) No quoting PMs from the mod. Or anyone else for that matter.

10) The team with the voting majority wins.

11) No communitcating off thread unless I say so

12) Once you're dead, you get a bah post then you may post in this thread, which will become the dead Thread.

13) No excessive spam. Sure, lead people down the wrong track, distract them, but not so you have to trudge through 8 pages of spam when you log back on  :)

12) HAVE FUN  ;D


Just to tell you guys, this is my first time at modding. I'm away with exams atm, but will start at the beginning of Feb when I'm done. Everything is PAFO - all I'll say is that there are a LOT of roles, and a slightly unusual team setup - there may or not be townies, mafia, cult, recruitment, solo winners etc. It's quite a complicated game, but newbies are welcome, I'd advise you to go to www.mafiascum.net and read up on some roles. That's all your getting  ;)


Please post if you wish to sign up!


1) ed2funy (the eager beaver)

2) Wombat (he knows about the Ides of March...)

3) Red (Maiden of the Spear)

4) Boopsy (the novice kisser  ;D)

5) Alanna (mafia ninja)

6) Nae (fellow shopper)

7) Tigraine (always welcome!)

8.) Lily (no.8!!!)

9) Talya (The OL of awesome)

10) Pale (Shadowite for life)

11) Pete (slippery fellow)

12) Al Jenn (wielder of water blasters)

13) LZM (Eats Lighties for breakfast)

14) ConQuest (first time!)

15) dapianoplay3er (first time!)

16) Liathiana (old skool mafia)

17) Jeranivs (The Roman version of Jeran  ;D)

18) Pookie (Needs hooking up at the party! ;D)

19) Tynaal (She's warned you people  ;D)

20) Meercatman (To seal it off!)


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I love the shameless recruiting!



(Psst...you can only have two lines on your sig...be careful)



EDIT: Just read the introduction!

It was really good. I am sure it will be a good game!


*slithers in* I'll be the trojan horse thank you.




And yes, I'm in. How could I not be? THIS IS REY WE'RE TALKING ABOUT!!

  • Club Leader

I'm going out of town Feburuary 12th-15th, with no wifi  :-[, but if you can work with that, I'm in. I wouldn't miss your first game for anything else, hon.




*raises hand*

I might have always been the last picked for kick ball but can I still play?  :'(


Course you can Tigs! *Dances around with glee"



I'm going out of town Feburuary 12th-15th, with no wifi  :-[, but if you can work with that, I'm in. I wouldn't miss your first game for anything else, hon.




Thats definetely not a problem  :D  Lily! WOOOHOOO!  :-*


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