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Ask A Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer (No AMoL Spoilers)

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1) Theres no real location that it comes from. The Channeler sees it coming from right in front of them, people watching see it coming from their body. Like my comment earlier about shielding and a endlessly vast space that's impossibly small. It comes from all places and none


2) No one knows what worms become. We never will. It would be cool to know however.


3) I don't think the game can be won. I think it's a game meant to teach kids a lesson, and it cannot be won without cheating. I can make up a game that's impossible to win. I don't think it's a pure luck thing


4) No. Nothing says his future glory has to be in serivce of the light. However I'd think if she saw glory in the service on the DO, it would have blackness around it or something.


5) We don't know that for sure, however you have to remember Lanfear is pretty damn powerful and knows things. She's too powerful a pawn to give up. I'm pretty sure he went in just go get her


6) I'm not sure if there's an answer to this. However I would speculate they picked that role because someone before them did, and thus it became known as a place for Sea Folk AS. I'd imagine they like to hang together.


I think if Moridin had any inkling of how important Moiraine actually is (half the light of the world to save the world), he'd have killed her instead of or in addition to Lanfear.

1) Theres no real location that it comes from. The Channeler sees it coming from right in front of them, people watching see it coming from their body. Like my comment earlier about shielding and a endlessly vast space that's impossibly small. It comes from all places and none


The Power off course is all around, it drives the WoT universe forward so it would be everywhere, however it is mentioned clearly that channelers feel one place where their connection to the source enter their body, and I was wondering where this place was and not so much where the Power was for it is everywhere and nowhere, it is not a thing one can describe a location of, but the direct spiritual part of a channelers anatomy that allow them to use the Power.


The way I read it channelers do not see the Power as being right in front of them, when they channel they draw it into them and then weave with it and fuel those weaves, it is an in and out thing, they do not manipulate what they see in front of them they channel as in directing energy.


I am not saying it is corporal, it is clearly spiritual in nature, what I am saying is that that spiritual "thing" meet the body somewhere. A connection is mentioned repeatedly and it is written as if it is an actual thing, not physical and corporal off course but an actual tangible thing non the less, but off course it is not corporal and physical. What I was wondering about is where that spot on their bodies, that place of sorts, as you say it, is.

Posted (edited)

That's just it, I don't think there's a spot. The place where they're connected to the True Source isn't an actual place; it's a metaphorical one.


EDIT: forgot to ask if you could quote the references you're thinking of. I have a feeling they don't exactly say what you remember them to.

Edited by yoniy0
Posted (edited)

"A severed connection inside the head" is what they see - not saidin/ saidar.

But, if I remember correctly, wasn't the disconnect different between men and women. AND, if Nynaeve can see a disconnect in a man who can channel, why don't channelers just look towards that spot to see if somone of the opposite sex is a channeler?

Edited by thisguy

For one, they'd have to have Nynaeve's facility with Healing. For another, they'd probably need to lay their hands on the recipient.

There are a whole bunch of them that have her facility with healing now. And, I don't see why just looking at the spot would take much power. And, unless I am not remembering correctly (and maybe I'm not) she didn't always have her hands on him, she was often just looking.

Posted (edited)

There are a whole bunch of them that have her facility with healing now.

There are, true.


And, I don't see why just looking at the spot would take much power.

Not power, facility. Just as not everyone would've been able to see Graendal's Compulsion on that poor fellow, I forget his name.


And, unless I am not remembering correctly (and maybe I'm not) she didn't always have her hands on him, she was often just looking.

Why, you're correct:

Hiding the effort required, she took Logain's head in her hands roughly. Yes. It was better with physical contact, the impressions sharper.

Whether or not she'd need to do the same now is a different story. She certainly did it with Siuan and Leane too, though.

"Oh, shut up," Nynaeve broke in testily. One step, and she seized Siuan's head in both hands as if she intended to break the woman's neck.


Saidar filled her, and she channeled as she had with Logain, blending all of the Five Powers. She knew what she was looking for this time, that almost-not-there-at-all sense of something cut. Spirit and Fire to mend the break, and....

Edited by yoniy0

Don't know if I've ever seen the answer for this one: The answer has implications on the ability of the Seanchan to make effective high-power weaves, such as large openings for Traveling.


Re: Seanchan, damane and linking. We know that the a'dam restricts the ability of damane to link with each other. So two sul'dam-damane pairs can not link with each other.


But... if a sul'dam was holding two (or more) damane bracelets and commanded them all to embrace the Source, would that not put the sul'dam at the center of a Circle, able to wield their combined power? Can that be done? Theoretically I think it might, since the sul'dam is herself a channeler. One barrier to this might be that the a'dam prevent a true circle from being formed because, although the damane both are in a link with the sul'dam, they can not directly access each other's power.


Alternatively, can a sul'dam daisy-chain the damane to enhance her strength: sul'dam holds bracelet of damane #1 and wields the Power through damane #1, damane #1 holds bracelet of damane #2 and draws Power from #2, damane #2 holds bracelet of damane #3 and draws Power from #3, and so on...


Has anyone ever answered whether one damane can hold another's bracelet? I'm quite sure that over the centuries some of the sul'dam (the crueler ones, anyway) would have experimented with this.

That's just it, I don't think there's a spot. The place where they're connected to the True Source isn't an actual place; it's a metaphorical one.


EDIT: forgot to ask if you could quote the references you're thinking of. I have a feeling they don't exactly say what you remember them to.


I agree with you on the metaphysical place one. I will try to dig up the quote as soon as possible but since I have the books in my bookshelf along with quite a few other books, and I do not know exactly where, it will take me a few days to dig it out since I do not remember the exact chapter name so I do not know how to find it on the internet.


You know, thinking about it - How does Nynaeve (and late Flinn) see the point of where saidin was cut in Logain? It's saidin.


The connection itself is not saidin, it is some sort of spiritual thing. The way I see it it is like the tap and pipes in my sink is not made of water, they are just there to get the water to my sink I think it is the same way with a channeler's connection.


But, if I remember correctly, wasn't the disconnect different between men and women. AND, if Nynaeve can see a disconnect in a man who can channel, why don't channelers just look towards that spot to see if somone of the opposite sex is a channeler?


She uses allot of time in finding that spot it is not like she just take a sweep over the guy's head and find it, I assume none have tried before, there is allot that the main characters discover which they find because they think out of the box and try something none have thought of trying before. Perhaps now that Nyn know where that connection is she can poke around someone's head and see if she find something, or perhaps it only work if they have been severed, in which case you yes have a reliable but rather impractical and very painful way to check if someone is a channeler which I do not think anyone would recommend, try to sever them, then see if you find the cut. Though if the target to not fall to the floor screaming and trashing about then you can be rather sure they are not a channeler. Perhaps a reliable method of finding channelers but not a to friendly one. :P Off course if an active connection can be found that way then it might be a way of detection.


Now as for damane, I may be mistaken here but in most of WoT combining artifacts are not a good idea that tend to have negative effects of the explosive variety so I do not think that daisy chaining damane together would lead to anything but allot of dead or at least bayly wounded damane or some other similar unfortunate outcome. We also never see a sul'dam with two damane as far as I know, I may be mistaken here again but I think that if it was possible it would happen in the books at some point.


Thank you I managed to find it. I had remembered wrong Rand was not over channeling he was trying to avoid getting shielded, and you are right he did not mention a part of his body he just mentioned that he could feel where his connection was.


Panic rang the Void like a gong at the first knife-sharp touch, the Power diminishing as it slid deeper between him and the Source. With Spirit and Fire and Earth he cut at the knife blade; he knew where to find it; he knew where his link was, could feel that first nick.


One more question though, from rereading the section with Rand's fight with Lanfear it seams like her attempts at shielding him hurts him, do a shield hurt the channeler? We know that severing is extremely painful both from the reactions of those it have been done to in the books and from one of the Forsaken describing it as the deepest pain anyone could know, but what about shielding? Granted in the fight in this chapter, book 5 chapter 52, Lanfear's shielding attempts are vicious I do assume that it is not normally done that way, but the question remains will the channeler feel pain or discomfort while shielded? I know it is described as a shock as being dumped into ice cold water, but this seam like more than that.


Here is the section that made me wonder, or is Lanfear using another weave to hurt Rand in addition to her shielding attempts here:


And there was pain, the world swallowed in agony. Not heart or head this time, but everywhere, every part of him, hot needles stabbing into the Void. He almost thought he could hear a quenching hiss at each thrust, and each came deeper than the last. Her attempts to shield him did not slow; they came faster, stronger. He could not believe she was so strong. Clinging to the Void, to searing, freezing saidin, he defended himself wildly. He could end it, finish her. He could call down lightning, or wrap her in the fire she herself had used to kill.

She uses a lot of time to find the exact spot where the point of reconnection should be but the actual connection (someone whose line to saidar/saidin is not cut) should be even easier to spot. If there's some place to look to see the connection and the connection shows up differently for the male and female halfs, someone who can see should be able to tell if a person can channel and which half of the power they can channel.

She uses a lot of time to find the exact spot where the point of reconnection should be but the actual connection (someone whose line to saidar/saidin is not cut) should be even easier to spot. If there's some place to look to see the connection and the connection shows up differently for the male and female halfs, someone who can see should be able to tell if a person can channel and which half of the power they can channel.


Yes maybe and like I said it might be that no one have ever thought about looking like that before. But it can also be that a whole connection can not be felt. Think of it this way if you run your fingers over a polished stone the thing that will really stand out is a nick in that stone. It may be that a cut connection give enough of a rough edge to be felt while a whole one is to smooth, I am not saying it is so but it could be.


You just left out a portion before that, where Lanfear says "Pain, Lews Therm." No, that wasn't part of the Shielding. She used another weave on him.


Yeah you are probably right about that.

She uses a lot of time to find the exact spot where the point of reconnection should be but the actual connection (someone whose line to saidar/saidin is not cut) should be even easier to spot. If there's some place to look to see the connection and the connection shows up differently for the male and female halfs, someone who can see should be able to tell if a person can channel and which half of the power they can channel.


Yes maybe and like I said it might be that no one have ever thought about looking like that before. But it can also be that a whole connection can not be felt. Think of it this way if you run your fingers over a polished stone the thing that will really stand out is a nick in that stone. It may be that a cut connection give enough of a rough edge to be felt while a whole one is to smooth, I am not saying it is so but it could be.


You just left out a portion before that, where Lanfear says "Pain, Lews Therm." No, that wasn't part of the Shielding. She used another weave on him.


Yeah you are probably right about that.

That's a good point - the nick vs whole stone.


Now as for damane, I may be mistaken here but in most of WoT combining artifacts are not a good idea that tend to have negative effects of the explosive variety so I do not think that daisy chaining damane together would lead to anything but allot of dead or at least bayly wounded damane or some other similar unfortunate outcome. We also never see a sul'dam with two damane as far as I know, I may be mistaken here again but I think that if it was possible it would happen in the books at some point.


I think it might be in Knife of Dreams, not sure or maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but doesn't Tuon leash both Teslyn and Joline, one on each arm?



Off topic from the current discussion but, how much time passes within each book? Some books, like ACoS, are easier to tell while others, at least to me are sometimes more vague.


Now as for damane, I may be mistaken here but in most of WoT combining artifacts are not a good idea that tend to have negative effects of the explosive variety so I do not think that daisy chaining damane together would lead to anything but allot of dead or at least bayly wounded damane or some other similar unfortunate outcome. We also never see a sul'dam with two damane as far as I know, I may be mistaken here again but I think that if it was possible it would happen in the books at some point.


I think it might be in Knife of Dreams, not sure or maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but doesn't Tuon leash both Teslyn and Joline, one on each arm?



Off topic from the current discussion but, how much time passes within each book? Some books, like ACoS, are easier to tell while others, at least to me are sometimes more vague.

I think they're all different - timelines. I also think the time that passes between each book is different. I know the DR starts around 3 months after the book before.


You're right about Tuon and, I believe, the book in which she does that.


Wouldn't the conduit have to be of the power? If the power can remake it, that leads me to think that the power is what makes it. Maybe males are made of saidar and females saidin?


Wouldn't the conduit have to be of the power? If the power can remake it, that leads me to think that the power is what makes it. Maybe males are made of saidar and females saidin?

That's the way I pictured it too. As if the 'filament' the power runs across into each channeler is made of the opposite side of the OP that they wield. Which would makes sense - think of how Rand cleansed saidin.


But, who knows? It just struck me that there has been a way for males to see females and females to see male channelers.

I think it might be in Knife of Dreams, not sure or maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but doesn't Tuon leash both Teslyn and Joline, one on each arm?


I did not remember that, but you are probably right, then we know one Sul'dam can handle two Damane then the question is can she handle more than that and if so how many and can they be daisy chained together like your mother's old Christmas lights?


Off topic from the current discussion but, how much time passes within each book? Some books, like ACoS, are easier to tell while others, at least to me are sometimes more vague.


That varies between the books. In book two thee are at least nine months if not more, while book ten almost no time passes at all.


Wouldn't the conduit have to be of the power? If the power can remake it, that leads me to think that the power is what makes it. Maybe males are made of saidar and females saidin?


Possibly, that could explain why a woman can heal a man back to full strength but only give another woman back a faction of her original power and vice versa. However it do seam likely that if this is the case that the connection is made up of both sides with a main bulk of it being made up of the opposite side from the gender of the channeler since a woman can heal a female channeler at least partly, and if a woman's connection was pure saidin and vice versa then a channeler should not be able to heal severing in someone of the same gender as them at all.

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