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Is it just me or is the Cover Art terrible


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Some of the characters' looks are a lot different from how I imagine them, but overall I think the covers are certainly fine pieces of work.


I wouldn't say no to new ones, but I can't say they're burning my eyes :D


The eye of the world was the best looking, they started going down hill after that.

Knife of Dreams is just a copy and paste from previous covers. Not very unique.

The characters look nothing like I imagine. For example: Perrin is described as wide shouldered man with thick arms. He looks like a twig on the covers, if that is indeed him. Rand looks more homely then anything, not counting the CoS cover.


I don't know. There are some that I hate (trollocs look nothing like I pictured), but I have to admit that I love the cover for The Dragon Reborn. It's very well done, and the heart of the stone is just like I imagined it


Heart of the Stone and Aiel, yes. Rand in a white coat, no. I always picture him in a red coat, Mat in green, and Perrin in brown. And Perrin doesn't use a shield.


I voted no, but I do like the cover of LoC. It looks like Rand is about to b!tch slap an AS.


And some of the international covers I've seen are neat....Why can't we get them in the US.


yeah, I dont like them. I only biy them with the snake-wheel symbol thingy cause then I wont have to see the drawings everytime I want to read one of my books.


I would hasve bought the brittish version with black cover and just the symbol instead ´but that would have cost me 30 SEK (4$) more and I'm to cheap...




The artist's scale and knowledge of character details is very poor. Heads that are too big for the bodies, etc... I don't see how the artist got the job to begin with.


oooooooo... perfect opportunity to be the devil's addvicate. :twisted:


In my honest opinion, I think the covers are fantastically drawn, but a little on the boring side. To be honest, it was the covers that made me want to read the series to begin with. I saw these strong, young, hard edged looking characters and went "I bet they're cool." Rand holding up the horn was really inspiring, same with the sword on TDR, LoC made me think this guy is freaking dangerous. Yeah, I loved them. I think they're well drawn as well. Sure they're not exactly like I would picture them, but heck, I don't agree with 98% of fan art there is either. I know going in, when I read a book, that the cover's not going to match the book. It's always someone else's idea of what things should look like. If you take a look at Darrell K. Sweet's resume of drawings, you might like some of the other stuff he's done. I even have a calendar of some of his Lord of the Rings work.


So, yeah, I'll be the odd guy who votes that he loves the covers. They make me want to read the series. In fact I'll sit there with the book closed and just touch the cover for hours before I even open it.


I have seen some of Sweet's other art, and liked it, which makes me hate the WoT covers even more.


Let me first say that I know nobody is perfect. However, if I can find anatomy problems in the artwork of a supposed "professional" artist, there's something wrong there. It also bugs me that on some covers, he makes the boys look like middle-aged men with beer bellies. I don't mind the first two covers so much (I sort of like the second one), but it was downhill after that.

  • 3 weeks later...

The characters look too old and sometimes the hair color is wrong or they have the wrong weapons and clothes. EOTW looked good but Moiraine isn't blonde and nor is Egwene. Lan looked how I think he should though.


I like the ones without the cover art-just the 3 ring symbol and a different colour for each book. The other editions do look outdated. Don't think you can get 'em in Ireland anyway. :lol:

  • 2 weeks later...

I understand all your complains about the covers. The characters look (a lot!!!) different than the book descrips.


But when I look at the artwork, I like those. I just try not to bond them whith the characters to much. Just see it as a nice picture on a book.


I really like the covers of book: 1, 3 and 4.


I wouldn't say I so much hate the cover art but rather that I am annoyed by it. In and of themselves the drawings are good but they are very inacurate. In fact, I'm convinced that the artist has never actually read the books. For one thing Perrin is always pictured with light brown or blond hair despite the fact that the books continually mention that he, like all two rivers folk, has very dark hair. Of course the worst is Loial on the cover of "The Great Hunt." To me he looks much more like a giant Vulcan than like an Ogier. I'm sure that there are as many ideas as to what exactly an Ogier looks like as there are readers, however, a few of Loial's features are made very clear in the books such as his large broad nose, long shaggy eyebrows that hang down to his cheeks and tufts of hair on the ends of his ears. The Loial on "The Great Hunt" has none of these features. The most confusing to me is the cover of "The Shadow Rising" because I have no idea who those characters are suposed to be. My best guess is that the two men are Rand and Mat though they seem to have either switched coats or hair color for the day. Whatever the case the beer gut on the one in red is very unbecoming. I also assume that the men in the background are meant to be Aiel though not a single one of them has red hair. Then there is the woman in the forground who is the most confusing of them all. I supose it could be Egwene thought if memory serves she didn't spend alot of time with Rand and Mat while she was in the Waste (not that that would stop the artist mind you) with means that it can only logically be Lanfear. The problem with that is that I don't picture Lanfear ever dishing out soup for anybody, not even herself. I know that she was in disguise at that point but she would still try to manipulate Rand into getting her soup for her just for kicks or worse come to worse she would have made Asmodien get it for her. So any way you slice it the cover of tSR just doesn't work.


And that's all I have to say about that.


No, I don't like them, and I don't understand why they change the look of the characters with each cover, like how they make Rand look in The Dragon Reborn and how they show him on aCoS is totally different I just don't get it.


i don't really have strong feelings for the cover art. i rarely visualize the story while i read and when i do i cut and paste images of people i know from life and tv. anyway, don't you remember being brainwashed in school to never judge a book by it's cover?


The only cover I saw orignally was the Serpent Wheel, until I got hooked . Then I started doing searches on the web and came across the cover art-work and was very disappointed with the artists impression of Rand and the rest. It made me grateful that here in England we only get the "wheel" covers


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