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Wolfie Charge!!!!!!


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*waves from comfy seat in nearby tree then turns on the TQ hose at full power to blast everyone*


You want TQ, we have lots  ;D


Ooohh... Mud!! *slides around in the mud, surreptiously planting her exploding chili pies everywhere then throws the remote up to Red2111* Here, see what fun you can have with this!


*Scampers away to join the melèe, throwing TQ-filled balloons in the general direction of any black coat crossing her field of vision*


Who said oldies can't join the fun with the pups?


*Recovers some TQ balloons from Merlot's wheelbarrow while he's busy with the kebab shop and stuffs them in her plaid backpack, then trundles off with the whole thing while whistling on Molly Malone*


Did I mention that the super soaker is armed with TQ at 0 fahrenheit? *Squirts Merlot with a good portion of it, securing the TQ balloons for the wolfies*


*Walks outside with Vanion's freshly polished spare boots and gets bombarded with mud*

*Shakes head, walks inside and begins cleaning the boots*


*walks out and immediately ducks to avoid flying projectiles*


Oh wow, what do we have here.


*looks around at the chaos everywhere*


*gets blasted in the side*


I guess it's war then! ;D


*weaves a shield of air to protect from flying mud*


*climbs to a nearby rooftop and survey's the battle*


Where is that Talya?


*breaks out two chrome TQ pistols* 


8) 8) 8) Go ahead, BT, make my day.  8) 8) 8)


*dives off the rooftop shooting TQ in all directions* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!




*climbs to a nearby rooftop and survey's the battle*


Where is that Talya?


*breaks out two chrome TQ pistols* 


8) 8) 8) Go ahead, BT, make my day.  8) 8) 8)


*dives off the rooftop shooting TQ in all directions* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!




That's "Make my Moon Cycle" to you ;D


*jump-knocks Locke into the mud, passing through the shield-for-mud :P *


*runs and bites at Pale's shoe laces to tie to a cinder block*


*Weaves threads of air to slap projectiles out of the air before the can strike him , and weaves of fire to turn the mud into glass as he walks along*


...Dont want to get my boots dirty..! The Wombat has enough work to do without having another pair of boots to polish!


*Weaves a funnel of air to capture all of the tequila from the TQ hose, depositing it in large casks for late consumption*


...If Tayol were here, he would be having a fit at the waste of this much alcohol!


*shakes his head as he weaves more threads of air, snatching wolfies off the ground and hurling them into the lake*


catches remote and immedaitely presses the BIG RED BUTTON


howls in delight as the chili bombs explode all at once, covering everyone and creating mass pools of chili everywhere


tree is knocked down by after shock of chili explosion and the branch Red is tied to breaks


Red belly crawls to where wombat is and tackles him into a chili pool


*excitedly takes the BIG RED BUTTON and presses it*




*presses it again*


*suddenly the air around the Black Tower implodes and it begins to rain cotton candy*


:o  Oooooookay...  :-[


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