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funny things people have said to you when reading the books for the 1st time

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*Father glancing down at the cover of my copy of LOC*


''Please don't let your mother see you reading THAT kind of...book...shes a decent sort of woman, your mother.''






That my friend is awesome ;D

now that you mention it, it does kinda look like a romance novel


I think the funniest/hardest question I always get is "What is that book about?" I've been reading WoT for 15 years and really have no simple answer for this question. lol


I also enjoy the comments about the size of these books. Oh, man, the way peoples eyes pop when you tell them the extent of the series!  :D


I always rave about this series and how there is no other author comes even close to how much I love RJ... and then I start to try to explain what it's about and how it's like no other book...... it doesn't ever go well... they either look lost after a few minutes or argue over other books that sound the same and such.... :\ isn't always pretty :D


Perrin and Elyas as gay lovers?  Wild! 


Although, must say, big letdown that with 2200 characters not one of them is gay. You'd think some of the Red Ajah might, you know.  Oh well.  Or maybe I missed something.  Skimmed a lot of the late middle books.


Some of the women are, including in the Reds (what do you think pillow friends are?). RJ has said that some of the men are, but it hasn't come up in the series. If there's something in the notes, maybe we'll hear about it for someone in one of the remaining books.


When I started reading LoC told my sister “you have to read EotW it is the best book ever”, she got half way though the book when she found out that there were 10 more… ever wondered what it feels like to be hit with a HC copy of EotW? Not fun I can assure you.


And I recently tried to convince my other sister to read it and she asked “what’s it about?” I gave myself a headache trying to explain just the prologue!!



Poor Perrin and Faile, even this thread turns into a hate thread for them! 


  My story is that I read New Spring first, and accidently read Great Hunt and continued on.  So, I was way behind on stuff, although the characters explained most of what I missed, which was nice.  Also, reading NewSpring first made me trust Suian and Mordrine more than the original books would.


Some of the women are, including in the Reds (what do you think pillow friends are?). RJ has said that some of the men are, but it hasn't come up in the series. If there's something in the notes, maybe we'll hear about it for someone in one of the remaining books.


Thanks!  I stand COrrected. 


*Father glancing down at the cover of my copy of LOC*


''Please don't let your mother see you reading THAT kind of...book...shes a decent sort of woman, your mother.''








Ha, my parents had the same reaction!  ;D


And also...

why does everyone hate on Perrin and Faile? They are my favorite couple!


Just to clarify from my earlier post, my sister hit me because she was, by that stage, in love with the books and new she wouldn't put them down till she was finished. Which became awkward when she had to carry around a copy of PoD for like twelve months. ;) I kill myself!



And also...

why does everyone hate on Perrin and Faile? They are my favorite couple!


I totally agree with you on this… they are by far the most interesting COUPEL in the series, however as individuals they bug me no end. Although this is because they were central to the most drawn out plot line in fantasy history! And they were NOT TOGETHER at the time.


Ands on a random side note, i had someone ask me like ten minuts ago what the books were about, too funny.


OMG...I really hate when someone asks me what the books are about.


You know how hard it is to explain 12 books in a sentence or two!


I gave a persuasive speech today. I used like 6 minutes, just providing back round on how the world works!!!


You know I brag about these books a lot and one of the most irratating things people ask after only a couple sentences of description is; "So it's basically a book about good vs. evil?" It makes me pitty these poors souls who think that the WOT can be summed up that easily...


Damn them? I really rather think that they should be pittied for their simple minds... :\ I mean.. I really can't even imagine this series not in my life.. Poor fools don't even know what there missing... but then again you can't miss something  you never had right?


Lol... perhaps.. but then again perhaps if they have trouble comprehending just a few of my sentences they sure as heck aren't going to be able to follow this series. <3


AAhhh... now all your comments make sense.. *nods wisely* becuase if we damned them all to Shayol Ghul you would have newbie foder for your cult *cough-cough* I mean Org. <3


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