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RP Idea for all Ajah Heads


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I've been promising this for a while, but I've been a bad bad girl  :P


You can all take turns spanking me later  ;)


Anyhoo, this is the idea Jade and I came up with:


In the Books, the Ajah Heads somehow know each other, despite the fact that no one outside an Ajah is supposed to know who that Ajah Head is. Correct me if I'm wrong, but our modus operandi is that we are trying to stick as close as possible to the basic structure of the Books, right?

Working from that premise, I've been wondering about the Ajah Heads. How would they get to know about each other? What would their purpose be, if anything?


An RP Jade is working on has given me an idea for the HOW, at least.

Without giving too much away, the scenario is as follows: Shortly after the BT/Red bondings, Jade finds out that Zarinen is the Red HoA. Z realises that Jade knows things she shouldn't, but she doesn't know that Jade knows what she is, or that Jade is the Green HoA. (Jade, I actually think it would work out better if Z does figure that out, btw - all it would need is for Jade to put emphasis one one word in that RP: "but then I am not the Head of this Ajah".


Whichever way that plays out, the Green and Red Heads eventually know about each other. An uneasy alliance could be formed (the Asha'man and TG are central to reason for the alliance), and during the course of that they could start pondering about who the other Ajah Heads are, and slowly figure them all out.


Reason for this proposed plot line: It gets all the Ajah's RPing with each other, even if it's just the Heads for now. It's a plot line that could bring many RPs together, like a constant thread weaving through it all. At the moment, we're all over the place, lots of things happening at the Reds and Greens, the Blues seem to be picking up, but most of it is just "personal" RPs, nothing that steers the WT in any particular direction, or includes more than a few friends.

OOC the Ajah Heads should really be contributing towards plot lines (either Ajah specific, or for the WT as a whole). Having the Ajah Heads working together IC could contribute to that.


The WHY (IC): quite frankly, I don't know. Maybe once Book 12 comes out we will see what the Book plot line is all about, and can incorporate that. Some reasons being floated about the Book Heads, is that they are trying to counter the BA. We have some BA Ajah Heads, though, don't we? Don't know how that would work, then. What are the plans for our BA?


Obviously this was before TGS came out, but since I'm sure quite a few people have not read it yet, I'm keeping it as is.


Now, what do you guys (Heads, Sitters, anyone who can see here) think of this idea? What suggestions do you have? Wanna play wif?  :D

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It sounds good to me, personally. In the books, the Heads are quite powerfull women. They assign the Sitters for their Ajah, and in doing so decide the course of the White Tower indirectly. Most even pick up a Sitter chair themselves, to make certain they have a hand on things. Considering the state the Tower is in pre-book 12, I would be surprised if the Heads (if not the Sisters) weren't at least considering what they could or should do to improve things. Some might be scheming for more personal power, but they can't all be that selfish. Some might be BA, though to be honest, from what we've seen of Alviarin and the like, it appears the BA mostly operate in a secondary level, pulling strings more than assuming command openly themselves.


Having said that though, here IC Raeyn was Head both of the Brown ànd of the Black. So Not quite sure how that would work out.


Do we follow the books exactly in timeline here IC or is our main timeline behind on the books? And if so, how far behind?

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I didn't realise they did all know each other in the books. I only thought some did, and that was largely because some are actually publicly known. It's a vague recollection, I'm currently re-reading so my memory is largely 5 years old (shame on me, I know!) so I'm very likely wrong.


Anyway, I do like the idea - perhaps the asha'man bonding and the BA hunt is enough to spur the Ajah heads to recognise a need to know each other's identity? A message could easily be passed along to each head imploring them to reveal themselves (if only to the other heads, not the general public) and to meet to discuss strategy or something. I don't know. I can't see all of them agreeing IC, so it could make for interesting rp...it would be like them forming a secret hall away from the hall, pulling the strings together of the sisters and thus the hall...actually in turn that could also mean leading the Amyrlin where they chose too, but I'm getting way ahead of myself lol. Yes, I'd be happy for an RP along these lines :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, Eqwina is head of the BA. At the moment, none of the "official" Ajah Heads are BA (originally wrote up that idea when Raeyn was still Brown Head and a Black).


Lavi: yes they know about each other in the Books, though this only becomes evident in the later ones. And a few AS here and there might have suspicions about who is another Ajah's Head, but none confirmed.


Myst: We're somewhere around pre-cleansing of the Taint. Working up to that at the moment. Sorry, I'm at work so don't have time right now to hunt down the time-line thread, but i'll put that up here later so we can all refer to it.



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  • 2 months later...

Zarinen (Red) and Jaydena (Green) have met each other, so soon we can start working on the two of them hunting down the other Ajah Heads.


The idea is that we (Red / Green) form an alliance about AS bonding Asha'man. We want as many other AS to do so too, but we're not sure how they'll handle it. To prevent mass hysteria and panic, we want to find the other Heads and convince them that this needs to be done, and ask their help in persuading / controlling their members.


So got any ideas on how the 2 of us can discover / meet up with the other Heads?

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  • 1 month later...

Well, the logical thing to do would be for them to get the thinkers in on it. So, I'd say either Brown, White or Grey should be next on the list of who to find the Ajah Head of. I mean you wouldn't want it to appear to obvious what you're doing either. Wouldn't want the whole tower talking about it, so I'd say go for the source of the knowledge, or the gossip as the case may be. :) I'm sure we have at least someone that everyone is sure knows more than they should. ;)

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As for my character, it would be widely known that her brother ran away because he could channel and she had asked fervently for any word of her brother when they found out about the Black Tower. She holds no fear of male channelers and actually holds a soft spot in her heart for them, even if it's tainted with sadness. She held no love in her heart for the Reds in general because of their attitude about male channelers so a change in this attitude would be welcomed by her greatly. She's also known for her temper when crossed and for not necessarily agreeing with other White's view of logic. Perhaps they think that she would help them to find the First Reasoner for their cause because of her background.

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  • 2 months later...



Let's get this show on the road, ladies (and gentlem... errr ... Boopsie)  :)


Jade & Zarinen have just "outed" themselves to each other, and should soon join in their search for other Ajah Heads.


Serena (Blue) will probably be the next one to find out something's going on. Them Blues being so nosy and politically aware, you know? If anyone can sniff out a conspiracy, it should be a Blue ... lol


This thread is to discuss and plan how the other Ajah Heads are found / find out. Bringing Taei (White) in next, would be logical. Cool White reasoning and logic would be high on their list of attributes sought after, methinks. Not only to help them find the other Ajah Heads, but also in working out how to present their idea to the other Heads without causing a ruccus.


Taei, I'm just not so sure that "we" would go to your character. "We" would be trying to keep very much under the radar, and it's known that an AS would NEVER give away who her Ajah Head is. Would she somehow be able to figure out on her own that 3 AS from different Ajahs, and 3 very much known NOT to be either friends or political allies, hanging out together in quiet corners might possibly be Ajah Heads?


For background reading, here's all the RP threads that have led up to this:


The White Tower (DR) > In a world beyond controlling ...

The Red HoA and the Amyrlin decide that Reds must Bond Asha'man


The White Tower (DR) > Are you going to deny the saviour ... Att Red Sitters & Keeper

The Red HoA breaks the news to her Sitters


The White Tower (DR) > I just killed my boss. Can I see yours?

The BT Boys rock up at the WT


The White Tower (DR) > New Alliances

The BT Boys meet with the Amyrlin, the Red HoA and Red Sitters, and an Alliance is formed, which includes Bonding


The White Tower (DR) > While the bosses speak ...

The Reds and BT Boys Bond (still in progress)


The White Tower (DR) > What do you mean your not a Red?

The Green HoA sniffs out the Red HoA, an alliance is formed (still in progress)

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I think this is all working out in a very realistic and logical manner. I'm thinking of a slightly different way to flush out the Gray head. I imagine someone like Pia would be vastly curious about the goings on between sisters who do not get along mysteriously meeting. She's a perceptive lady, but I doubt she would go and snoop for herself. Anyway, what if she is found by accident sorta kinda? Like a note is despatched with a novice and she is told to deliver it to the head of the Gray ajah. Obviously not having a clue who it is, she would ask the first Gray she saw and it could be passed on that way. And the note could be warded so it could only be opened once. Any Gray would be practically suicidal to think of reading a private note intended for Pia, so she would get it...perhaps the note sender hoped to gain her identity by questioning the novice, but instead Pia backtracks and finds them?


I don't know, its only half thought out as I write this lol...but maybe something different to Pia approaching the group or vice versa.

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Ummm.... First Weaver here.


You can bring me in last. *lol* It might just be a case of Camigwen (That's my first Weaver char, just unveiled, please applause) discovering other Heads meeting in secret AND WANTS IN! *nods*



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Me LIKES, Lavi! Maybe the White would come up with the totally logical idea of sending a novice with a note  ;D


And then we can all find Camigwen last (using that totally awesome White's logic)  :D


Now just to figure out how to get with the Brown ... maybe the same way we find the Gray and Yellow? Or maybe some other interesting way ... open to suggestions, here  ;)

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I could be a fulfilment of a Prophesy? *lol*


"6 meet under shadows, lacking the one the colour of Earth. Let her rise and join them. And have a trip to the toilet on the way. There they will know the meaning of leadership."


No? Nevermind then. DM keeps going down for me. I can hardly post. And when I type something I have to copy it to Word, coz I lost a whole post earlier when the site went down and ATE MY POST. Dang it.

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Quite honestly, I can already form in my head how to get Tayva to reason out who Jaydena and Zarinen are. She is a lot more attentive to matters in the tower than some of her predecessors, so she would of course have realized that once a solitary Green went into the Red Hall and spent quite some time in their quarters talking after the Reds started bonding that this would have to be the Heads of those Ajahs. I would say that Tayva would probably send a couple messages out to them and have a nice tea set out for them one night to find out what was going on exactly.


Let's just say that the Grey Ajah Head has the fortune of intercepting the messages and puts two and two together herself. I can easily send a message through Kasi, or another novice/accepted, for her to get her hands on.


*EDIT* OOooooh! I've got the scenes already mapped out.... Just give the word and it's done. :)

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I don't suppose anyone of the Ajah Heads would get really sick or injured and end up in a delirium and start talking about having met other Ajah Heads while in the hands of Camigwen the Healer? No? Too much to ask? Bah! Humbug.


Alright, here's what I think Camigwen's entry will be like. She has a roster of Accepted who act as her attendants daily. If you need details please read this http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,59048.0.html. Read it anyway. I took a while to write it. *ahem* ANYWAY. Yes, so her daily rotation of Accepted (makes it sound like I have Accepteds spinning in my office all day) would include some chatterbugs who let slip that they've gone to either of your rooms serving tea and bumped into another two or three Heads visiting... etc. I would choose one of the Heads to be one of those who are not allied with the others. Kinda like a Red and a Blue and a Green. Something that would unlikely be just a "visit".


And then leave Camigwen's intelligence to put two and two together. And VOILA! She's in. And providing all kindsa yummy drugs her infirmary can dispense.


No to drugs? Bah humbug!

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Ok just to recap (and trying to keep it logical):


Jade (Green) and Zarinen (Red) have now found each other.

They get found out by Serena (Blue), who sees them together (maybe in the Library).

Tayva (White) is the next to figure it out (maybe just Green & Red - she doesn't know about Blue till she approaches Green & Red? Just to keep it interesting?)

Tayva (White) then figures out how to find Brown, Gray & Yellow.


Boopsie, I think it would be a bit boring to have the same story repeated, ie each Head working it out on her own, instead of just a few doing that, and then those few hunting down the rest through various means. Also, there are what ... 20 or max 30 Accepted in the Tower? As opposed to almost 1000 Aes Sedai? I don't think the Yellow would have THAT many accepted attending her.

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Looks good to me, Elgee. I suppose Serena might be interested in siding with the Whites ('cuz they're neutral) and helping to find the Yellow Head? Seeing as how the Yellow's are still somewhat allianced with the Blue? She's going to feel a little oppressed by the lack of Ajah's on her side of the Alliance at first, seeing as how she'll be hanging out with two Ajah's that are already against her(Green and Red), and one Ajah that flops back and forth (White).


Yes? No? Maybe? I'm crazy? ;D

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You're crazy.




Would make excellent motivation for her to help find out who the other Heads are. Maybe she'll prod the Floppy White to work on that stat?

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