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Upcoming events

Far Dareis Mai

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With the holiday season and impending End Of Year looming upon us, I'm going to take a moment to let you know the plans so that we may all plan accordingly.


October: Halloween Mafia -- in progress

Mating Dance--sign ups open http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,49153.0.html


November: Ultimate Scholars Competition: three teams three competing with double the words. More info next month.


December: Ghulie Noms and Voting: begin thinking of those people most deserving of a Ghulie. This also means I will be working on our fancy, highly coveted Org awards. For a list of past winners, you can view them here: http://sgorg.wikidot.com/awards



There will obviously be more stuff coming up, but these are our large events. Please plan accordingly. :D

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