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Bad, Bad News...


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Wanted to give everyone a heads up that I will likely be scarce around here. Not sure for how long. I am at the hospital right now. My dad suffered a massive heart attack about 4 hours ago and things aren't looking very good at the moment. The cardiologist said there is a chance he may not make it through the night. His heart has stopped 3 times already and they have had to shock him back each time. His heart beat is still very erratic right now.


Never felt so completely fucking helpless in all of damned life.

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OH NO! (I hope you don't mind if I huggle you; I can't help it, it's my nature!)


*huggles Vanion*


That is awful, I can't imagine being in your situation right now! :-\


I'm keeping you and your dad in my thoughts and prayers, and I hope everything works out.


I'm really sorry this is happening. :(

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Van I am really extremely sorry to hear that. My grandpa had one a few years back, and he is fine today, they had to do open heart. So hopefully everything will work out. I am praying for you and your father.

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Your prayers are appreciated. I am not a relious person, but the sentiment means a lot. I have to wait until morning for the damn cardiac surgeon to get here and operate. The hospital won't release the doc's contact info to me, so I can't get him any immediate help. The waiting is getting to me. Its hard for me to be in my dad's room for long periods... I hate seeing him this way.

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Well, my dad is stable at the moment.


Needs a triple bypass, but we have to wait until early next week before they can operate.


They gave him something called Plavix when he was first brought in. Was to help thin his blood and all to prevent more heart attacks or something. Takes like a week to get out of his system though, so they can't operate until it runs through him.


Apparently, early test results are showing that he has likely had minor heart attacks in the past and not realized that what they were. I am being told that between 60-70% of his heart is already damaged.


At the moment, only one of the arteries in his heart is clear. The top 3 arteries are still blocked, which are the ones he needs the bypass done on.


More tests are being run, so I'll know more later. Fridat I find out exactly when he will go in for surgery.


Apparently, there is always a 2% fatality risk for heart surgery. However, with the extent of the damage already done to his heart, that risk factor will raise significantly.


My father is currently doing well though. Cracking jokes and making light of it as is his way. The day nurse also told him that if he pinched her ass one more time, she would tell the night-nurse to stop giving him morphine for his arthritis pain.


My dad hates hospitals. He is going to be there for about the next 6 weeks though, then several months recovery with him being lamed up and unable to do much.

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So, my dad is out of surgery and doing good.


They actually ended up doing 6 bypasses instead of 3, since things were worse than they though.


However, he is stable and doing good. They are going to keep a close eye on him over the next 24 hours to make sure he doesnt start to bleed or anything. As I said though, he is doing good! He wont be awake for another few hours though, so once he is awake, I will be going in to see him.


Thanks to everyone for their thought, prayers and kind words. They were much appreciated.

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