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Who would you kill off?


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Loial dies and thats get all the ogier to put a short handle on their axes, is it a short handle that means angry.
A long handle on their axes means they're making up for something.


Are you kidding? Fain is such a bad ass, he's like one of the coolest characters.
How does Fain qualify as bad ass? Effective villain, perhaps, but bad ass?
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Loial dies and thats get all the ogier to put a short handle on their axes, is it a short handle that means angry.
A long handle on their axes means they're making up for something.


Thanks for pointing that out to me. I have a history of not picking up on what people are saying, this was one of the least embarassing times.

But I do think Fain is a good character just underused and has little book time really but I guess that is because Rand and co have just gotten to be too powerful.


If I had the Power I would kill Min off and make it another ordeal that shows how heartless Rand is becoming. And Lan would die from the same sideplot.


If I was writing TGS I'd do it so Rand and Min are with the Borderlander army with a few select superchannelers-including Nynaeve and Lan, this coming about because Rand felt that he could use Lan for his prestige. Min has a viewing which she shares only with Rand, maybe its of someone in a position of command posing danger to Rand with a few other faces floating around theirs or something. They search for the other faces to find a connection, Rand feeling that he was working towards something important. Eventually they stumble across Demandred unexpectedly, who whirls round and throws something of the Power at them. Rand actually dodges it, it hits Min, Demandred escapes, and just as she is about to die she says something like "The viewings lead to him. Soon he will..." Then she dies, and all Rand can feel is rage at her not being able to tell him the rest, that it is because she didnt finish that Demandred can get away and live to kill others. "How selfish of her to die before telling me something that can save lives." Maybe later on I'd have Rands thoughts continue on this rout, that Rand was still angry with her for taking crucial information to the grave, and this in turn leading to Rand being angry with Moiraine also for deserting him.


And during this I'd have Mat PoVs flecked between Rands further darkening as if from both Rands PoVs and Mats it would be building up to Moiraines return, adding to the suspense. Mat needing to hurry up and save her before Rand gets to the point where the reader thinks Rands reaction to seeing Moiraine would be to kill her. Finally, Mat arrives with his little party, Rand sees Moiraine and shouts "Shadowspawn!" then hurls a fireball at her. Lan instinctively jumps in the way and dies, and then Rand has a nervous breakdown.


If I had the Power I would kill Min off and make it another ordeal that shows how heartless Rand is becoming. And Lan would die from the same sideplot.


If I was writing TGS I'd do it so Rand and Min are with the Borderlander army with a few select superchannelers-including Nynaeve and Lan, this coming about because Rand felt that he could use Lan for his prestige. Min has a viewing which she shares only with Rand, maybe its of someone in a position of command posing danger to Rand with a few other faces floating around theirs or something. They search for the other faces to find a connection, Rand feeling that he was working towards something important. Eventually they stumble across Demandred unexpectedly, who whirls round and throws something of the Power at them. Rand actually dodges it, it hits Min, Demandred escapes, and just as she is about to die she says something like "The viewings lead to him. Soon he will..." Then she dies, and all Rand can feel is rage at her not being able to tell him the rest, that it is because she didnt finish that Demandred can get away and live to kill others. "How selfish of her to die before telling me something that can save lives." Maybe later on I'd have Rands thoughts continue on this rout, that Rand was still angry with her for taking crucial information to the grave, and this in turn leading to Rand being angry with Moiraine also for deserting him.


And during this I'd have Mat PoVs flecked between Rands further darkening as if from both Rands PoVs and Mats it would be building up to Moiraines return, adding to the suspense. Mat needing to hurry up and save her before Rand gets to the point where the reader thinks Rands reaction to seeing Moiraine would be to kill her. Finally, Mat arrives with his little party, Rand sees Moiraine and shouts "Shadowspawn!" then hurls a fireball at her. Lan instinctively jumps in the way and dies, and then Rand has a nervous breakdown.


Wouldn't Rand see Moiraine when he thinks of Mat after she's been rescued?  When are they going to puzzle this out...


In a situation as described by Optimus Prime, I just do not see how there is any way possible that Rand would react so heartlessly to Min's death. After all, out of the three women he loves, I believe that Min is the one whom he loves and needs the most.


I think Fain is the coolest villian. I wouldn't be surprised if the DO gave him like super powers and made him Na'aeblis (sp?)


That would really surprise me. I've always believed that Fain just stands apart from both factions. He's a faction of his own. He doesn't belong to the DO just like Gollum isn't Sauron's creature.

I think Fain's a lot more evil than Gollum (even though the dagger seems to be "his precioussss"...) but he's his own brand of Evil. Shadar Logoth wasn't made evil by the DO either, was it?


I think the fact that he doesn't work for the DO makes him unique and higher villian quality. The forsaken are all trying to impress the DO out of fear for him and because of the promise of a high seat. Fain is doing what he does because he's straight up evil and crazy. If I were the DO I wouldn't want some wussy suck up as my second hand man.


Ok the thing is I was trying to think of why Fain is important to the story and couldnt come up with a thing. The only thing is he is the reason why Perrin became a lord but that hasnt came to anythin yet, Perrin being a lord that is.

So can someone please show what he has done that has realy affected the sotry, otehr characters. I like Fain but he isn't totally essential in my view and agaisnt Rand he doesn't stanad a chance.

Also why hasn't he ever went after the other two as he hated them orginally too?


I think Fain will play an important part in TG. I think there was a lot of foreshadowing when it talks about the two wounds in Rand's side and how Flynn kept them from killing him. I am betting we will see Fain pop up again at TG and he might actually hate the DO more than Rand and the others.


I would also kill off Min. I think that is the only way that Rand is going to learn to cry again. Sad as it makes me killing off my favorite of the three, I think it is a distinct possibility.


YES! Fain should kill Faile and just before he escapes, he tells Perrin that he killed his family. Perrin goes on a rage and eventually kills Fain in a duel.


Min dies (although she is one of my favourite female characters; the others are too b***hy and domineering) and Rand goes on a rampage (i love it when uber-magic guys do that in books) and owns heaps of bad people and Mins killer (probably one of the forsaken). This, coinciding with Moiraines return, teaches him to cry again.


I think Fain will play an important part in TG. I think there was a lot of foreshadowing when it talks about the two wounds in Rand's side and how Flynn kept them from killing him. I am betting we will see Fain pop up again at TG and he might actually hate the DO more than Rand and the others.



I agree.

I even think Fain will destroy the DO in some way. Probably when the DO is about to defeat Rand. Fain will pop up screaming "NO!!! He's mine!!!!" and fling the cursed daggar into the DO's eye. Rand will simply seal them both up so both evils can fight each other for eternity.



Elaida MUST DIE Horribly! preferably at Suian's hand, with Byrne pulling Suian from Elaida's bloody pumelled corpse.

Tuon can die as well I hate the Seanchen. Mat needs to be with Aludra anyway.

Egwene needs to lick Rand's boots but she can live humbly beneath his rule.

I like Faile and Min so they must live forever.



YES! Rand must survive and become king over all! with the M'hael and the Amyrlin as equals answering to him.  ;D Egwene should either kneel to rand or just acknowledge his superiority of rank.


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