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Will you be my PEN PAL please!?!


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Lor and I have come up with the best Kin exchange in the history of the Kin!  *grins*  And that is saying something!!  LOL!


Every year on the Chirstmas Wish List, Lor wishes for a Penpal.  I’ve wanted one for years, since I lost mine!    Penpals of the past exchanged letter’s to learn a foreign language, because they were isolated or lonely, or just wanted to make a new friend!  There is a special relationship between penpals.   Usually they never met, or only did after years of letter exchanges.  The only way they knew each other was by what they wrote!   They would reveal secrets, talk intimately about thoughts and feelings, and with words describe a different life! 


Today we are an “instant” society!  Emails, PM’s, MSN, texting and cell phones are the main form of communication!  We seldom take or make the time to really talk with each other!  When is the last time you received a Real Letter in the mail from a friend?  *smiles*  There is something special about getting a letter in the mail, sitting down to read it with a cup of tea or coffee, and then actually putting pen to paper and writing your own letter!  LOL  Then putting stickers all over the envelope and sending it off!


We have decided to offer this wonderful activity to the Kin, and have a PEN PAL exchange among the Kin this August!


Now, we all know each other pretty well, but I know for myself, I would love to know more about you guys, and be able to open up more than we are able to online and develop deeper friendships!


What we’ll do is have anyone interested in having a Penpal sign up here!  Then Lor and I will be matching up partners!  The August Exchange will be to send your pal a letter, and maybe some stationary or stickers!  This will mainly be an introduction letter and a little about what you want as a pal and to be as a pal!  After that, each of you will exchange one letter a month, for at least six months!  *grins*  Now if you want to write more than once a month, that’s fine too!  You and your pal can decide that!


The sixth month thing is this…we had discussed exchanging partners in six months, but most folks will most likely want to continue.  If you find out this isn’t for you though, you have the option then to stop!  We will have another signup in six months, for those of you who want to join in, or even have another pal!


Ok then!  Sign up here, and let’s get this going!  Sign up will be until the 22nd!  Your first letter will go out the last week of August!


*bounces*  I can’t wait!!  I already bought new stationary to use and to send, and stickers!



Kinster's Signed Up!

Twinnie  X2






Kelly X2


Mashin X2


Mystica X2



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Maybe we could set it up so people can have more than one at a time, if they want to try it? I could probably handle two, since snail mail takes so long in transit.


In six month when we do this again, you can always keep the one you have and get another, too.


Just thoughts... ignore me if you want. ;)

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I could probably handle two, since snail mail takes so long in transit.


This from the lady who swore she'd answer my snail mail letter over a year ago... and is probably still carrying it in her purse.  :P  ;)


You know me far too well. It is in my personal planner, which is resting in the huge tote bag that I now use as a purse/diaper bag. *grins* However, since Peanut is asleep and I finished my MoN duties early, I'll go fix that RIGHT NOW!


I am determined to spend time doing things I WANT TO DO each night, and not just sitting here letting time get away from me the way it did for most of the last two years. I miss ya'll far too much for that.


And I know some newer folks around here have their jaws hanging open, wondering how I could possibly be MORE around here, but trust me... this is nothing compared to what I'm truly capable of. It annoys me and I'm putting it on my "things that make me happy and thus must focus more on" list. *smiles* Right up there with saying Thank you more appropriately. *nods*


*pokes Myst* Hush you! You'll be the next one I adopt, if you're not careful.

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