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An End, I Say! An End, I Decry! And Any Other Dramatic Synonyms Also!


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My people,

my adoring fans,

and Demi.


This is a day of shame. Now, not an ordinary shameful day. No.

(And no, I haven't looked in the mirror)

This is a day worthy of that-time-Demi-stood-up-naked-in-front-of-his-neightbour's-girlfriend's shame. What are these words? "Wonderful"? "Kind"? I do not know these terms! I say: an end! Capitalised for... Importance. Very Important Importance. And so, I say to you four words:


Worship me.


Worship me.


And if you won't do that... Keep the nicety out of SG. Please?  ;D

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Presuming you're talking about mine and Moggy's posts...


Test 1: Dedication: Each of you must post a 500-700 word post about how you met, what you appreciate about the other person, what you dislike about the other person, but how that negative could also be a positive.


Do not delay in your dedication to one another.





For the Cour'souvra thingy.

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