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Real life after aMoL

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So what if I have wasted 15 years of my life and endless hours typing on DM to get to the last book... and it stinks. What if it is like CoT?


We sit here and type on what will happen so much when we get the book the book is anticlimactic to an extent. Given the track record of the last few, I am going into the last book thinking that it is going to be the worst thing I've ever read.


Therefore I'll be surprised when if it is better.


So on my long drives I can't think of what will happen next.


I can't sit there and think:


Who killed Asmodean?


Will Bela get her own tv show?


Why did Rand have to die?


Is RJ really lying to us, and to have us find out that Demandred really is Taim?


Who will die?


Will Moiraine be saved and marry Thom?


Will Min get pregnant?


Who betrays Rand?


Will Padan Fain make a Gollum like entrance at Shayol Ghul?



I can't do this. My life will end, and I won't be able to think of fun stuff anymore, because it will be over.


As for DM, will it lose membership? Will it become washed up, like theonering.net?


Will the Wheel of Time turn into half of the Xanth novels that you can't find on any bookstore shelf anymore?


What will I do to fill the time?


I don't know.




That's really depressing to me, and I've only been into the series since December. Um...at least we have prequels to look forward to? :?


that first post almost made me kill my self.


Please dont mention depressing things like that. I rather enjoy DM and WoT while I can. On other hand we still have old books like Sherlock holmes and Isac Asimovs robot novels, Though they have left the spot light they are still there, so we can hope that WoT will join the leigens of classic and become one of those books that teachers and parents will hand out to students and say, This is the greatest book ever


After a decade and a half, closer to two decades by the time AMoL is done and dusted it will be like an old friend passing away. The remaining prequels and outrigger novels will help keep the world alive a bit longer, but it won't be the same as the many years across Usenet (those who've been around on the net many a year may remember how cool it was when rec.arts.sf.written finally got a .robert-jordan sub group) and more recently sites like DM, that theories, speculation and the like have been put forth.


Sure (assuming AMoL isn't a complete piece of crud), I'll be recommending TWoT to others, but it will be different. It was always good to have a new reader read the books and have a fresh discussion through new eyes on what would happen next.


I see TWoT staying on book shelves at bookstores. It will join the 'stock fantasy' list - Lord of the Rings, Magician by Feist, The Belgariad, that almost every store has, even though they are now all decades old.


Heh. I've worked at Borders for five years and B/N for one, and at that over five years ago. Even then they routinely never carried all of the Belgariad, and all of Magician. Not because they were sold out, either.


Maybe I'll have to find something else to fixate on.


I don't know if I'm the only one, but I thought Crossroads of Twilight, while being the slow point in the series, was still a well written book. I think Knife of Dreams is one of the better books in the series, and it could never have been set up right without Crossroads. RJ has been waiting for almost twenty years to write the climax of his story. My life will have been enriched by the Wheel of Time experience, no matter how A Memory of Light turns out.(It's gonna rule by the way)

I don't know if I'm the only one' date=' but I thought Crossroads of Twilight, while being the slow point in the series, was still a well written book. I think Knife of Dreams is one of the better books in the series, and it could never have been set up right without Crossroads. RJ has been waiting for almost twenty years to write the climax of his story. My life will have been enriched by the Wheel of Time experience, no matter how A Memory of Light turns out.(It's gonna rule by the way)[/quote']


Thank You


:cry: I don't even want to think about what I'll do when its over maybe I'll devote my life into recreating the world of RJ and do twelve movies. :P probably not but I can't think of anything else.

  • 2 weeks later...
What will I do to fill the time?


Well... Find other books. I am sure your fave author is not only RJ. At least, I know I have several favorite authors. Also, I like to re-read my books, which is why I always buy my books in hardcover (remove the dust jacket, place it in a safe place, and bring the book anywhere to read). Heck, I think I've read my entire library at least 3-4 times, which consists of more than several authors, and I probably will still re-read them when I want to "re-live" certain series again.


What, other authors than RJ? Who is this crazy lunatic?! Who every heard of such a thing as a non-RJ author! I think I'm going to faint! :lol:


well i liked CoT, but thats beside the point here


the worst thing i find about books, and im sure some will agree, is that when a series is over, it makes you feel abit empty when its over, like there is no more, thats it


and while we have all read through the series, waiting for that final book, once it comes around, we don't feel the same


but we do want all those questions we have to be answered, such as who killed asmodean, and of course what will happen to bela!


the good thing is that there will be more books based on the WoT world, so all is not lost


and as to non-RJ authors, well i did read books before i discovered tWoT...


"and while we have all read through the series, waiting for that final book, once it comes around, we don't feel the same"


...Any series that is worth reading is like that, you want to get to the end but you dont want it to be over.

That's why you buy all 12 of the books so you can reread it and enjoy the world and get to know the characters again once you get the urge to.


And to me its not "like an old friend passing away" atleast with the books you can go and enjoy the WoT again whenever the urge hits ya.. like finding an old friend and getting reaquainted. Also, theres always a new reader, get friends to read it, hell part of the fun to me with books is finding one you really like and getting a friend to read it then you can get to experience their excitement over reading it for the first time and enjoy it with them.


And I just have to say..I don't get why people are hatin on like books 7-10 and sometimes 11, they were essential books to the series, the plot would have been shoddy without them. Everyone just wants constant action and can't enjoy the books for the art of his writing and the complexity of the storylines and planning that went into the series. I also don't get why people think aMoL will be a bad book, think about it..if RJ has spent so many books that people think are bad just to set everything up for the last book in the series..how can you think it is going to be anticlimactic? Anyways thats my rant for the day..I need to start getting more sleep.


Oh yeah, and if you want another series that still has that "new" feel, thats still in the proccess of being written and everyone is waiting for the next books in the cycle, I'd suggest the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. He's finished the first four books in the cycle and he is hoping that he can finish it all in seven books so it has the anticipation factor. The first books called "A Game of Thrones". So far it's been an excellent series.



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Jordan has stated on many occasions that he intends to leave a few things open after the conclusion of the series. He doesn't believe in tying up loose ends. We'll very likely still have a few things to discuss. There will always be new readers to the series who are just now discovering it. Since Dragonmount's address will be published in all new editions of WoT from here out, they'll find us pretty easily.


Also, we'll have that movie adaption to get nice and angry about. I can't imagine a fandom as picky as ours being satisfied with any adaption, no matter how careful. =)


I am looking forward to AMoL. Reading it should be fun. But after will be strange. Not bad, sad or anything. But strange. Sure, the prequels will be fun, but the story that the wheel of time will end. And so will the prequels to. I have spent so much time and joy with the books. When a new book comes out, I ran to the store, took it home and started reading. I remember that I only paused from the book to do the natures deeds, and eat. And when I finished the book I sat down on a forum and the writing was on. Discussing everything in it. That is what I would miss the most. Discussing the books, se what other thought about it.


What worries me most is that I have not found another series that can pull me like the wheel of time. I have found no series that can fill the emptiness. I really hope RJ will be ok, so that he can write the infinity of light. Sound like a big ego there I know.


What can I say? Ending WoT is going to feel too weird. I found WoT about 5 years ago (about 6 mons. after WH was published) and I reread the series at least once a year. Oh, and I do have other authors that I read. (None of them are as good as RJ I think...) but my library has over 200 novels so I doubt the end'll kill me.


To return to the topic at hand, AMoL will be awesome I'm sure. And when I first read CoT I thought it sucked, but the second time through I caught a lot more and found it to be a great book. Don't bag on it 'til you've read it twice.


When the movies finally get made, I'm sure the production company will need some WoT experts. Surely those lucky few will come from this site. So after aMoL study up!



...Any series that is worth reading is like that' date=' you want to get to the end but you dont want it to be over.



thats exactly write, and thats the reason why they are so good


i also agree, i dunno why so many people dislike books 7-10, i didn't find anything wrong with them


well i haven't got into re-reading yet, but i will buy the books, i already have 10,11, so all i need are the rest since i actually get money now


and as to the other series you mentioned, song of ice and fire, i am halfway through feast for crows now, and yes there is always more to await


also if any of you have read ian irvine, no doubt then the three worlds series, book one of the song of the tears series is out in a few months - The Torments of the Traitor.


i strayed a bit there, but in the mean time, awaiting aMoL!


I'm hoping RJ won't spell everything out for us. Instead I hope he sprinkles enough clues along the way so that the answers to some of our questions can only be found by pulling the pieces together like a giant jigsaw puzzle. aMoL gives us a clear overview on the first reading but more work is required on our part. I think this is his style.


For all we know the answers are already there and the final book is going to be much more linear. It just takes someone brainy to figure it out. That's why I like these forums; they help to fill the gaps. If it turns out the clues were too obscure he can always sprinkle more clues in the outrigger and prequel novels.


No doubt the members here will have at least that to keep them occupied.


Btw: have to agree with Tel Janin Aellinsar, was a little disappointed with CoT on the first reading, really enjoyed it the second time around.


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