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wool smells when wet

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Still we can't transport this logic to the whole WoT world. What we know about the peasantry of Arafell? What about the comum class of Tear?? The regular craftsman of Murandy? What about the mine workers in western Andor???


So... you may convice me that Two River Folks try very hard to stay clean. You may not convice me that the whole WoT world do the same.


All we see of something like that are a few comments about dirty beggars.


Indeed, in tEotW, Fain is trying to get to Rand through the crowd.  The crowd "ripples" away from him and Rand hears "murmurs of disgust" at the dirty beggar.  This is the crowds reaction--the crowd that had come from ALL OVER to see the false dragon--people from all walks of life--not Rand's reaction.  So even there we see a glimpse that people from different walks of life value hygiene.


Okay... but Fain was crazy. he is definitly not a usual case =P


Anyway... i ask.. if we would pick one of those ppl who were disgusted by Fain and put in the middle of, let's say, Far Maddin(sp) (that appears to be the most clean and organized city), would those ppl be disgusted too?

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Okay... but Fain was crazy. he is definitly not a usual case =P


Anyway... i ask.. if we would pick one of those ppl who were disgusted by Fain and put in the middle of, let's say, Far Maddin(sp) (that appears to be the most clean and organized city), would those ppl be disgusted too?


*scratches head* ... why would they be disgusted by the so-called cleanest of people?


That the Far Madding people would be the most disgusted by Fain's dirty appearance. I think he's probably extra dirty as a normal street bum would probably at least wash in the river. Fain's probably walking around with open sores at this point in his single mindedness of getting Rand.


Lufstark, the Two Rivers folk are basically hillbillies, hicks...I dunno what to call them outside of American colloquialisms, but I know that wherever you are from, your country has such people, too. People from very rural areas, off the beaten path, and as different from a big city dweller as your country can provide, and yet...these country bumpkins from the Two Rivers brush their teeth daily. We see Egewene doing it in the morning and we see Nynaeve doing it in the evening, so we can assume that they brush (okay, scrub with salt on their finger, but the idea is the same) twice daily. Rand obviously bathes regularly from the text that was quoted earlier, and since he refers to a big copper pot or whatever, it seems that he indeed has a "hot tub." The folks in Shienar have public baths that are crowded daily, and even the Aiel "savages," living in an inhospitable desert, bathe regularly in their sweat tents. If rural folk like these are bathing regularly, then surely the more cosmopolitan people in the big cities are bathing, too. We have no indication that the people in WoT do not have good hygiene practices; they are clean.

why would they bath if they are just gonna get dirty again anyway?

Some possibilities::

-because they can

-because of stories they heard/read

-because they like to

-because of some sensation they have when doing it


It may be my way of seeing the WoT world, but i can't imagine a "medieval" world...
You don't have to, as WoT is not a Mediaeval world.


there is no way you can convice me otherwise
So you admit you're not willing to listen to reason? Well, at least you admit it.


why would they bath if they are just gonna get dirty again anyway?
I imagine you're a very smelly person if you live by that rule. But why not apply the same reasoning to other things? Inhaling, for example. All it leads to is a need to exhale, and a subsequent need to inhale again. Just stop breathing, and things will be so much easier for you.
Quote from: Neemo on May 29, 2009, 08:05:55 PM

why would they bath if they are just gonna get dirty again anyway?

I imagine you're a very smelly person if you live by that rule. But why not apply the same reasoning to other things? Inhaling, for example. All it leads to is a need to exhale, and a subsequent need to inhale again. Just stop breathing, and things will be so much easier for you.

Mr Ares, I'd have to say you are pulling an mb right there unless I am the one fooled; nuances are so very hard to detect through text. :P


Quote from: Neemo on May 29, 2009, 08:05:55 PM

why would they bath if they are just gonna get dirty again anyway?

I imagine you're a very smelly person if you live by that rule. But why not apply the same reasoning to other things? Inhaling, for example. All it leads to is a need to exhale, and a subsequent need to inhale again. Just stop breathing, and things will be so much easier for you.

Mr Ares, I'd have to say you are pulling an mb right there unless I am the one fooled; nuances are so very hard to detect through text. :P


He's telling him to die, that doesn't seem very mb like to me.


Quote from: Neemo on May 29, 2009, 08:05:55 PM

why would they bath if they are just gonna get dirty again anyway?

I imagine you're a very smelly person if you live by that rule. But why not apply the same reasoning to other things? Inhaling, for example. All it leads to is a need to exhale, and a subsequent need to inhale again. Just stop breathing, and things will be so much easier for you.

Mr Ares, I'd have to say you are pulling an mb right there unless I am the one fooled; nuances are so very hard to detect through text. :P
He's telling him to die, that doesn't seem very mb like to me.
Nonsense, I'm simply suggesting that as the process of inhalation leads inevitably to exhalation, then inexorably back to inhalation, it would be so much simpler to not bother. Anyway, I was being literal minded long before mb came on the scene, and I do it so much better than he does. With humour, for one thing, and with accuracy for another.

It may be my way of seeing the WoT world, but i can't imagine a "medieval" world...
You don't have to, as WoT is not a Mediaeval world.

there is no way you can convice me otherwise
So you admit you're not willing to listen to reason? Well, at least you admit it.


I am willing to listen to reason. I'm convinced that i conceive the world in a way that differs from what RJ created. Therefore i admit that in WoT ppl are cleaner then what i first defended. But this does not change the fact that i imagine the world in a different way. Since books are meant to be read, interpretated and imaginated by every reader, i will stick to my version of it, even if it's wrong. Since cleaness is not a important matter in the plot, there is no problem in it. But i'll stop arguing, since i admit that what i believe is not what is writen. I prefer to conceive WoT more as an "age of darkness" theme, even with the high fantasy elements.


That's what i meant.


That's the beauty of books, luftstark - we can all imagine things as we want, even within the framework that the author has given. I think that's why many books don't translate so well to the screen.

I am willing to listen to reason. I will stick to my version of it, even if it's wrong.
Does not compute.

I think luftstark either contradicted himself or said something really stupid. If you want to listen to reason but still stick to something that might not be true, why are you listening to reason in the fist place?


Well... you have to read my whole post to explain that, not quote two separated statements:


I'm willing to give up to reason. So rationally i know that i'm wrong! As i have stated above.


Nevertheless, knowing that i'm wrong, i will stick to my version, 'coz for me, it's better, i like to imagine the world the way i want, and no matter how wrong it may be.


Yes... i know ppl are not as dirty as i first imagined... and i've give up trying to defend this theory. But i still like to imagine the world as dark, dirty, hopeless place.


So what do you care about what i imagine when i read the books? If in my mind Aviendha is more beatiful then Lanfear, what do you care? i'm free to interpret and imagine as i will. I'm just givin' up provin' it to others... i admit it's a personal opinion, not a proved fact.


If you still can't understand the difference between reason and imagination, why the hell are you reading fantasy???





The problem then comes out when the personal interpretation can mislead you on how something actually is, like basing a theory on who Messan is disguised as just because you think she looks a certain way when the book says otherwise.

I'm willing to give up to reason. So rationally i know that i'm wrong! As i have stated above.


Nevertheless, knowing that i'm wrong, i will stick to my version, 'coz for me, it's better, i like to imagine the world the way i want, and no matter how wrong it may be.


That reminded me of my Baptist friends... :P


I'm willing to give up to reason. So rationally i know that i'm wrong! As i have stated above.


Nevertheless, knowing that i'm wrong, i will stick to my version, 'coz for me, it's better, i like to imagine the world the way i want, and no matter how wrong it may be.


That reminded me of my Baptist friends... :P

It would probably remind them of you.
It would probably remind them of you.


Not really.  Our conversations always end with them saying something like, "your argument makes a lot of sense, but I always grew up believing..."


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