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Mistborn Mafia..Game Thread!! *Game over. Mafia Win*

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That threw me off for a while, too, Lorei. 


Looking back on my notes, I'm still no closer to figuring out who to vote for.  The only thing that really stands out, Lorei, is you changing your votes so often in votes three and four.  Everyone else seems pretty consistent.  OTOH, you aren't as suspicious as Pandy was, so either you are innocent or a good actor.  :-\


As for Maeva, Kelly and Jade, nothing really stands out at all (though Kelly did change her vote in vote three from Lia to Burs).  They've been pretty low-key through the game.  Again, either because they are innocent or good actors.  *sigh*


In short, with all my research, I don't really have anything concrete to go on.  I don't have any gut feelings right now, either.  :P 


I'm an innocent Daruya, and I have no idea atm who to vote for, even after going through all the votes and posts again. Apparently, the vote changes in this game don't signify mafia; certainly Illiara's didn't.



I actually had indicated that in my post prior to that last one - that my analysis had obviously been faulty.  :P  I guess I just wasn't clear enough, though.


Also, anyone in this game claiming to be innocent still might be mafia.  After all, the mafia members don't go around telling on themselves.  They lie because they want to win.  :-\ 


Yeah but that's the problem Jade, if I say outright I'm an Innocent then I look suspicious, but if I don't say I'm an Innocent then I look suspicious now.  We all do, at this point unless someone screws up really badly I don't know how we can be sure about any of us.  And like Daruya said, going by voting hasn't helped any of us so far.  :P  I just don't know what to do other then guess.


Likely story . . . you're just afraid you'll be lynched! LOL!  jk  ;)  Stay safe; lighting scares me!  :(


Yeah, I saw your story about that while I was doing some post scanning. That was very scary. *shivers*

One thing that bothers me, (now that I know Illiara was an innocent), was that there was no attempt on the part of the mafia to prevent panda's lynch. (Unless I missed something of course.) This bothers me because it seems to me that a live panda would be an advantage to the mafia. He'd have had six people to choose from, possibly only two of them mafia, so he'd have had a better chance of killing an innocent than an evil. But a live panda with an intended target that was mafia would not be an asset. Then the mafia would want him dead. The last two people he mentioned that he thought might be mafia were Maeva and Kelly. If one of these two players really were a mafia, they would want panda dead sooner rather than later. The question is which one?

I'm going to go with [glow=red,2,300]Maeva[/glow], since she was Illiara's choice too.

If I'm wrong so be it.

Get in here and vote people.

There are 5 players left...


it takes 3 to lynch....day will be short this time guys...48 hours. Day ends Friday 9PM.



You could be right, Loreina.  Not to mention, your reasoning about Panda sounds pretty sound, to me.  I voted for Maeva before, earlier in the game.  Maybe I was right, after all, in that instance . . .  So I think I'll go with [glow=red,2,300]Maeva[/glow], also.




Vote count:


Maeva (2): Loriena, Daruya


Ok it is 9:30 PM on Friday. Lynch time.




You all seem pretty indecisive. You look at each other and hum and haaa...a few votes are cast but not enought to lynch anyone. You are all spared an other lynch.


5 players still alive.








Night is now here...


Night will end Sunday night when i'm back. Night actions PLEASE. :D


??? People! What's up with the not voting?


If Maeva's mafia, why didn't the mafia try to change the vote?

If she's innocent, why didn't the mafia come vote for her and end the game in their favor?


I'm confused as heck here. Kelly wasn't posting late last night; maybe she was not feeling well. But she could have voted before then. Jayd was posting and could have voted. Maeva didn't post anything on the 12th. She's in the UK, which makes a 9pm deadline tough to meet. But she could have voted earlier in the day.


If my assumptions are true, the mafia will now NK one of us and win the game. *sigh*


Mafia sucks when people won't post and/or vote.  :(


From just this, it looks like Jayd and Maeva were the mafia.  *shrugs* Not that it matters anymore. *wanders off*




LOL I was gone all weekend, my sons bday, etc etc. There's a post about it somewhere. *G* Sadly I didn't have any ideas on who to vote for other than Kelly before I left. I was out in the woods most of the weekend so not net access.


Ok sorry everyone!! The Boy has powers of persuasion...*mutters* and I stayed an other night. LOL. This is what i get for dating a salesmen. LMAO.


And here we go!!!!




Day Breaks...You wake up and listen for any tell tale sign of what might have happened last night. No noise...yet! Maeva opens her door to find Jade waiting for her. Jade looks a bit impatient and walks into Maeva's room.


"I was waiting for you to wake. There has been a murder again...Loreina was hung by a hook in the stable outside. So sad...I kinda liked her."


Maeva is in shock...Jade said this so calmly....She starts to back away from Jade but jade takes a step closer.


"I like you to Maeva...to bad your Skaa Scum!"


With that Jade takes her dagger and plunges it into her Maeva's heart. Maeva collapses AS Jade turns and leaves.....


Meanwhile down the hall...


Kelly wakes and hears the birds singing...She shudders and does not want to face the day. She pulls the covers over her head and sighs. Then there is a knock at the door. Kelly jumps and with a strained voice says "yes!"


"Its me Daruya. I have news...Can I come in?"


Kelly has never gotten a bad vibe from Daruya and so says..


"sure come in...I'm still in bed."


Daruya enters with a sad face. She comes and sits in the bed beside Kelly and shakes her head.


"Loreina was murdered last night. She was hung by a hook in the stable out back. Gruesome way to go if you ask me. Who ever did it must have really hated her. I for one did not really like her much. She was to smart for a Skaa."


With the last sentence, not to mention the glint in Dar's eye, Kelly knew she was going to die. She tried to move away...but was held down by the blankets. Dar smiled at her...And then moved so fast that kelly did not have time to react. Kelly was pinned and a pillow held over her mouth. She kicked and tried to fight...but lost her breath and eventually fell silent. Dar held the pillow in place for an other minute before leaving. She turned towards the door and found Jade waiting.


"Finished here?" She asks


"Yup...I think the ministry will be happy with us."


"I agree...we really fooled them...they did not even suspect us."


And with that they leave laughing. 


Loreina an Innocent Skaa was Night killed.


Kelly and Maeva Mafia killed at end game. Both where Innocent Skaa.


Game summery...


Player List

1) Aubrey (Lynched day 4. Innocent Skaa)

2) Jade (Mafia)

3) Illiara (Night killed night 5 Innocent Skaa)

4) Bur (lynched Day Three Innocent Skaa)

5) Kelly (Mafia killed at end game. Innocent Skaa)

6) Minuet (night killed day 4 Innocent Skaa)

7) Narina (Lynched Day Two Innocent Skaa)

8)Maeva (Mafia killed at end game. Innocent Skaa)

9)Pandy (lynched Day 5 Unaligned Mistborn/assassin)

10)Jeran (killed night one. Obligator and Tineye)

11)Naeann (Night killed day 4 innocent Pweterarm/bodyguard)

12)Liathiana (Night Killed Night Three. Crew leader and innocent Skaa)

13)Alailyn (Modkilled: Not able to play due to RL)

14)Daruya (Mafia)

15)Loreina (Nightkilled Night 6. Innocent Skaa)




Day one:


No lynch...but the players where gunning for Aubrey.


Mafia kill Jeran...this was there only mistake. If they had waited for him to find them they would have had a third mafia buddy. He would have been a big asset to their team as well.


Pewterarm protected self. What she did not know was that if the Mistborn targeted her she would still die.


Mistborn attempt kill on kelly. His Role was limited because the pewter arm automatically protected anyone he targeted. He had to take out the Pewterarm first...then his killing spree could begin.


Day two:


No mafia Kill...I'm not sure why! LOL.


Pewterarm protected self.


Mistborn attempts kill on Bur


Day Three:


Mafia kill Lianthia.


Pewterarm protected self.


Mistborn attempts kill on Lianthia.


Looks like she was a target that night. LOL


Day 4:


Mafia kill Minuet.


Pewterarm tries to protect self. *winks*


Mistborn kills Naeann. This was good for him because she was the pewterarm. If he had lived the next day...the game would have been very close as to who the would win the game...Mafia or Mistborn. LOL.


Day 5:


Pandy Lynched.


Illiara killed.


Day 6:


No lynch.


Mafia night kill Loreina.


Mafia win because of even number of innocents to evils.





Good game Mafia!!! You earned it. LOL


Thank you for playing everyone!! This was fun for me...I hope it was for you as well. You all did very well in your play and it was lots of fun to follow. :D




Remember they did not know about you Jeran. ;) You had to find them...*ggls* Sorry you did not have time to do that. :(


I told Jade about Dar by accident...:P LOL


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