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People needed to play NSW Reds in upcoming RP with the BT


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The (secret) arrival of the Black Tower Delegation to the White Tower is set to happen in the next few days. We need a few people to play NSW Reds. If anyone is interested, please post here.


Their role will be as follows:


A few Reds will be relaxing in a private Red garden. The Asha'man miscalculate on the placement of their Gateway, and open it up in their midst. Maegan (played by Aubrey), will demand to know what they are doing there. They will explain that they are seeking an interview with the Amyrlin. Maegan will send one of the NSW's to inform the Highest, and will herself go inform the Amyrlin. The rest of the NSW's will guard the Asha'man, and then escort them to the Amyrlin when Maegan comes back to fetch them. Once at the Amyrlin's office, they will guard the Asha'man who do not immediately meet with the Amyrlin, the Keeper, the Highest and the Sitters.


You won't need to speak much, just POV your surprise and unease at suddenly finding a group of men who can channel in your midst, and wondering what they want. Bear in mind that there is a truce between the WT and the BT, and you will not shield them or try to harm them in any way.

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Woohoo!!  ;D


Don't worry, hon - just remember to chant to yourself: "Must gentle them! Must gentle them!"  ;D


And I'm an idiot  ::) ... here's the link to the Red NSW's: http://www.aliciawilkerson.com/whitetower/?page_id=22


The available ones for this RP are:


Anthea Luin - Rasheta

Portia Larisen - minisamus

Saya Rishada - Jaydena

Zedanya Mioro - Tigara


If we get a 5th volunteer, we can make use of Viviana too, but technically she's been sent on a mission, which is why she's not a Sitter anymore.

Viviana di Corra (Sitter NSW)


Rashi, you were first to respond, so pick your character  :D

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Arani, people with full Aes Sedai characters get first chance to play NSWs. Should we not get enough of those, I'll start accepting applications from those with highest character Accepted, and then only those with highest character Novice.


I'll put you first on the list of Novices, though - thanks  ;D

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I'll take all that is left, including Tatiana. Multiple characters are fun.


Although it is not in her bio, Tatiana is Black and some what part of another RP as well. So NPC BT Boy is best for her.

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These characters won't be bonding anyone.  They are just the ones present in the garden when the BTers show up.  So just some quick character interactions and escort duty, then sent on their way once the Sitters & Highest show up. :)

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Ah, then I'll take the 'non-bonding' ones on my own. Tackle it all in one post and keep the RP going fast and such. Get to the 'fun' part.


If people do not mind so terribly.



/edit/ Seeing as the above statement will not be taken so likely. anyone that is with Maegan in the Gardens PM me first. Going to see how we can make short work of this.

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The idea is for the BT boys to have some WT folks to write with while all the PCs are getting the messages that the BTers have arrived and give them time to RP their reactions and meeting up with the Amrylin before the Asha'man get there.

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Well that would make sense, I think. It was implored to me that it would be much different then what is suggested. I would almost suggest a secondary thread in this case, but then hey, i'm just a messenger.

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Aubrey, I'm also confused  :P


This is what has been discussed, and what is up at the Red Ajah board (I've taken out the bits that the NPCs and Maegan will not know about - I'd like to keep some surprises for when people read the RP) and what I was going to PM all participants once all signed up:




Shevara is in her office

Zarinen, the Sitters and the Keeper are in Zarinen's quarters having a meeting

Maegan and a few other Reds are in a Red garden / courtyard

The Asha'man mistakenly open a gateway in said garden / courtyard (they were aiming for outside the Tower).


The Plan of Action:

Maegan will immediately realise who these men are. She will demand to know why they are there, Covai (their leader) will reply that he seeks an audience with the Amyrlin. She will send one Red off to inform the Highest, ask her to round up as many Reds as she can and head for the Amyrlin's office, and will herself go to tell the Amyrlin, whilst setting the rest of the Reds there to watch over the Asha'man.


Zarinen, the Keeper and the Sitters are all together, having their meeting, but once informed of the arrival of Asha'man wanting to speak to the Amyrlin, immediately rush off to the Amyrlin's study.

Shevara (the Amyrlin) asks Maegan to bring the Asha'man to her - Maegan goes back to the garden, rounds up all the Asha'man and the Reds who are there, and takes them to the Amyrlin.

Zarinen, the Keeper and the Sitters arrive just before them.

Covai and maybe one or two other Asha'man meet with the Amyrlin, the Keeper, Zarinen and the Sitters in her study to present their case.

The rest of the Asha'man wait in her lounge area, with Maegan and the NSW Reds to guard them.


Once the meeting is concluded, they will exit the office into the lounge, and Zarinen will dismiss Meagan and the NSW Reds.



A few important points:


Maegan and the NSW Reds have no idea about the meetings between Zarinen and the Amyrlin and Zarinen, the Keeper and the Sitters.

They do not know why the Asha'man are there, and will only be informed afterwards of what had been decided in all 3 meetings and what happened.


To be role played by Maegan and the NSW Reds:


Thread to be started by Maegan:

A group of Reds are in a garden that only Reds have access to. What you are doing there is up to you to decide, Aubrey. The Gateway opens in your midst, you RP about your reactions, Maegan speaks to them, Maegan sends one to inform Zarinen, goes to the Amyrlin herself, comes back to fetch everyone in this thread. The NSW Reds won't need to speak much, just POV your surprise and unease at suddenly finding a group of men who can channel in your midst, and wondering what they want. Bear in mind that there is a truce between the WT and the BT, and you will not shield them or try to harm them in any way.


Thread where Zarinen and co are in:

The NSW sent by Maegan enters this thread, looking for Zarinen. She finds her in her quarters, meeting with the Keeper and the Sitters. The NSW explains what has happened and gives Maegan's message. She is then sent by Z to find out where the Ashies are now and told to report back to Z at the Amyrlin's office. Zarinen, the Sitters and the Keeper hasten to the Amyrlin's office.


Thread where the groups come together - back to Maegan's thread:

Zarinen and co meet the Amyrlin.

Maegan and co arrive.

Covai (and others, if he wants) go into the Amyrlin's study with Z and co, rest wait in lounge.

Meeting ensues, no-one else posts.

Meeting co enters lounge, Maegan and NSW Reds exit thread.

(possible 3rd thread for Maegan and NSW Reds while certain things happen in "main" thread) - Aubrey, please contact me on MSN about this)




I don't want to give out much more information on here, because as I said I'd like to keep a few things as a surprise. I'll let everyone know one way or the other, though.


I'd like each person to play only one NSW, if possible, though I would suggest you all write in a few TTPCs to flesh out the amount of Reds there  ;D

Aubrey's in charge of the NSWs, so if you would co-ordinate with them about each one's role in the above plan, and about TTPCs? Just send it all to me for the nod before anyone starts posting.


There will be further threads, but more on that later.

Any questions so far?

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