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The Gathering Storm Finished


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Somehow, it seems right to me, to allow Robert Jordan's wife to be the one to decide the titles for these final three books, and I shall be perfectly happy to accept whatever Harriet decides to chose to name each one of these final three books.
Because being married to RJ magically gives you the ability to come up with good names? Somehow, it seems right to me to give the books good names.


Mr Ares, that was a very low blow, even for you. Everyone here, yourself included, knows that Harriet has been the editor for all of the WOT novels, and after RJ's death, there is not one person in all of the planet more intimately and closely connected to the novels than the wife of RJ who was also RJ's editor. Mr Ares, you should be ashamed of yourself, but you probably are not.



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I think Mr. Ares point was simply that he doesn't care who names the books, as long as the book are appropriately named.  His phrasing just wasn't well thought out.


Harriet was actually responsible for naming all of the chapters in all the books so I think we can trust her to name the books themselves.


Yes, she was, but she wasn't responsible for the book titles, as far as we know. Not every chapter title can become a good title for a book. Both The Gathering Storm and Swirling Winds or Shifting winds would work as chapter titles or even as subtitles of the volumes of A Memory of Light, but they will probably be the weakest book titles in the series. Unless they decide to name the last volume Tarmon Gai'don, of course. *shudders*


But the main problem here is that the person who was "more intimately and closely connected to the novels" than anyone on the planet, alive or dead, decided both on the number of the books in the series and the titles of all of them. It's strange that many people here are eager to dismiss anything the author of the series wanted, but at the same time they treat even the slightest criticism of Tor's decisions as an insult to the author's wife, only because she might have been involved in those decisions or approved of them (or, maybe, not. I doubt anybody here can know for sure what Harriet really thinks of this whole situation).




...empty headed trophy piece who is asked to stay in the bedroom except when cooking good meals...


What other definition of a wife is there?




Strange as it may seem, but I'm not surprised that Tor's advocates haven't accused Roxinos of insulting Harriet. Suggesting that the author might know better in how many books and under what titles to publish the ending of his series is surely insulting to his wife. Calling her an "empty headed trophy piece who is asked to stay in the bedroom except when cooking good meals" is not. Another evidence of Tor's advocates' infallible logic. How can one possibly argue with such people?

If by "wife" you mean "empty headed trophy piece who is asked to stay in the bedroom except when cooking good meals", then no. But if by "wife" you mean "professional editor who has been intimately involved in the production of the series since its conception", then the answer is much more likely to be "yes".
If by wife you mean wife or if by wife you mean editor? Vambram brought up her being his wife (sorry, wife), as if that was the relevant part. He heavily stressed it. If he wanted to say editor, he should have said editor.


Pretending that Harriet's qualifications are limited to being RJ's wife is disingenuous.
No-one is pretending that. Vambram did appear to be pretending that that was the relevant part of her qualifications, and I called him on it.


That said, I think the titles should be judged on their content, if we have it, and "Swirling Winds" sucks, in my opinion. I still like "The Trumpets of Battle" or "Rent in Fire and Blood".
The Gathering Storm is horribly generic, while Swirling Winds is just horrible. Either of your suggestions would have been an improvement.


...empty headed trophy piece who is asked to stay in the bedroom except when cooking good meals...
What other definition of a wife is there?



Enjoying single life, Roxinos? As for your point, it is silly and wrong... Wives also look after the children, and clean, and iron...There's so much more than just the bedroom and the kitchen.


Somehow, it seems right to me, to allow Robert Jordan's wife to be the one to decide the titles for these final three books, and I shall be perfectly happy to accept whatever Harriet decides to chose to name each one of these final three books.
Because being married to RJ magically gives you the ability to come up with good names? Somehow, it seems right to me to give the books good names.
Mr Ares, that was a very low blow, even for you. Everyone here, yourself included, knows that Harriet has been the editor for all of the WOT novels, and after RJ's death, there is not one person in all of the planet more intimately and closely connected to the novels than the wife of RJ who was also RJ's editor. Mr Ares, you should be ashamed of yourself, but you probably are not.
Of course I'm not, there's no reason why I should be. You brought up, and heavily stressed, that she was his wife. And even being his editor doesn't mean you will come up with good names - look at the rubbish names we currently have for the forthcoming books. Being married to RJ and being his editor doesn't mean every book title you come up with is solid gold. Doesn't mean every editorial decision you make is solid gold, either. Even being intimately connected to this series for a long period of time doesn't put you above criticism when you make bad choices. RJ was more intimately connected to this series than Harriet, and over a longer period as well, but people don't shy away from criticising decisions he has made that they don't like, so why should Harriet be any different? ("I think the girls are awfully bitchy" "How dare you not approve of the characterisations Harriet's husband gave to his characters! I think any decision made by the man who was married to the woman who was married to the author is beyond question, and I am perfectly happy with anything he does.") Or anyone else? The Gathering Storm and Swirling Winds might be Harriet approved titles, but that doesn't make them any good. I happen to think that coming up with good names is more important than pretending Harriet can do no wrong. Doesn't matter if those good names are thought up by RJ, Harriet, BS, RAW, me, you, some guy in the street who has never heard of the series or someone who thinks the series is so bad it should never have been published. Whoever came up with Swirling Winds came up with a rubbish title. Whoever came up with The Gathering Storm came up with a terribly generic title.


I think Mr Ares' point was simply that he doesn't care who names the books, as long as the books are appropriately named. His phrasing just wasn't well thought out.
It was well thought out. That Harriet was married to RJ is irrelevant. It shouldn't have been brought up.

All I will say to Ludmain and Ares is whatever. Clearly you two believe you know better than Harriet, and are better able to make better decisions regarding RJ's legacy than she is. Really, the two of you ought to be ashamed of yourself, especially considering that nobody knew RJ better than Harriet, and none of us here are even close to being as experts regarding the WOT series as compared to the expertise of the editor of all of those books, Harriet McDougal (sp?), the wife of James Oliver Rigney.


I do have to say that Swirling Winds is a horrible title. So is Gathering Storm. WEll actually, Gathering Storm is just blah. Not good, not bad. Blah. But Swirling winds is even a bad subtitle, if they do it that way. It sounds like a mystical fairy adventure about winds swirling up some enchanted tree house.


even so, i do think that Harriet knows what she is doing. She only edited 12 other books at least 600+ pages each, and doing that amount of work for anything gives you some knowledge. :-\ Hope BS can change the second ones title to something of more pure awesomeness.

All I will say to Ludmain and Ares is whatever. Clearly you two believe you know better than Harriet, and are better able to make better decisions regarding RJ's legacy than she is. Really, the two of you ought to be ashamed of yourself, especially considering that nobody knew RJ better than Harriet, and none of us here are even close to being as experts regarding the WOT series as compared to the expertise of the editor of all of those books, Harriet McDougal (sp?), the wife of James Oliver Rigney.
We should be ashamed of ourselves for saying that the current titles for the forthcoming books are crap? For suggesting that Harriet is only human? Just because you are so spineless you cannot muster up the will to do anything other than fawn over any and every decision made by RJ, BS, Tom, Harriet, and anyone else involved (even down to the decision by some tea boy at Tor giving Tom Doherty one sugar instead of the requested two - he's been making tea for decades, how dare you feel fit to question his judgement on the matter, you should be ashamed of yourself!), doesn't mean everyone else is similarly inclined towards intellectual cowardice. If they come up with titles I don't like, I'll say they've come up with titles I don't like. If they come up with a title I do like, then I'll say that I like it. And I'll like it or not without regard for who it came from. RAW says he thinks Swirling Winds sucks, should he be ashamed of himself as well? After all, how dare anyone have an opinon that is anything other than Harriet is perfect. Is there anything about this series you don't like? Then you should be ashamed of yourself, thinking you know you can make better decisions about this series than James Rigney. Harriet has nothing at all to do with my dislike of the title. She also has nothing to do with my dislike of you (how dare I dislike Vambram? Thinking that his pathetic milquetoast attitude is anything other than admirable, I should be ashamed of myself!). Get over your Harriet fetish, bootlicker, this has nothing to do with her, and your trying to shut people up by dragging her name into it is disgusting. Not liking the titles the books are currently going under has nothing to do with Harriet's competence, and trying to pass it off as such is nothing more than a strawman, and an attempt to cower behind her name when people dare to offer criticism is low. You do more to dishonour and disrespect her, and her late husbands legacy than I ever could.


I do have to say that Swirling Winds is a horrible title.
I agree.
Clearly you two believe you know better than Harriet, Blessed Be Her Name, and are better able to make better decisions regarding RJ (Peace Be Upon Him)'s legacy than she is. Really, the two of you ought to be ashamed of yourself, especially considering that nobody knew RJ better than Harriet, Blessed Be Her Name, and none of us here are even close to being as experts regarding the WOT series as compared to the expertise of the editor of all of those books, Harriet McDougal, Blessed Be Her Name (sp?), the wife of James Oliver Rigney, Peace Be Upon Him.


While I'm at it, I'm not a big fan of the title The Fires of Heaven either. Yeah, I know, offering criticism of the late husband of Harriet, I should be ashamed of myself, etc., etc. Clearly, that's just me thinking I could do it better, that I'm better able to make these decisions than the author. Blah blah blah, wah wah wah.


Kids, remember this?

The working title for the second book is SWIRLING WINDS, but that is likely to change


Working title. Likely to change.

Take a deep breath, think about what this means.


However. Even of the unlikely would happen, and they kept the working title, guess what. None of you have any say whatsoever on the title. Cry about it how much you want, that will not change a single thing. And considering some of the suggestions for "better" titles I have seen thrown out, thank goodness for that.



Working title. Likely to change. Take a deep breath, think about what this means.
Irrelevant. It's a rubbish title, whether it changes or not.


None of you have any say whatsoever on the title. Cry about it how much you want, that will not change a single thing.
None of us have any say whatsoever about anything that has happened in the series so far, but that doesn't stop anyone criticising bits they don't like.

Eh, I think they are rather rubbish titles.


I also don't really give two...no THREE sh*ts about the titles. *laughs* Not sure why anyone else does, either. *shrug* I suppose when we've already exhausted all other topics, we have to start picking at the titles.


You honestly don't feel that The Great Hunt is a sh*tty title? I think it's far worse than "The Gathering Storm" or "Shifting/Swirling Winds."


Working title. Likely to change. Take a deep breath, think about what this means.
Irrelevant. It's a rubbish title, whether it changes or not.




It is the only thing in this yapping about titles that actually is relevant. You are whining about something that most likely will not happen. And that is pretty much whining for the sake of whining, like all this angst against what has currently been revealed about what is hapopening with AMOL.


Like I told my friends three year old daugter last week: You can not always get what you want, and crying and whining about it will not change a thing. She at least understood this.


Maj, I don't think that anyone here expected to force Tor to change the title by dint of our opinions.


I mean, if we can't simply express opinions, what are these boards even for?  Nothing in any of these boards is likely to actually change the future content of any WoT book ...


Maybe what Maj is trying to say is that whining about an ACTUAL title is one thing, but whining about a WORKING title, which is LIKELY TO CHANGE, is a bit much?


Maj, I don't think that anyone here expected to force Tor to change the title by dint of our opinions.


I mean, if we can't simply express opinions, what are these boards even for?  Nothing in any of these boards is likely to actually change the future content of any WoT book ...


Expressing opinions is one thing. That can be done by simply stating something along the lines of "I do not aree with this, because of...".

Unfortunatly, that is not what we have seen since the news about AMOL started to come. Not even close. What we have instead is accusations thrown at TOR, Harriet, Brandon...Had RJ had a dog, I am pretty sure someone would have blamed that as well. Accusations thrown because the finished product will not be exactly what some people want.


The really funny part comes when people start to suggest their own, "better" titles, without having read a single line of the book...

Unfortunat[e]ly, that is not what we have seen since the news about AMOL started to come. Not even close. What we have instead is accusations thrown at TOR, Harriet, Brandon...Had RJ had a dog, I am pretty sure someone would have blamed that as well. Accusations thrown because the finished product will not be exactly what some people want.


Unfortunately, irritating, pigheaded, and willfully ignorant opinions are opinions too.  I have confronted those opinions fairly consistently by disagreeing with them.  But that is far different from trying to silence them.


As a mod, such sentiments have a potentially more dire meaning coming from you, since you actually have the ability to silence them.  So, to you specifically, I advise (and that is all it can be, my personal advice) restraint in calling for silence.


The really funny part comes when people start to suggest their own, "better" titles, without having read a single line of the book...


The titles haven't shown any connection to specific events so far, so I don't think our suggestions are any less valid.  I chose mine, for example, from direct quotes from prophecies which are very likely to be fulfilled in the course of a particular book, and also have an application to the general theme of an approaching really hard time.


"Rent in Fire and Blood" is from a prophecy about the Black Tower, but is more than general enough to correspond to the general destruction which we know, on some level, is coming.


"The Trumpets of Battle"; also a direct quote from prophecy with general implications.


But the sound and feel of each of those is more satisfying, to me, than the options we have seen presented.


Its so wonderful to see that the best that Ares can do to defend himself in his reply to me was mostly toss a bunch of personal and demeaning insults around. Way to go Ares. You are the man. [sarcasm]


As a mod, such sentiments have a potentially more dire meaning coming from you, since you actually have the ability to silence them.  So, to you specifically, I advise (and that is all it can be, my personal advice) restraint in calling for silence.


I think people are quite capable of telling the difference when I am saying something as a regular poster (like here), and when I am saying something as a mod. Especially since when I tell people to shut up as a mod, I tend to mention the rule(s) that calls for such action. Or just lock the thread and leave it at that ;D (Ok, immidiate lock tends to only happen Asmo-threads)


The really funny part comes when people start to suggest their own, "better" titles, without having read a single line of the book...


The titles haven't shown any connection to specific events so far, so I don't think our suggestions are any less valid.  I chose mine, for example, from direct quotes from prophecies which are very likely to be fulfilled in the course of a particular book, and also have an application to the general theme of an approaching really hard time.


Just reading the synopsis from a single prologue POV gave quite a connection to the title TGS. The storm is gathering. Heck, this would have made sense even without the prologue, since Nynaeve mentioned her "storm" quite some time ago.


"Rent in Fire and Blood" is from a prophecy about the Black Tower, but is more than general enough to correspond to the general destruction which we know, on some level, is coming.


"The Trumpets of Battle"; also a direct quote from prophecy with general implications.


But the sound and feel of each of those is more satisfying, to me, than the options we have seen presented.


And in my book, those are simply awful, and makes me cringe.


Of course, I do not care very much about the titles, since I think of the books as AMOL part 1,2 and 3 anyway. As long as the titles will not make up the same abbreviations as any other books in the series, I am cool ;D


felt like posting this here aswell:


Why is it such a big deal with a working title?

Even if it sticks, why do we care? I do not care about titles for the books. I want to read them before making up my mind. Its not like all the other titles are fantastic now, is it? A tiltle does not make a book, and a bad title does not make a good book bad. I think you should calm yourself down a bit before raging against it...

Just reading the synopsis from a single prologue POV gave quite a connection to the title TGS. The storm is gathering. Heck, this would have made sense even without the prologue, since Nynaeve mentioned her "storm" quite some time ago.


That is my point.  The "Storm" has been "Gathering" since the Eye.  Nothing in that title is exclusive to this book.


And in my book, those are simply awful, and makes me cringe.


Which is an opinion you're entirely entitled to both have and express.

I do have to say that Swirling Winds is a horrible title.
I agree.
Clearly you two believe you know better than Harriet, Blessed Be Her Name, and are better able to make better decisions regarding RJ (Peace Be Upon Him)'s legacy than she is. Really, the two of you ought to be ashamed of yourself, especially considering that nobody knew RJ better than Harriet, Blessed Be Her Name, and none of us here are even close to being as experts regarding the WOT series as compared to the expertise of the editor of all of those books, Harriet McDougal, Blessed Be Her Name (sp?), the wife of James Oliver Rigney, Peace Be Upon Him.


While I'm at it, I'm not a big fan of the title The Fires of Heaven either. Yeah, I know, offering criticism of the late husband of Harriet, I should be ashamed of myself, etc., etc. Clearly, that's just me thinking I could do it better, that I'm better able to make these decisions than the author. Blah blah blah, wah wah wah.


umm, i guess i can't say the title sucks without getting blamed for thinking Harriet knows nothing about titles and that i know better than her, but whatever, especially if you read the REST of my post.


but no no, it's cool. :(


Expressing opinions is one thing. That can be done by simply stating something along the lines of "I do not aree with this, because of...".

Unfortunatly, that is not what we have seen since the news about AMOL started to come. Not even close. What we have instead is accusations thrown at TOR, Harriet, Brandon...


Most people here don't blame Brandon or Harriet for anything. Yes, Tor made a few decisions that definitely went against RJ's wishes which couldn't but stir some controversy and it did stir some controversy. It's the supporters of those decisions who are constantly bringing Harriet into the discussion. A typical dialogue on the topic goes like this, "I don't agree with Tor's decisions because..." - "How dare you, stupid, pig-headed, ignorant being, insult Harriet?" It's one of many things that makes a discussion with those people impossible. Funny how an actual insult thrown at Harriet in this thread went completely unnoticed by them.


Had RJ had a dog, I am pretty sure someone would have blamed that as well.


No, it would be Tor's supporters who would bring RJ's dog into discussion. "I don't agree with Tor's decisions because..." - "How dare you, stupid, pig-headed, ignorant being, assume that you can make better decisions that RJ's dog?"


Accusations thrown because the finished product will not be exactly what some people want.


No. You know perfectly well that the main reason why people disagree with splitting A Memory of Light is because the finished product will be just the opposite of what the author wanted (actually, both authors, as Brandon had treated it as one book until the split, and even now he hopes for an omnibus edition). Had RJ said something like, "I'll try to finish it in one book, but I may need two or even three, so that's not a promise, and I still can't think of a good title for the book. I guess I need to ask Tom", people would have reacted to the whole situation differently.



The really funny part comes when people start to suggest their own, "better" titles, without having read a single line of the book...


That's the only part of your post I agree with. It's one thing to say that you don't like the titles, but suggesting alternative titles when you haven't yet read a single line of the book is ridiculous.


Unfortunately, irritating, pigheaded, and willfully ignorant opinions are opinions too. 


For a moment I thought you were talking about yourself.  ;D


I have confronted those opinions fairly consistently by disagreeing with them.


Oh, yes, you were very consistent. Luckily, everyone can have a look at a certain closed thread and see for themselves how consistent you were.  ;D


But that is far different from trying to silence them.


That is what's being done here: silencing an unwanted opinion. A topic was closed when it became clear for any unbiased person that Tor's advocates have nothing to support their opinion other than misinformation, ungrounded claims and insults. And now Majsju is explicitly telling people to shut up.


Of course, I do not care very much about the titles, since I think of the books as AMOL part 1,2 and 3 anyway. As long as the titles will not make up the same abbreviations as any other books in the series, I am cool ;D


You can think of them whatever you wish. You can think of, say, The Shadow Rising, The Fires of Heaven and Lord of Chaos as parts 1, 2, 3 of something [assign an arbitrary title here], if you wish. This doesn't change the fact that A Memory of light exists no more.


By the way, Jason has updated the Jordancon news. The title for book 13 is still Shifting Winds. The part about Swirling Winds was Jason's mistake.


Working title. Likely to change. Take a deep breath, think about what this means.
Irrelevant. It's a rubbish title, whether it changes or not.




It is the only thing in this yapping about titles that actually is relevant. You are whining about something that most likely will not happen. And that is pretty much whining for the sake of whining, like all this angst against what has currently been revealed about what is hapopening with AMOL.


Like I told my friends three year old daugter last week: You can not always get what you want, and crying and whining about it will not change a thing. She at least understood this.


Please don't offer any more advice to toddlers.


If a toddler got you, someone not even related to her by blood, to kneel down to her level and explain the world in your pessimistic view of things...she indeed did have an effect on the situation.


Now, she could take your stunningly fatalistic advice in a couple of ways. One way would be to actually take you at face value and believe the crap you say without question simply because you are supposedly one of those large things called an adult.


OR she could take what you say as crap, you're not her dad or her mom for that matter, what you say is pretty effin meaningless especially to a 3-year-old.


OR EVEN STILL...She could remember what you said to her years later as an adult, and think to herself...The only reason why that idiot said that to me about getting what I want was to get what HE wanted, and that was for me to shut up. F*** that guy. What a hypocrite.




That little hypothetical out of the way, I really hate this argument that if you don't agree with everything these people tell you, you're some kind of whining child who needs to be scolded by a supposedly rational adult.


You're mental if you think that even the minutest details don't mean anything to people who love these books. Granted, people who love these books can think the way you do and accept whatever bullsh*t is shoveled their way, and eat it with grateful vigor. But you are blind if you think that there isn't a population who are so passionate about this series that they criticize and scrutinize every detail...and this was when RJ was still with us writing the books!

Without RJ this project to finish the series will be dissected and put through a wringer to squeeze everything that can be gotten out of it. IT MEANS A LOT to a lot of people.


You're on something if you think everyone is going to have this laid back blah attitude about this thing without RJ at the helm. People were sh**ting bricks when he himself was writing it. Glad that the attempt is being made to finish the series, but I really would prefer it to be done as RJ said he wanted it done for a long time before he even got to the tragically terminal stage of his illness.

An attempt is all it will be the further it slides away from what RJ meant for it to be. You can rationalize all you want, but face it. The more changes you make, the less it becomes RJ's book. Sorry...bookSsss.


You can rationalize all you want, but face it. The more changes you make, the less it becomes RJ's book. Sorry...bookSsss.


And you can whin all you want but like a three year old who is upset because she cannot have a piece of candy your protestations are so much wasted breath. Relax, wait till the books come out and then judge their quality. Raging about what you cannot change and what others more knowledgeable then you have the final say is pointless.


You can rationalize all you want, but face it. The more changes you make, the less it becomes RJ's book. Sorry...bookSsss.


And you can whin all you want but like a three year old who is upset because she cannot have a piece of candy your protestations are so much wasted breath. Relax, wait till the books come out and then judge their quality. Raging about what you cannot change and what others more knowledgeable then you have the final say is pointless.


If someone promises me a piece of candy... and then someone else instead offers me a "candy-like" substance that prevents me from having the actual piece of candy I was promised...


I will probably say that I prefer to have a piece of candy.


If you are some other person who would rather have that "candy-like" substance, then by all means, rave and cheer while you suck away on that...whatever you have settled for, but please don't tell me that I'm a whiner for wanting what was promised to me in the first place.


And besides that, I have the right to disagree with what anyone says. I don't live by the rules of a meritocracy, built upon what others value as merit over what I do.


If I didn't like the titles or anything that RJ came up with in the series, I would say so. I really can't think of an instance in all these years, off the top of my head, where I could really disagree with how the story has progressed through RJ. I've never felt anxiety over how much I would enjoy any of the books in the series.


Something as seemingly simple as a book title, RJ never disappointed me. No disrespect to any of RJ's people including his dear wife, but none of them are RJ and so far I've been disappointed by a lot of what has been done in his name so far.


Splitting the books. The "working" titles. How the decision to split the books was handled.


Disappointed. Sorry if that bothers you that I have those feelings, but there really is no use whining about how I obviously feel about something. There really isn't much you can do to change the way I feel about it, especially not by calling me and others like me whining kids. So why even bother?


I'm not saying I know better, but working titles I wouldn't mind:


-Anything that doesn't mention storms or wind. It's cliche at this point, the way this imagery has been thoroughly used in the previous 11 books. No storms. No wind. please. It makes me think of flatulence. Even my sig has mention of it. Stop mentioning it. Yes, w know you're obsessed with wind already, we needn't mention it in the title.


-Something to do with one of Egwene's Dreams. That might by cool, full of imagery. Choose something. Something to do with the Seanchan and the White Tower maybe. A little more obscure than The Gathering Storm.


-A reference to Moiraine's rescue attempt. Whenever it happens, it would be nice to mention it.


I really loved A Memory of Light as a title. Some variation of that title or theme would be great.


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