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10 Pleasant DM memories


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I originally posted this at other DM boards on Sun Jan 11, 2004 12:08 pm, but thought it was cute enough to share again here ;)


These are some of my most pleasant memories from during my time at DM:


1) My 'vomit' RPs that I did with Doman over ICQ. Doman would chase me or sic his One Power-mutated kitty on me, then I'd send a hoarde of cockroaches after him, and he'd send them back at me and I'd put honey all over him so the cockroaches were attracted...and so on. *g*


2) Nat RPing Cyridwen getting a warhorse and calling it Fluffy.


3) Cleopatra's title of "Hot Domani Tamale", and the wars between her and William to become the biggest Brown-Noser.


4) Kaylan's title: "Greenie - Save the Wales!"


5) The RP where Alin get stuck in the toilet 'cause of the prank Shem and Joesh pulled in the Warder Yards.


6) The RP where Shoar and Ryell got drunk (well Ry did, and it affected Shoar) and they ended up with a tattoo each - his said "Property of Ryell Jagad", and hers said "Shoar's Girlfriend". Both were VERY angry.


7) The "I'm not pregnant! Shut up!" thread which led to discussions about litters of Trolloc babies and other absurd things, and how they'd be called Roka, or something *loL*


8) Seeing Lanfir return after ~ 3 years of absence from DM.


9) Watching Starship Troopers with Jen and Meg at Jen's place and cracking ourselves up over its utter silliness.


10) Eating Emmie's Bailey's Brownies when we went to the apartment after the Hard Rock Café (yes I am a sucker for sweeties).



So do you guys have 10 "pleasant" DM memories? :) I have lots more that I've collected in the years since, of course, and a lot of the above I had to read this list to be reminded of, but whatever... :)


This is a really good idea, Taya!


1.)  Definitely my bondings.  I'm fortunate to have such wonderful bondmates!

2.)  Meeting so many of my DM friends at both the 2006 and 2008 Dragon*Cons and getting to spend good quality time with them.

3.)  Getting promoted to White Head.

4.)  Getting promoted to Keeper.

5.)  Having a major role in Ben's "Benty Potter" silly story.

6.)  Late night chats with some of my friends on here.

7.)  Having numerous people obsess over my legs, all because of Seggie.

8.)  Some of the philosophical discussions we had in the White Ajah.

9.)  Mooching off Kathana and Seggie for a week before the last Dragon*Con.

10.)  Going to Disneyland with Elyssa, Leane, and Staffy.   


Those are nice Dwyn ;)


Of course, at the time I posted mine I hadn't yet been to a D*Con of my own, so I would have a lot more to add to the list now *g*


I can't believe you can have ten pleasant DM memories without me.  All of my ten pleasant DM memories have me, I don't really have a list, but I'm sure they all include me. 





Memorable  ;)


Thanks, Taya!  Which Dragon*Con did you go to?  I hope to see you at one of the upcoming Cons.


Aww, JD, we love you too!  I enjoy the stories of your exploits that you post in the 'Chan.


Oh geeze.


1. Shaiel telling Mazzy SHE wouldn't go to Dragon*con unless I got to go too. Which snowballed into me ending up being able to go to Dragon*con 2001 and having lots of drunken fun (also included meeting my Warder face to face and drunken prancing in the ballroom)


2. Bonding BenT. Being good friends with BenT.


3. Towerwide Murder Mystery! Got to have all sorts of horrifying fun and RPing with people who I wouldn't have ordinarily RPed with.. omfg. SO fun. (Does anyone remember that?? The murder mystery where Laddy's brother came trying to kill her off??)


4. Going to the Rainforest Cafe and getting to mob it with Jafael, Taya, Raeyn, Minuet and a couple of "the husbands"..(kidding, Mister Raeyn. Kidding) ... which included meeting RAE AND TAYA for the first time EVAR.. I love them! (I love the others now too.. but I went loving Rae and Taya)


5. The City Walk with Art Guy Joe, Kathana, Seggy, Ja'varan, Art Guy's kids, The Don. If you were there, you'd get it. If you weren't, you got to see group pics and stare enviously at those of us who got to grab on The Don. (If you weren't AROUND DM at that point, just put it as a "HIGH POINT")


6. Ladria ALWAYS getting chores IC because I got bored OOC. (This should be a :( but it was :D)


7. Being appointed as Graendal back in the day. As I recall, I was told if I didn't watch "Buffy", I would be demoted. Oddly enough, I ended up LIKING Buffy and own all 7 seasons. XD


8. Talking on the phone for HOURS with various DMers and the interesting conversations that came from a guy over in Ireland. XD


9. Being IC blood bound to Lorelia.


10. Having someplace to come to when life just got too upsetting or otherwise to forget life for awhile and talk to people that I have come to love as "framily"..


I tried! I am a pessimist, this took WORK! XD


Aww Laddie those were lovely memories :) You tried and succeeded!


Definitely a rewrite would include the Rainforest Café meet, I can't believe I got to meet up with you at last! It was awesome :)


Plus I got to stay with Jafael who is a legend. *g* And meet the ever-lovely Minuet in person (what a laugh!), aaaand see the RaeRae again (woot!).


But anyway...


Dwyn, I went to the 2004 D*Con, and I'm planning on attending next year's too :)



In no specific order:


1. Rampaging the boards with Tiili and Mari-boozer back when ezboards were common and commonplace. Along with the Fflajahs, and the rainbow tower.


2. The start of my siggie making. <3 Raeyn made my first but after starting to draw and play more I loved making them and it started here.


3. The my seeking a warder Thread back in 2002. It's long gone, but I bribed with Pies & Brownies and some how ended up bonding Daemon Ronshor. We're still bonded and actively communicating to this day.


4. Being promoted to Staff on the RP side. Despite how it ended, I was really proud of getting those positions and wouldn't change that for anything.


6. Meeting so many DMers (and my fiance) at DCon 2008, including Dwyn, Seggie, Kath, Barm, Raena, BenT & ArtGuyJoe. So many older faces it was just soo nice to 'finally' meet them personally.


7. Souvra bond to Jaydena. Her friendship means the sun and the moon to me.


8. All the completed RP plots done with Arette, TaeaDawn, Telcia, James, Sam & so many others. My writing wouldn't be where it is now, and my love of a good maniacal plot and how to write them would never have happened without all these lovely writers.


9. Taya convincing me to rejoin more of the community and even the RP back in 2003. She was the first DMer i've ever met, and her friendship and support brightens all the stars. I'd probably have not gotten more active back then if not for her.


10. Pudding, Pie & Sporks. nuff said. 8)


Awww I lurve you babe :) So glad you are here and very glad I got to meet you once ;) hopefully again next year too *g*


I soo hope the economy gets better so I can go to D'Con next year. Wait there's someone else in SoCal that I haven't met?!


Let's see. Here's mine in no particular order; except for the first  ;D


1. Meeting my bonded, Cleo and her hubby in person for the first time 3 years ago. Which led to my bonded being my current boyfriend.


2. Meeting Lor in person with Mo, Hero and Staffy for Easter 3 years ago.

3. Meeting Elyssa, Dwyn and Staffy at Disneyland.

4. Meeting with Jade, Taya, Cleo and Staffy in person for coffee.


Meeting DMers is always my favorite times  ;D


5. My first day at the WT when I threw years' worth of Warder's research of what novices wear under their dresses and convincing Kyn to not give me to General Mat as a pet.

6. Getting into mischief as a novice with my sister bonded and meeting all the ajahs in the process.

7. Spamming the temp boards with my newly bonded, Staffy

8. Cupid event in the Band of the Red Hand/msn carryover.

9. Huge nightly msn group chats that we'd pull everyone into and led me to really get to know a lot of awesome DMers.

10. Bonding Staffy even though the server crashed right afterwards and I lost the thread  :(


Leane, Aubrey is not in LA yet, but will be moving there after she gets married.  She's in Canada now.


*whispers*  Aubrey, that was Naeann you met, not Raena. 


I always get the handle mixed up.. Thx Dwyn. Sometimes RL names and handles should never mix. :P


They don't love.  You are just blonde. ;)  Raena didn't know someone would come along someday with a rl name very similar to her handle. 



1. (for Justen's sake)Getting mentioned in one of Justen's spyreports.  That was win for me.  I feel truly honored for that.


2. The seven "deadlies".  The other six will always have a place in my heart even though all of them but Vemy and myself have disappeared for the most part. (Del is on loa)


3. Getting to go to Dragoncon and share a room with Barm, Aubrey, and Mike... three canadians.. what was I thinking?  Also getting to meet Lor, Kath, Ben, Seggy, Yele, Ender, Dwyn, Aubrey's fiancee, and several others... not to mention Brandon Sanderson and Jewel Staite.


4. Raising the same day, and then bonding Vemynal.  He has become one of my best friends and I consider that on and offline.  Barm has also become one though we will never bond.  The circle of doom must never be completed.


5. Bonding Chill and Tigs "my little yellow brother". 


6. My latest Bonded, Dae. He's outspoken and crazy and considers himself Vemy's dark counterpart but in reality hes outspoken and crazy but a great friend to have and a kickbutt teammate for Mafia.


7. Getting to head up House Sanche.  It was a blast and though I don't think many of my "kids" are still around.. I hope they had fun too.


8. Getting to be one of Lor's "kids".  Her favorite in fact... much to the chagrin of her warder... whom I harass every chance I get. ;)  I'm so glad we became friends.. even though my warder is scared to death of her.  You should use that to your advantage at next year's Dragoncon Lor. :)


9.  Did I mention Brandon Sanderson?  I did?  Well I will mention him again and add that HE PLAYED A MAFIA GAME WITH US!!!! 


10. All the great people I've met on here.


He was so sad when Team Awesome killed him in mafia. I saw the pout as he left.. i wish i had a camera to catch it, it was so bloody adorable.


Jewel Staite rocks!! I am more jealous of that ;)


I can't wait to get back to D*Con, next year people, next year!!



Well, you could remember being adored by fawning Browns.. that's got to be worth something in the scheme of things. ;)


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