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Any buildings anybody wants demolished?


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I want to take a picture of the mountains at sunrise, but all the cluttered houses ruin the picture :(


and I have a facebook, but my password is lost on the winds of time.... I created it using my college email and I no longer have that email to request a password recovery. besides, it's too addicting. it took me from RP and DM!

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There is a green house that is located across the street and one over from my house. It is in major disrepair and the people who live just slum it up. It is actually lowering the value of my home, and I'd like it demolished, please.


*has Pandy's back on Facebook*

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[me=Edielin]strolls in, rolling his barrel[/me]


"Yohoho, li'l chil... MPs, and a bottle of... Perfectly legal alcoholic beverages, ehm. None of yer 'ere piratical association"


"Now, just sign this, legalising all garden expenses"

[me=Edielin]watches as the MPs flock to the agreement, before lighting the blue touchpaper and fleeing[/me]

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