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Jean Grey Xmen 3


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The exploding people thing from Dumai's Wells, i imagine. And no, she didn't, she disolved people. And that was a stupid movie anyway.

  • Community Administrator
The exploding people thing from Dumai's Wells' date=' i imagine. And no, she didn't, she disolved people. And that was a stupid movie anyway.[/quote']


Blasphemy! :P

As for the 'trick' no, not even close to the same thing.

The Dark Pheonix tore people apart, atom by atom. *probably the most painfull way to die to*


At dumanies wells, they were simply being exploded. Cut up, chopped suiea, and then fried like crispy kfc.


It was such a disapointment following the brilliance of the first two. And why would being ripped apart atom by atom be painful? Pain nuerons are complex, they wouldn't be able to process pain of destruction at an atomic level.

  • Community Administrator
It was such a disapointment following the brilliance of the first two. And why would being ripped apart atom by atom be painful? Pain nuerons are complex' date=' they wouldn't be able to process pain of destruction at an atomic level.[/quote']

well, considering she ussually goes from the legs up, I'm pretty sure you'd feel something.. and of course, its not all just "being ripped apart at the atomic level". More like, large clusters of atoms. :P Or being ripped apart, cell by cell.


As for the movie. If you are a long time x-men comic book fan. The 3rd movie did suck. If not, it was awesome.


Boo !


The movie was awesome ! :P


And as for the Ashaman's trick..there's not enough details to be certain that it the same ...



*pinches herself as she can't believe people didn't like that movie*


It was cliche, cheesy and modulated. Seriously i begin to wonder if there is a machine somewhere that prints out sequel scripts... it was a money monkey mockery of all that came before. Even the brilliant actors in it couldn't save it from that.


Here's my bag about Dark Phoenix, that I can't get around:


Wolverine alone was able to walk up to her because of his ability to regenerate. He regenerates even at that slowly. He regenerated more quickly (still slow) when they "talked" about his love for her.


I say the Hulk would have been the only one to just walk up and thrash her, as he could regenerate faster than she could deatomize him. This is based on the fact that Hulk regenerates faster than anything else. If Wolverine could survive, Hulk wouldn't even be effected.


Superman, however, would have been destroyed, as he doesn't regenerate. He's just a single indestructible.

Guest Winespring Brother

The thing I thought was weird with that end bit was why did Wolverine's clothes regenerate too?

Here's another thing I thought of: the cure wouldn't work on Hulk' date=' Wolverine, or Spiderman.


None of them are mutants.[/quote']


Wolverine's healing ability is a mutant power.


Sorry, actually I am not hip on all aspects of it. I thought to be a mutant you had to be born that way?


i.e. Hulk got his through a blast, Spiderman through the spider, Wolverine through the experiment.


And the clothes, well, they didn't want the women in the theaters to faint because of how Huge Jackman is.


err.. misspell, perhaps?


wolverine's mutant powers were not gained through the experiment...it was his adamantium wrapped bone structure and claws that were gained through the experiment.


Let me shift into high nerd gear.


Wolverine's healing factor and claws are mutant. His skeleton was bonded with adamantium in the Weapon X experiment. I don't collect anymore but there was a great storyline where Magneto ripped the adamantium off Wolvy's skeleton and out through his skin. Wolvy went feral.


One truly disappointing part of X3 was Juggernaut. He is not a mutant. Never has been. His power came from his helmet.


A great movie would the storyline explaining why there are mutants in the first place. Giant space dwelling things incubate their young in planets. They instill future genetic mutant abilities in the life on that planet so any threat to that planet can be neutralized until the space dwelling thing(a Celestial for other people in high nerd gear)is born.


Shifting out of high nerd gear....Huh where am I? Did I type this? Weird.

Wolverine's healing factor and claws are mutant. His skeleton was bonded with adamantium in the Weapon X experiment. I don't collect anymore but there was a great storyline where Magneto ripped the adamantium off Wolvy's skeleton and out through his skin. Wolvy went feral


I remember the comic when the adamantium was removed. I thought they explained that the claws that he had left were bone that had grown into the hollow adamantium claws. Am I mistaken?


I'm with you, Luckers. X-Men 3 was lame a$$ lame!


Refer to the thread in Fiddlesticks for my thoughts in more detail if you're interested. I can't relive it again to rehash them here.


Anyone who liked it is no X-Men fan as far as I'm concerned.

I'm with you' date=' Luckers. X-Men 3 was lame a$$ lame!


Refer to the thread in Fiddlesticks for my thoughts in more detail if you're interested. I can't relive it again to rehash them here.


Anyone who liked it is no X-Men fan as far as I'm concerned.[/quote']


well im sorry thats a very bigotted view... i am a proper xmen fan but the movie was definately entertaining... a comedy at times when it shouldnt of been but oh well


please dont be a bigot


Strictly speaking,I think both Spiderman and the Hulk would also be mutants since their DNA was altered. The main difference is that the mutation happened later. (Hulk gamma radiation, Spiderman a radioactive -or genetically engineered- spider's bite). The mutants of the X-men films have the X gene in them from birth (although it doesn't kick in till later).


Major X3 spoilers...but you should know that if you're here...





I didn't think it was a bad movie, but it could have been better. I didn't really like how they resolved the phoenix plot line and how they dealt with certain characters i.e. nullify em (Mystique) or kill 'em off... (Cyclops, Jean Grey and the Professor...)


I guess I was expecting that since Jean Grey is such a major character they would probably find a way for her to regain control of her Phoenix persona... but maybe they figured that was too holywood... been there done that type thing.



If you didn't watch the bit after the credits, look no further-










I thought that was an interesting twist at the end after the credits though. What happened to that poor man's original personality though? Was it already gone or did he (you know who if you got that far) replace it. If so it's an interesting ethically questionable situation... (i.e he hijacked someone elses life, but then again the body might not have survived if he hadn't taken up residence...) I wonder if he retains his mutant powers now he resides in a human body (like the souls of forsaken reconstituted into a new body). Hmmmmmmmm.....


reply about post credits ending



that man in the body was professor X...


the body was the brain dead guy we saw in the video...


the body moraigh mctaggart "suggest" would be receptive to a life form


Prof X was killed his soul lives because of his mental capacity and so he transferred himself into the body


there ya go simple expl


"well im sorry thats a very bigotted view... i am a proper xmen fan but the movie was definately entertaining... a comedy at times when it shouldnt of been but oh well


please dont be a bigot" - loosehead


Dude, I was clutching the arms of my seat with rage as I watched what they had done to this fantastic series. There is no excuse for the ridiculous plot devices, corny dialogue and sub standard script. Just look at the first two films and you'll see what I mean. If all you wanted was a bit of action (crappy action at that) and to see the characters on the screen then I guess you could have liked the film. me? I prefer to enjoy films on a much less superficial level.


Entertaining? More like painful!

Guest Cadsuane

I think it all depends on expectations. I WANTED X3 to be spectacular, but I had heard enough that I was able to take a step back before watching it, and not look for the same greatness as before.


Because of that, I was able to laugh and roll my eyes at the bad parts, instead of tearing my hair out, or other things you may have done, Leaf. :wink:


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