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Halloween Mafia Game - Game over! Mafia Win!


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Liathiana wasn't sure quite what was happening. Not of her own volition, she was being moved across the graveyard, towards an ominous dark shape. The closer she got the more she realised it was clearly flesh-and-blood, but the less she could resist the call. By the time she reached the figure, she no longer had any self awareness... merely another ghoul in the ever expanding retinue of the Lords of Night.


Liathiana, an Innocent Ghoul, has been Night Killed. It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 5.30pm GMT on Tuesday. With 10 alive, it requires 6 votes on a player to lynch them.


I am here. *G* Couldn't get on DM for two stinkin' days. :p


Okay so, healer is gone, Mafia Necromancer (wthell is that?)and an innocent Ghoul


I vote [glow=red,2,300]Cairos[/glow] just cuz he invited it. :p


The fact that Cleo tried to vote at night suggests to me that she's probably innocent, as the mafia would all know very well that it was night and would therefore not make that mistake. By that line of reasoning Verbal is perhaps slightly more suspicious than anyone else, for pointing out that it was night, although of course this is a weak argument to make.


However, that's no reason to accept her vote  for Cairos. The fact that he(?) seemed to invite it might indicate that he is a symp drawing attention away from the mafia, or he may be acting deliberately annoying in order to make us think that he can't possibly be mafia since it's 'too obvious'.


Given that, let's try to lynch someone today and get some information. Cairos, what do you have to say for yourself?






OK. I'm not mafia. I'm a alternate healer meaning that when the real healer dies which was Elgee I get to be healer. My healing ability is not 100% meaning that I have a 50/50 chance of healing somebody. If you want to lynch me fine. But I think its odd that Cleo has jumped on first in voting somebody random.


:-\ alternate healer, could be possible. Could also be a claim to be kept from being lynched. He couldn't go for finder as they would know he was lying.


However I'm not going to vote for him at the moment. I'm a little more concerned in Tigs who always seems to vote after someone else. not willing to put there vote down.


Will have to think more.


It nice to have someone say what they are in the game. But since we're evil ghouls or not evil Ghouls (which is alarming to say the least. I mean how is a Ghoul not evil?) *cough*


But if you are indeed telling the truth.... Cairos how would we know that for sure? I will haunt you for the rest of your dead days if you are lying. :p


*unvotes Cairos*



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Eh, there doesn't seem to be enough players in this game to have alternate roles like that.  I'm thinking that it's exactly what Talya said - he couldn't claim Finder, so he went with "alternate" Healer.




Dude. I'm the freaking alternate healer. I wouldnt go with Finder either if i was mafia. This is my role and this is what I got in the PM.




I'm choosing not to vote for now. You guys can vote for me if you want.


We won't know unless he is lynched. But if he is what he says he is we would then lose any chance we had of having any sort of healer.


I'm still holding off.


Vote Count :-

Cairos - Tigs, Panda, Moggy

Tigs - Cleo


Indecision still holds back the wrath of the independently minded (and not necessarily good or evil) Ghouls. Heading towards Cairos, it is instead Tigara who ends up in dire straights.


Tigara, an Innocent Ghoul, has been randomly mod killed. Mayleigh, an Innocent ghoul, has also been killed for inactivity.


It is now Night 3. Please send in your night actions asap, night 3 will end at 7pm GMT on Thursday.


I totally missed that deadline, I think I'm going blind... :o


Thats is not good at all. 2 more innocents dead! And still hardly any information. *sighs*


*places dead flowers on both their tombs*


Alas, Poor Tig (who I wrongfully accused) you will be missed as meat. ;)


Well lets see. Who is it that we are suspicious of?? Where's our list of players?


I have this very weird feeling that Cleo is one of the badies, not sure why but that's what my gut is telling me. Cleo is my best friend and she's acting a mite strange right now. So ponder that while we wait for day.


Jade - innocent

Talya - checking

Cleo -

Moggie - innocent

Pandy - finder

Nae -

Cairos -

Verbal -


OK, since the game is going badly, I am going to reveal that I am the finder.


I have checked Jade and Moggy, and they are innocent.


I'm therefore going to take Jade's word on it that Cleo is acting oddly, and suspect her. I am also suspicious of Talya and Verbal, since both did not vote by the end of the day.


I don't think that there would be more than three mafia, since this is a reasonably small game, but one can never be sure. Still, assuming that there are three, one would assume that there are two left. I'll leave it up to you to mull this over.

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Well I can tell ya'll we have a silencer in the game.  I was not allowed to post all of day 3.


Due to this statement, I have no suspicion on Nae.  She wouldn't have made this up out of nowhere.  At least I hope not.


Pandy, I'm pretty sure is toast now, so the read on Talya might not go through.


Either way, I'm innocent, but I invite the mafia to NK me.  Really.  Go for it.  ;)


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