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lmao, Demi  ;D


What you say makes a lot of sense to me, but then, so far I've been voting for whomever others suggested, and that made a lot of sense too  :(


Maybe it's time I started thinking for myself, instead of just accepting other people's arguments.


So even though my first instinct is to also go for Roka, I'm going to think about it some more.

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No, you cannot be O_O






[glow=red,2,300]Demi[/glow], because:


While the only reason I voted for Gerr was because I thought he was getting targeted for no real reason (and then the rest of you voted the same but how the hell can that be taken against me, I never made anyone do it, just told my reasons for the vote which were as good as anyones with little information that we have got to go on), Demi wanted everyone else to vote for me because I post a lot:



Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god


I'm kinda afraid to post, because I have a sneaking suspicion this'll make me the target of suspicion, but HEY, seeing as I'm really really innocent and all, I say we spark some debate as to whom it might be who did this!




Honestly though, I think Roka is talking a lot


I'll just let that simmer for a while


Read that? It didn't work then and now he's trying a more direct approach by initiating a vote against me, and his reasoning: I talk too much. Well, SCUSE ME MISTER SPAM POLICE! I thought these games went up to 40 pages, this is my first time playing it and I come to DM only to check this thread, so SCUSE ME IF I GET BORED AND TRY TO MAKE YOU OR THE INNOCENT POST SOMETHING, ANYTHING! Sides, it's all of you guys fault I post so much, I'm the kind of guy that when he's left alone in an invasion, makes 3000 posts by himself, so, for those of you who don't know me... Demi is full of it when he's complaining about me posting so much, it's freaking normal for me :P.



As for why I'm still alive, well Demi, all I can say is, maybe your partner in crime thought Dae was more dangerous then I simply because he played the game 50 times before while I'm playing it for the first time?! Luckily, you cannot kill all the dangerous ones in 2 nights so I remain :P. And while I was gona go quiet this time since the odds all of a sudden turned against us (due to MAFIA NOT POSTING HARDLY ANYTHING! That should be illegal :P) I do in fact have to thank you, for you have given me a reason to keep on actively playing, for now I know for certain you, Demi, are the mafia! and all of a sudden, the future doesn't seem so bleak anymore, even if I'm killed this night, it will be worth it taking one of you with me!





lmao, Demi  Grin


What you say makes a lot of sense to me, but then, so far I've been voting for whomever others suggested, and that made a lot of sense too  Sad


Maybe it's time I started thinking for myself, instead of just accepting other people's arguments.


So even though my first instinct is to also go for Roka, I'm going to think about it some more.


Why the hell does it make sense? Look, I'm pretty certain now that I'm not making it to next round either way, but vote with a level of reserve, you lynch another innocent and we lose the game.





Keep playing your game, Roka man, but your mafioso ways are no longer hidden to us! And the main bulk of my argument is not that you post too much, but a mix of this and your aliveliness and a gut feeling that I have acquired over the run of this game! You have been the driving force behind every kill, and every kill has been of an innocent, and in the night yet more innocents die despite the efforts of certian characters that try to protect those who sleep frightfully. But does this help!? No! I have had enough of living in fear! For me to live, you must die!


Innocent?? Em, I've uncovered the symp, I voted for Tay before he got killed, the only innocent I voted on was Gerr and that was only because he wanted to get rid of Dae, (who was also innocent so I basically saved a life of one innocent at the unfortunate cost of another, gerr's bloody fault that  :-\). Sides, I can't be bloody perfect under the circumstance can I, I'm just guessing here  >:( And now I'm guessing it's you, sue me  :P



That WOULD be a good tactic! Risky but bold as hell *nods* Only one tiny discrepancy in my case, I never mentioned the bit about Tay until now  (to show the large gaping lie in Demis claim), because far as I'm concerned, Tay is over and done with and I never tried to gain anything by it.




Look, can we just vote? We're gona lose anyway, might as well get it over with and I'm tired of being badmouthed for bleeding posting :P


Oh you bastards


I don't want to die, I'll tell you a little secret:




you bastards, I've been protecting people at night, BUT IT HASN'T HELPED! WHY, YOU ASK!? I've been protecting Roka both these nights, yet no one tried to kill him, and now, he wants to end me, HIS PROTECTOR!


Kill roka! Kill the graverobber!





OK, let's play along with this, how would we know you really are what you say? I mean, you could have just made it up in a desparate attempt to save yourself from being lynched! *ponders*


I know, hey you *pokes everyone not Demi*, you wouldn't happen to be a healer would you? Cus if you are, best say so else Demi walks.

*ponders some more* ... unless of course Demi is mafia and Demis accomplice decides to lie to save Demis skin... but that lie would be easilly revealed by the 3rd pasrty who REALLY IS the healer, so best way for Demis accomplice would be too simply stay quiet... on the other hand, if the real healer reveals himself, he risks dying during the night as one juicy burek like target... *ponders*


TALY! Question, can the healer save himself from a night attack?







oh yeah, I [glow=red,2,300]unvote Demi [/glow]pending more info on this, and Demi, if you're lying to me, I'm going to give you push-ups, imunity or no imunity on this game :P.


But I want to make sure we don't have another Gerr on our hands, so... if there's anyone out there to dispute Demis claim, please do so now or forever hold your peace... pun intended *g*


Oh my, this is an interesting plot twist o_o


But I'm sorry roka, I still hold firm in my belief that you must be the one, and yor unvoting of me is merely for the sake of appearances! You cannot fool me that easily! I will admit, you have my faith swaying, but well. Ig it's not you, I'm pretty much dead anhyhow :(





My thinking is this, if you trully are the healer, then me surviving 2 nights, despite my loud mouth, seems more personal to you then it does to all the others, who also weren't targeted but also couldn't do anything during the night unlike you. So, I can see why you'd blame me. Personally, I thought I was a goner during the last night as well and was kinda releaved it was Dae, but it seems to me mafia is taking out the more experienced players first, which Eclipse and Dae certainly were and letting the newbie loudmouths burry themselves.


But if you're lying... we should know soon enough, the real healer should reveal themselves I think, despite it being basically suicide, I think getting the real mafia this time is worth losing a healer, cus it's 1 for 1 and we're still the majority. Sides, if our side wins, we win even if we finish the game dead right?


...the real healer should reveal themselves I think, despite it being basically suicide, I think getting the real mafia this time is worth losing a healer ...


Your willingness to sacrifice your companion for the Greater Good (keeping Roka alive, I presume?) is simply breathtaking. Ta EVER so. ::)



...Sides, if our side wins, we win even if we finish the game dead right?...




Anyway: nice try, demi - you seem to have actually fooled Roka. Fortunately, if you give some people enough rope, they hang themselves  ;D


So my vote goes to .... [glow=red,2,300]demi [/glow]




Oh... Oh come on.. Bah, there's nothing more I can say, I've said it all

Kill me, you lose a healer and an innocent, go for someone else, I don't know what'll happen. I'm not that sure about Roka anymore, but heck, i don't know who else to vote for either, so, if it's gonna be me, speed it up and lob my head off already.


Demi, you and Roka are utterly confusing me. :P So I've reread everything and still can't work it out. So I'll vote for one of you and see who's lying through their teeth. I'm willing to give Demi the benefit of the doubt, for now, because he's claiming healer.


So I'll vote [glow=red,2,300]Roka[/glow]


HA! I got you now... [glow=red,2,300]KARA! [/glow]


First I thought, why the hell would el-nyn be voting for me, then I reread her posts and took notice of this:


I always find the best way to find out things is to toss out a random name and see how they react.


So I'm thinking, El-nyn tried this with me to see how I'd react, and then, out of the blue, quick as an eagle, comes Kara to seal my fate with the 3rd vote. So, I take a look at her posts and notice she voted for Demi when it seemed it was going bad for him... and now she's voting for me since I'm the only one left with votes enough that hers could decide the lynch. A little too quick too pounce this time Kara, a little too eager, my vote goes to you!



Sure..you do that if that makes you feel any better my dear *pinches cheek* Demi says he's the Healer and I've no reason to doubt him. You on the other hand have been the forefront of most if not all arguments and that's ended up with several innocents killed :P


Demi (1): Elgee

Roka (3): Demi, El Nyn, Kara.

Kara (1): Roka


Much debating ensues throughout the day, some louder than others. Eventually a majourity is reached. And Roka has been the one that is chosen for the lynch. Demi flew at him first and stab him with his knife, then El Nyn then Kara. Roka slumped in a heap on the ground, he looked dead. A beam of light seemed to surround him and a voice boomed out, that if the person with the Amulet of Khepri, wish to save him, they should do now.


Silence was all around, everyone almost holding their breath waiting for something to happen!



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