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For many, *many* years...


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I've eyed this place with something approaching suspicion.  :P

I'm not into RP y'see...


But after having a good poke round last night, I've seen the Light... well, the orgs anyway, and I've decided to give it a go.  :)


So, Hi. :D




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Well, I'm certainly glad you've come around. Be sure to stop in at all the various orgs, see what they are like, post with them a bit, find out what your preferences are. You can join as many or as few orgs as you want, though you might find it a bit time consuming if you try to join them all.


I'm also going to suggest checking out the Organized games forum, as we play a lot of mafia over there.


If you've got any questions, don't hesitate to fire a PM off at me.



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Welcome back!


Any interests with which we can direct you to the ORGs? Have a look at the stickies here which will give you some valuable information.


Feel free to ask any questions here and we will do our best to help you out.


But whatever you do at DM, have fun! :)

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Don't worry dear, only a small portion of people RP.  Unfortunately, we tend to be the loudest and most fervent about chatting up DM.  At least, until Corki showed up *winks*


Enjoy the Orgs, and welcome aboard!

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I have chosen you at random (read: because you're female) to bless you with a welcome message from the legendary JD. 




Now I could just leave it at that and all the other newbies would still look upon you with awe and envy.  You would forever be known as the one that JD himself personally said Hello to.  Your brush with greatness would be forever cemented throughout time amongst your peers.  Once they found out who I was anyway.  I'm told that outside of DM (and a fair amount of strip clubs in Eastern Texas) my name is not widely known and respected (drop a fin on a stripper one time and they 'respect the hell out of you' but I digress from this line of parenthetical hyperbole), but here in the land of Dragonmount the Prince of Silly JD is King...erm


Prince, I guess.


So now that I've introduced myself let me tell you some stuff about Dragonmount.  Outside of the books boards no one talks about the books, ever.  I don't even really care for them so much anymore, sometimes I go back and read the first five and remember how good the story used to be, but other than that I hardly even think about the Wheel of Time.  What I'm really trying to say (And failing surprisingly, as I really am quite the wordsmith if I do say so myself *says so himself*) is that the books are okay, but the orgs primarily have moved to a more communal type feel.  Not to say we're communists (Although some of us are *eyes Paityr for no apparant reason because even though he is a commie he won't read this and the newb has no idea who Paityr is(for informational purposes I was going to type the new chick right there but I decided it might be offensive and I didn't want to go there.  The only reason I really mention it is because I didn't like any of my other options.  Newb just sounds dumb, like I'm a high school football player with a third grade reading level (no offense to high school football players (not that you'd be able to read this anyway))).


You still with me new chick (see, that's better.  Sorry if it offends (not really all that sorry))?  Anyway where was I? Oh yes, DM.  Um I think Barm mentioned something about organized games n' stuff but that's lame.  If you ask my opinion (Which you didn't, though you should have just to be politic with the Prince of Silly if for no other reason).  And there are quite a few other things to check out, but since I'm here I'll just go ahead and ask...


Would you like to join the Seanchan? 


Now this question can have three possible answers.  If you're intellectual quotient is higher than 130 and you enjoy high brow humor mixed in with low brow humor mixed with an actual weighed and measured ton of personal stories and a sprinkle (just a dash really) of boring stuff that really only appeals to the person writing them but the rest of us are too polite (Actually we're not that polite so I don't really understand) to mention (Oh that's right we do mention them, in fact we mercilessly mock and disparage each other (In a loving familial way of course) over the smallest character flaw (of which I have none if I do say so myself (If you guessed *I do say so myself* should be inserted here you're a winner (And smarter than a 5th grader (Btw if that show irritates the piss out of you because having useless knowledge in your head because you just learned it in school the day before doesn't make you smarter than someone with 40 years of life experience who just happened to forget the capitol of South Dakota because it's about as unimportant a detail as there is in life (It's Pierre by the by (Take that little Billy (And yes I am from SD so there)))))) it then the 'Chan (It's what we call our org (Short for Seanchan (And JD Copywrighted))) is for you.


You still with me new chick? Yeah? And there's still two more options left.


If you happen to be someone who's not cool at all you'll say no, and go off to join some other crappy org (No offense to the other orgs (Though how you could not take offense at that is beyond me because that was offensive and I'm sorry (...wait for it...


not sorry))). 


That's actually the end of tha reason.  I really couldn't make it any longer than that because there's really only one reason not to join the 'Chan (Being not cool).


See now I messed up, because I went and made an arse of myself and you probably won't join for the simple fact that most DMers are immune to peer pressure and you'll feel my making it a cool or not cool statement actually forces you not to join because it'll prove that you don't care what people like me think (Of course I'd do it because I want to people to think I don't care what they think because I care so much what people think of me it's caused a complex that will take years of therapy to rid myself of (So then if you're like me you'll join because you think that I think that if you think I'll think you joined... okay I lost myself...here I am, let me step outside this parenthical for a moment and finish up shall I? *ste)ps*...hmmmmm, one more *steps)again*


Ooooh, nice to be out. *waves his arms around*


Alright let's finish this.


The third response is to not respond to this post and never come to DM again.  Like so many of those that came before you have done which is why I don't welcome new members (They're such a tease with their temporary activity followed by a drop of the earth).  So, enjoy yourself, join whatever org you feel most comfortable in.  And remember that JD can be found inside the Seanchan private boards somewhere.  And occasionally, I'm fun to be around.


Welcome to the Circus.



The Wonder Hamster



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I'm going to sum Justens post into 3 sentences for you, in case you didn't read it.


1. JD is full of himself, almost as full of himself as I am

2. JD uses a lot of parenthesis. A lot. Its an unhealthy addiction I think.

3. JD thinks you should join the Seanchan Organization, which is good, because it is a good place, though you do have to read a large number of other JD posts (not that its a bad thing).

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Wow, that's a lof of folk who've claimed me.  In the case of the Brown Ajah though I believe it's perhaps better to say I've claimed them, most of the brownies refuse to acknowledge me in public, despite all of I've done for them. 


*Points*  You see that last sentence?  That's the kind of thing that happens when I don't use parenthesis.  run-ons literally frought (I've never typed the word frought before in any post by the way.  Mark it down on your calenders.  On this date, Sept. 9 of '08 JD expanded his DM diction.  In a couple more years I'll even manage to spell that word right) with grammatical errors. 


Anyway my beloved Cads if you'll notice the new chick is actually a young brit girl herself.


Imagine that, what are the odds?  And chosen at random even.  ::) I am truly amazing (much like Tom Cruise is amazing).



/end post



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Hey there Chiyuki! I'm Nia and I'm JD's Official Brit Girl Stalkee. Basically, what that means is that he sent me a frantic PM, interrupting me painting my nails and listening to Nsync* (I'm not kidding),  asking me to try and use my skills of persuasion to attract you to the Seanchan.


Anyway, the Seanchan really is a great place. It's DM's Official Movie, TV and Gaming Org so that is what goes on our main boards but our private boards is basically us all hanging out together. It's pretty darn fabulous actually- very funny and relaxed. We're not an Org that takes out masses of your time either. It's just a nice way to get to know some other WoTers. Also, Justen writes silly stories and we all feature as characters.


Aside from that, I recommend the WT Org, where I'm Head of the Blues. It's great fun there too. Even if you don't join the Seanchan, I hope you have a fabulous DM experience!  :)




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