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Faile death threats


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I don’t get why everyone here hates Faile and wants her to die – I’m looking at you Dreadlord.

While she’s not my favourite character I do enjoy reading about her.


I presume people don’t like the way she treats Perrin?

But have you stopped to think how she ACTUALLY treats Perrin?


Yes she lied to him about her father’s profession when they first met, but she did this because she had just ran away from home and didn’t want to be associated with her house name – she wanted to be her own women and a hunter of the horn.


And all the other stuff people say about how jealous she is and that it’s not fair on Perrin how she treats him in regards to Berelain.  We only hear about her jealousy because Perrin can actually SMELL her jealously.  Also Perrin is ignorant of Faile’s homeland customs .ie. women need to feel as strong as there husband and Perrin’s shouting at Berelain is in turn hurting Faile. 


Robert Jordan obviously never intended Faile to be character for so much hate or else he wouldn’t have spent so much time developing her individual character separate from her relationship with Perrin.   


So asking Brandon Sanderson if Faile is going to die is a bit retarded in my view. 



Kathana Trevalaer posts:

I’m interviewing Brandon Sanderson next weekend


Dreadlord posts:

Do they plan on releasing samle chapters before the release of AMoL?

Will  Faile die?


…I just want Faile to die…




Can you call yourself a WoT fan if you constantly express your hate for one the major characters of the latter books? 


What I’m saying is give it a break.



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Guest Dreadlord

Woah! All the hate against Faile is a bit of fun man. Chill out. Yes, I dont like her, but thats something I exaggerate on. I dont hate her as much as I make out, its just a laugh. But dont get me wrong; the hate is there.


If youre guna defend the series as if I am attacking it-which I am not doing at all-look at it this way. How unrealistic would it be if there wasnt a single non-villain character you didnt like? Its not as if you automatically like everyone on the good side. Its exactly the same as liking a bad guy. Oh crap, Im not supposed to like bad guys coz theyre bad. Am I guna get another thread opened against me on that as well? I hope so.


In other words, I find Faile annoying, thats my opinion. If you dont like it, deal with it, but dont open a thread telling me to change my opinion, or supress it, because I wont.


All I want is for her to die. Is that so much to ask?


Edit/P.S. Just for the record, I never threatened to kill Faile, since she is a fictional character and I am not a killer. All Ive ever said is I want her to die


I find her annoying as well. And it's not so much that I don't like the way she treats Perrin, I get that. It's her arrogance. Her insistence in transforming Perrin into something he doesn't want to be, a Lord. He can be the Lord of the Two Rivers all he wants, he doesn't have to do it the way Faile sees it. But she won't have it any other way.


And once she was taken by the Aiel, it just seemed to me that the relationship was entirely one-sided. I just feel that she doesn't love him.


And on top of all that, the only thing she does that is actually constructive for the story is get captured, and its not as if she did it on purpose so she cant even take credit for that!!


I'm not going to make too much of a fuss about characters who don't do much for the plot. Real life isn't just made of important people. Besides, there are a plethora of other more useless characters.


So, kilika, is this the "Why hate Faile?" thread or the "Attack Dreadlord" thread?


Robert Jordan obviously never intended Faile to be character for so much hate or else he wouldn’t have spent so much time developing her individual character separate from her relationship with Perrin.   




Can you call yourself a WoT fan if you constantly express your hate for one the major characters of the latter books? 


Also, I doubt RJ made all his characters so that they would be well-liked.  That's a pretty flimsy argument.  He designed his characters with realistic, strong, 3D personalities.  Just like in real life, some of them rub us the wrong way.  Likes and dislikes are opinions.  They are not theories about WOT to be debated or discussed and especially should not be attacked.


And I doubt that anyone on this board is not a WOT fan.  WOT fans are not supposed to be blind sheep worshipping WOT.  We are real people and so are allowed to have a character we dislike, or a plot thread we feel wasn't well developed, etc.  That does not mean we are not WOT fans.  On the contrary, the time we've devoted on this board to arguing over theories proves that we are WOT fans.


So asking Brandon Sanderson if Faile is going to die is a bit retarded in my view. 


Creating a thread to attack another poster over his dislike of a character is "a bit retarded" in my view.  Especially when said poster is making a joke.  If you thought it was a serious question, then yes, it is "a bit retarded" to ask that question, especially since BS isn't answering any plot questions.


I like Faile... On her own she is actually quite fun to read, and has some good character traits. I hate how she turned the strongest of the Two Rivers characters into the worst by far however. At the start of the series Perrin is actually fun to read. At the end of the series it is a chore and all of Perrin's better qualities are gone, and he resorts to being a wimpering recluse no one wants to be around, and acts like a two year old who has had his toy ball taken away.


I understand he was worried about Faile, but he handld it the wrong way.


At the start of the series Perrin is actually fun to read. At the end of the series it is a chore and all of Perrin's better qualities are gone, and he resorts to being a wimpering recluse no one wants to be around, and acts like a two year old who has had his toy ball taken away.


I agree, though I never really enjoyed Perrin at the start of the series either.  And when Faile is kidnapped, he loses it.  That's the thing that really annoys me about Faile, really.  Perrin is obsessed with her, and she is jealous of any woman he even glances at!  I know she has no way of knowing his thoughts for sure, but it drives me mad.


Faile: Incredibly possessive- but I can't fault her for that. I mean look at Mat! Tuon should be 100 times as guarded with him as Faile is with Perrin!


My dislike more or less stems from the way she treats Perrin. Perrin has no clue about Saldeans. But Faile lived in the Two Rivers for some time so knows how stuff are there. She KNOWS that he's clueless about saldaen customs. But she exects him to know everything (which is unfair). If not for advice from her father and from Elyas, there would be an ever-increasing rift between Faile and Perrin.


I also dislike Perrin forsaking theoretically everything to save her. It is perfectly acceptable and understandable that a husband would want to save his wife. I might even have been able to read throught the huge kidnap arc if not for one thing:  Perrin saying all the time : "Nothing matters but Faile."


That drove me mad! TG is coming! The world rests on him too! And nothing matters but Faile? Okay maybe as a husband that may be true- but dont say it every chapter!!!!!!!!!!


I like faile - she is strong willed, dominant, has set goals and intends to achieve those goals, and is very independant. Qualities I look for in women , who wants a brainless fluff needing a man to do everything for them???  As for Perrin, you folks need to remember he is about 20 years of age and has NO experience with women so yes - the one thing he loves most in life is threatened and its obvious the rest of the world can go to the dark lord for all he cares - dont blame the wife, blame Perrins character flaw. My marriage is a contest of wills for every major decision and I cherish my wife for her strength of character.


All I asked was for her to get balefired, a nice painless death. 


At the start of the series Perrin is actually fun to read. At the end of the series it is a chore and all of Perrin's better qualities are gone, and he resorts to being a wimpering recluse no one wants to be around, and acts like a two year old who has had his toy ball taken away.


My thought exactly, Perin was always my second favorite character behind Rand.  Him whimpering about Faile and saying everything else can burn gets old fast.  I like others just dread chapters dealing with Perrin now.  I dislike her for what she has done to Perrin. 


Perrin has always been my least favorite of the three ta'verens. And he sparked a hatred with his obsession over Faile. I like Faile much more than Perrin actually. As much as she harps about getting him away from Rand, I think she understands Perrin needs to become a lord and help Rand. Perrin would be blundering without Faile.


Think about it, she helped sneak around behind Colavaere (sp?), she set up the spy network, she helped Perrin become a lord, she saved him at Emond's Field. Without Faile Perrin would be sitting at home being a blacksmith and letting the whole world change around him.


I had high hopes in the beginning of the series and even at Dumai's Wells. He stepped it up and talked about his duty, but it seems him and Mat have switched. Now Mat is becoming the man he was destined to become and he knows he can't change it.


Perrin seems to not give a crap about anything except Faile, while Faile actually cares about what's going on in the world and may have to push her husband to help save it.


I'm not saying she's not helpful, just that she annoys me.  One of your points that I disagree with was:


she set up the spy network


Balwer is largely responsible for most of the information that reaches Perrin's ears.  I still think Cha Faile is kind of ridiculous.  Who would hire a bunch of young fool wannabe Aiel nobles to spy?  They're pretty conspicuous, IMO.  Unless that's one of the strengths: so obvious no one thinks of it.


Oh no doubt they are excruciatingly annoying, but Faile tried and they do help. Balwer sort of fell into Perrin's hands and helps him out, and Perrin still doesn't really realize what Balwer is doing.


I don't really blame Faile for turning Perrin into such a wool head. I just hate Perrin for what he denies and for his obsession.


And what exactly what is Balwer doing?


I also think Perrin need a kick in the butt, and a new motivation, because he is ta'veren, and he is instrumental to the victory at TG, at least one of three who are instrumental, but the other two can't win without Perrin.


I dread perrins chapters as much as elayne, ninny and aviendha chapters.


At first he was cool, leading the two rivers to war, but then faile pretty much killed him and turned him into a sniveling fool.


Also the obession is unhealthy, she ain't the only fish in the sea perrin  ;D


I like faile - she is strong willed, dominant, has set goals and intends to achieve those goals, and is very independant. Qualities I look for in women , who wants a brainless fluff needing a man to do everything for them???  As for Perrin, you folks need to remember he is about 20 years of age and has NO experience with women so yes - the one thing he loves most in life is threatened and its obvious the rest of the world can go to the dark lord for all he cares - dont blame the wife, blame Perrins character flaw. My marriage is a contest of wills for every major decision and I cherish my wife for her strength of character.


There is a line between someone being strong, independently minded, and intelligent, and just being downright arrogant, stubborn, and flat. I just had to make that distinction. There are ways one can be all of those things you cherish in a woman without being all of the things that every other person and myself has mentioned they despise in Faile.


And what exactly what is Balwer doing?


Balwer is the former spymaster of Pedron Niall.  He now works as Perrin's secretary.  He has an ability not unlike Thom's to piece together various rumors and hearsayings into useful information for Perrin.  After Faile is captured, he takes over Cha Faile for Perrin and directs them in his information hunts.


Actually, I forgot that Cha Faile does help out in spying on Masema and his rabble.  But I still think they're a bunch of silly nobles.


My major issue with Faile is she tricked Loial, I mean Loial.  That's like taking candy from a baby, there was no excuse for what she did and regard her beatings at hands of the Shaido her just reward.  All that said, I don't hate her, but I despise her husband, the whole let the world burn comment that was cited.  That's not what happened, he did good things while rescuing faile but it could have easily been otherwise.  I despise Egwene and Gawyn as much as Perrin, Egwene possibly more than Perrin.  All the other main characters I like to one degree or another.


P.S.  I think the idea of Cha Faile spying is exactly what was cited earlier.  They are pompous nobles they cannot be spies.  The same thing with Elaynes amazons, she's making them look so pompus, you don't think they're dangerous until the second before they decapitate you.

The same thing with Elaynes amazons, she's making them look so pompus, you don't think they're dangerous until the second before they decapitate you.


I believe if Elayne really cared about people being afraid of attacking her, she'd use people who seem daunting. Security is better than the illusion of security. Common mistake Americans make.


    I have problems with a lot of the characters at certain times in the books. Whether it is Egwene calling down Rand for having a "big head", Elayne putting herself in danger just because she knows of a prophecy that will keep her alive for her babes, etc.


I don't think there is any character in any of the books that I haven't liked at one point or another. That to me is great writing. When you can make someone so upset because he/she did this that you want them to "die", and in another part of the book, do something to welcome them back with open arms. Sometimes I want to strangle Rand, and others I'm cheering him on.


    I think it was Nynaeve, who was talking about the Black Ajah who said. Just because we don't like them, doesn't mean thier Black Ajah or something like that.


Hey guys, first time poster.


Actually, when I first read the series, I found Perrin to be perhaps the best character of them all. He still remains so, even if he is ready to forsake his destiny for Faile. Actually, that's one of the more endearing traits that he has developed.


After all, of all the three boys, Perrin has lost the most and gained the least.

Think about it. He lost part of his humanity, and is in constant danger of losing it all (the whole wolfbrother thing), and yes, while this does have advantages, it is similar to Rand's struggle with the One Power and madness. Big advantages, bigger disadvantages. He also lost his entire family, yet still managed to spare Mat and Rand that same fate. That alone is reason enough for his obsession with Faile. If you lost your entire family, would you be so anxious to lose your spouse? Especially for the same reason (he lost his family because he chose his duty and the trollocs killed them for Padan Fain or the Dark One. He lost Faile while bringing back Masema for Rand).


As for disliking Faile...


Faile is just as bad as the other female characters. Think of one female character who doesn't share the same characteristics? Perhaps Faile simply earns much of that hatred due to her always constantly getting into trouble.


Some food for thought:


On the point of all of the events surrounding Perrin.  Perrin fought becoming a 'Lord' tooth and nail, and in all honesty still doesnt know the half of what he needs to do to lead.  I'm quite certain he has what it takes.  He's just not there yet.  That being said, all of these events, even those influenced by Faile, from the tapestry Jordan presented, are part of the pattern.  The persona's involved are setup to do one thing in particular, mold the Ta'veren into what they need to be so that the wheel can go on.


I also believe that Faile is Perrin's one lifeline, in the case of his 'brotherhood of the wolf' syndrome.  His strong feelings for Faile may be the one thing that brings him back from the brink of insanity.



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