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The August HAPPY MAIL Exchange!!


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YIPPEE!  It's time for a Kin Happy Mail Exchange!  *winks* 


Now we have skipped a couple months this summer..LOL while our postcards have been busy on the wings of the USPS!!!  But now it's time to jump into sending a giggle and a smile to a fellow Kinster!!


In the past..August has been the month for a book swap...without much enthusiasm. :(  But, one of the suggestions in our planning was to tweak this to a...




*grins*  Fun, something useful and not terribly expensive either!  I love bookmarks!!  LOL and use them always!  In fact I seem to have a collection of them I realized the other day!


Ok folks...get in here to sign up!  Most of them can be mailed in a regular, business size envelop with a single stamp!  Even some of the bumpier kind..can be in a small padded envelope!


****If you feel like it..you can throw in a new pen, crayons or anything to celebrate Back to School as well!!!****


Sign up will be until the 22nd!  That gives you two weeks to sign up..and I'll give you your person by PM on the 23rd!

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*grins and hugs May*


this is a GREAT way to kick of your kinsterness!! *giggles*


There is a contact list at The Farm to put your contact info...or if you are not comfy with posting your address..please PM it to me!  The birthday list is there too..*winks*  you might as well post there..as long as you're there anyway...*grins*


WOOHOO!  anyone else folks?

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WOOHOO!!  Ok folks..I will have your Bookmark Swap person pm'd to you on Sunday the 24th!  Just waiting to hear from a couple golden needlers!!  *grins*  And let's make the mail by date..um..the 29th!! 




Have fun everyone!!!

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lol Sorry Quis..just looked at the page before...so here is an answer!


You will be PM'd the name of one of the other folks who signed up for the bookmark exchange!  Thier address should be on the contact list at the Farm!  Then you pick out or can make a book mark to mail to that person!



And it's up to you darlin!  At least one bookmark of course..but if you find two and just can't decide..or find another little something you want to send the person that's fine too!  LOL  I tend to send folks socks....and just so you know the lingo..around here we call this stuff....HAPPY MAIL!!!


We have a "mail by" date...meaning try to mail your exchange by that date..and if you can't...you know things happen that cause delays..jsut let me know and i'll let your person know it'll be a little late!


Now everyone that signed up for the Bookmark Exchange are:












Taymist *golden needle exchange freebie*

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Remember me?  The deadbeat Golden-Needler?  :P  I seem to have gotten lost, and I have now found my way back.  I am late for this one, but I would like to jump in. 


I feel a little better that I am not the only one who still has their postcards unmailed, but they are going soon, too.  :-[

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ok for some newbies to happy mailing stuff...*grins*


you can enclose a note or letter if you want to!  or a card..just be sure to let the person know who sent them thier happy mail!


Some things require a box..but many of our exchanges will fit into a padded envelope too!  Bookmarks I think could even be mailed in a plain envelope..it would depend on if they have beads like a bookthong..or a charm like some do..or if they are textured or "bumpy"!  If you are unsure check with your post office!  They are usually pretty helpful!


and once you recieve Happy Mail..*grins*  everyone loves to hear about it!!  Thank yous, bragging about how you got the bestest of all..lol!  and letting the person who sent it ..know you have recieved it is simple courtesy as well!  LOL  but we all like to hear about what each other got too!  and you can post that in this thread as well too!


*grins*  ok folks...I really thought the 29th was another week away!!  LOL  I was misreading the calender and giving August an extra week this year!!!  So if you didn't get your bookmark mailed by today...understandable..it was really fast!!  But please try to have them mailed by next week!!!


~Your confused Twinnie

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