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The August HAPPY MAIL Exchange!!


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Well maybe not...lol!  The nice guy at the post office is checking on it for me..but he thinks that maybe it is stuck at customs.  Since it wasn't a flat envelope..it had one of those customs papers on it..so has to clear there...which means it takes longer!!


But if you don't get it in another couple weeks..well i'll just send Happy Mail part two to Mayleigh!!  *hugs*

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My dad came up to visit me yesterday and brought me some mail from Twinnie! Inside is a lovely Angel and a pair of socks! *hugsnuggles* Thanks so much Twinnie they are great. Cheered me up. Last week was not the best. I also can't believe how neat your writing is.

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*grins and hugs*


*blushes*  THnaks honey!  I tend to think my writing is horrible!!


Glad you got your angel!!  Was wondering if you did....so you have a diffent address now?  But still send happy mail to your home address?


*hugs tight*  I'm sorry last week was rough!!  *grins*  and your little angel then did her job by giving you a smile!!  LOL and your toes can giggle too!!


Thanks for letting me know you got it kiddo!

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Yay i got a package from twinne!!

she sent me a lovely angel doll which is just beautyfull!!

SOCKS!! with pink flowers on them their so cute!! im going to show them off in work tonight!

And A lovely purple book mark with purple stones its just georgus!!!

And A lovely card with a very special note from twinney!!!!


Thank you SSSSSSSSSOOOOooooooooooooooo much hunny! I love them so much and i feel so special to have received them!!


*muhahaha my evil plan to get twinny socks has come to fruition*

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don't scare me like that woman! you just cost me 2 years of my life.. *pokes*


Glad you got them!! :D


Now fess up, did you try the dangling one as an earring? huh? huh? You did, didn't ya'?


I'll admit that I was hunting for the other earring before I read the note. *laughs* And I got a sideways look from my husband when I opened the package up, too! *grins*

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*hugs May and grins*  OH BOY!!!  I'm so glad you got it!!  LOL Ignore the question in the PM I sent you..hadn't read this post yet!!  Glad you liked them love..and I am glad you are one of my Kinster family!!  *grins*


Thats' beautiful Mystie!!  Wow..you could make earrings...they would be lovely!!  *Grin*


Sam...should i make a bracelet and send your wifepoo?



*giggles*  evil plan to gget Twinnie socks huh...fruition huh?  Well wear them in "happy evil"  and grin and have happy tootsies!!

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lol thanks but I'm barely managing to get online these days, so I don't think joining another org is going to happen anytime soon. ;) But who knows, maybe some day.


I've actually been enjoying this. Been doing a few more for xmas gifts, though I'm not anywhere near real 'artsy'. Telling ya', trying to get beads to behave is almost as difficult as trying to get Aes Sedai to behave. Or Infants. Or worse.... Cavalry. Kin I don't need to make behave, we gots mommy Lor with the Iron Whip for that. And if that fails, the secret superweapon Peanut will do it. Just ask the birdie. *nods*

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*arches an eyebrow at Mystikiss and grins*


Hmm I might even be included in some of those problem type groups..although I am ..Hmm...outside or a part of that Iron Whip of our Elegant Eldest....interesting conundrum!!


*hugs*  Well in echo of Jade..it would be wonderful to have you drop by the Crafter's! *grins* You always bring your special touch to everything..and just so you know..it's rather like the Kin without any pressure or drama..and mostly about encouraging each other in our creative endeavors!  I'm glad you are taking some time for you and enjoying your creative self!

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