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The August HAPPY MAIL Exchange!!


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Mayleigh!  I got my bookmarks, all the way from Eire!  Thank you, thank you.  I am a historical reenactor, and my specialty is 16th century Highland & Irish costume.  You could be my best-est friend on the other side of the pond. ;D


Did you know, Twinnie?  Mayleigh is in Ireland!

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lol  yes I did know that Ursula love!  *chuckles*


Although..in case any of you wonder how you get who you get for the exchanges...it's very high tech!!


I write everyone's name on a piece of paper, fold it, put it in a bowl and then write a list of everyone signed up in the order they signed up.  Then I draw a name out of the bowl and write it down next to the name on the list down the line. *nods*  Very very high tech!  sometimes I have an assistant..my hubby!  LOL!


Sounds like this has been a great excchange for us!!!  Well done folks!

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wow fantastic stuff there Jayde! and you got a Twinnie shawl too now. Me too!! *preens*


I've been ok, Twintwin. Haven't been on much lately, bit burned out and trying to preserve my energy for the absolute must do stuff for now. I'm actually enjoying some time off the computer, to be honest. Haven't done that in 2 years now. I actually made my own bookmarkers. I'm so proud, well sorta'...... ok, kinda'.  :P


My Kelly Bookmarker is a rectangular card, with a deep warm yellow on top and a deep warm purple on the middle to bottom. It has a chronomo... chronomena...... chronomometer..... chrono watch! and a very cool text from Ralph Waldo Emerson on it in the front and one from Albert Einstein no less!! on the back. And it was printed in China. My bookmarker's been places!




GOOD NEWS...... I've sent mine off today! Now I hope it actually arrives. So make sure to let me know when it does lol.

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*grins and hugs mystie*


Glad to hear that hon!  and sometimes taking a computer break is a good thing..helps you get recharged..especially with all that you do here!!  And i totally endorse taking some time to be crafty and creative!!  IT's very healing and rejuvinating!!


Your bookmark sounds lovely!!  Yeah Kelly!!


LOL  oh Jade..one of these days I'll get you a shawl made!!  And actually I think the yarns are a bit different..the kind I used in mystie's shawl was a very heavy, thick yarn, with several strands!  Similar to yours...


LOL and Sam my dear...think of how many kinds of screws, nails and such there are..and it's similar to the many types, kinds and variety of yarns!!

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I got my package from Jade today!!! OMG its awesome!  :D  I got a super cool Harry Potter bookmark that has a poster inside it that folds out, its so neat.  I got an M&M day planner for 2009-2010, very cute pics in it, and I got a Green Ajah bumpersticker!!!  She is the best in the world!  ;D  *snuggles Jade*  THANK YOU!!

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May honey..you still havn't recieved the package I sent to you either? 


Cause that was weeks ago...on Sept 4th to be excact and even from the states it should have been there by now!


and no mystie had somebody else...I'll check with your buddy to see what's up though!  *hugs*



Anyone else not get their August Happy Mail in the Exchange? 

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