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Mafia reaches Amadicia! CHAOS! [attn all signed up] Let the games being!


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Vote Count


Sham: Kara, Coren, Taymist, Talya (4 votes)

Kara: Segurant (1 vote) 

Coren: Sham (1 vote)

Talya: Mystica (1 vote)



Did not vote yet: Jehaine and Crystal.



5 votes to lynch.





Game Master

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Bah Heathens, the whole lot! Step into the Light and find salvation for the Dark shall envelop you.. Surely one thy group has known the Creators touch and knows salvation is the fruit of his love..


* ponders if any of this group truly deserves protecting... looks around for the lasses showing cleavage..

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Final Vote Count Day 1


Sham: Kara, Coren, Taymist, Talya, Jehaine (5 votes)

Kara: Segurant (1 vote) 

Coren: Sham (1 vote)

Talya: Mystica (1 vote)



Not voting: Crystal.



The day is over quickly. The Holy men and women rush to grab their torches and descend upon the first person they set their eyes on- Sham. Apparently his daunting good looks and allure end up being his curse. They all gang up on him, some getting close enough to grab a good fondle. Sham bravely slaps hands away, but it soon becomes hopeless for the poor guy. The group lynches him and dumps his body in the river for the gators. Kiss your CotL goodbye, guys. You will have no protection during the nights! BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!  *coughs*  yeah... ;D



It is NIGHT.

We are waiting for the Aes Sedai to decide who they want to murder during the night.



1. Jehaine                 

2. Tay

3. Kara

4. Coren

5. Mystica

6. Crystal

7. Segurant

8. Talya





Day 1: Sham (CotL) is lynched.




All the night activity people, PM ME!





Game Master


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* drops with a thud at the end of the rope in the gallows



Alas it is night and the PM I had set up for protecting cannot be sent, such bitter sweet sorrow to know once again heathens have triumphed over the light..


Off to play some on-line games, have fun...looks wistfully at the wenches and their cleavage..

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Sleep tight everyone. Sleep like it's your last night on earth. Hold on to your honeys and dream of happy things. Tasty things. Of all shapes and variaties ;D

Because come morning... some tragedy might ensue!









Game Master

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The sun came up, screeching against the bruised sky as it ascended. The night always had its secrets, but this night seemed to have been more mysterious than usual. It held one very significant occurrence. A loss. The life of an Amadician citizen, just snatched away.

The body was found ripped to shreds in an ally, hardly recognizable. Marks of sharp nails and even sharper teeth decorated the victim's body. She most likely tried to struggle, but against such opponent, it seemed to have been in vain. Her hair was tangled and garnished with dirt and blood. Her still body was situated in an awkward way, her eyes open wide with terror.


And so the news spread quickly.Mystica, the town's Questioner, has been assasined.





It is DAY.

We are waiting for the Holymen and Holywomen to lynch someone.



1. Jehaine                   

2. Tay

3. Kara

4. Coren

5. Crystal

6. Segurant

7. Talya



With 7 alive, it's 4 votes to lynch.




Day 1: Sham (CotL) is lynched.

Night 1: Mystica (Questioner) is assasined.





Light Mistress

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Lynching for laughing. That's reasonable. I don't think that has much basis in fact... in fact, I'd go so far as to say that Kara is probably a symp. She has started the bandwagon both times, and while I may have hopped onto that band wagon the first round it was purely out of a need to see someone lynched. You learn nothing without it.


So what have we learned? Two of our three biggest assets have been offed before day 2. That doesn't bode well for us. In fact, we good guys are probably going to lose unless we start using our heads and outsmarting these killers. So lynching because she laughed.... I just don't buy it. Tay is probably not the killer. In fact, I'll bet you the killer was one of the first 3 to vote this round. This is a crucial round for the killer. If they get a lynch and a death at night it goes from 7 to 5. There's at least 2 of them. That puts the odds STRONGLY in their favor. Not to mention the fact there's a damn good chance that the next person we lynch is our spymaster.


So with that said, I can only help look at the patterns and wonder.


Day 1:

Sham: Kara, Coren, Taymist, Talya, Jehaine (5 votes)

Kara: Segurant (1 vote) 

Coren: Sham (1 vote)

Talya: Mystica (1 vote)


Day 2:

Taymist: Kara, Talya, Segurant

Coren: Jehaine



One thing that proves true for a mafia game is this: The bad guys almost always follow the bandwagon the first day. This is the reason for going through with the bandwagon lynch. It may hurt the townsfolk and help the villains.... but it also nearly always gives you a group which you can be nearly certain your villains are in. This group consists of Myself, Kara, Tayla, Taymist, and Jehaine.


At this point we can rule out Taymist. Only a complete imbecile would let herself get 3 votes stacked against her when it takes 4 to lynch. Which leaves Me, Kara, Talya, and Jehaine.


Now here's where things get interesting. I was looking at the votes from today and yesterday and I noticed one commonality. Both days Kara and Talya voted for the same person. And honestly, I don't buy that they believe the whole "for laughing at sham" reason. That's not logical. In fact it's the sort of excuse someone who just wanted to see another death would use.


Now Kara voted first in each case, which would make the most sense if she was the symp. If someone's going to get lynched for a bandwagon it's going to be either the first or the last vote. Talya was neither, which was smart. Kara was the first... which I say probably makes her the symp. She's disposable.


Which is why I'm voting for Talya.

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I see your reasoning Coren and yes, I wouldn't advise killing me off, it'd be a waste of a lynch but that's easy to say from where I'm sitting.


Kara and Talya do both look suspicious but I haven't seen enough evidence to rule out anyone.


I'm going to vote Talya too for no reason other than a pure guess.




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*brings Sham an ale* <.<;;


Nice deduction Coren. Though in my defense, i'd have to say this is the first Mafia game i've been in, and basically jumped on the bandwagon because i had nothing else to base my vote on. As much as i regret saying it, it's easier to gang up on someone than it is to make up a reason to vote for another random person. Besides, i believe killing is supposed to happen in a Mafia game, amirite?


Which is why i tried to go first on Day 2, so i wouldn't have the decisive vote again. I have as much knowledge about who is who in this game as you do (i think). The next person lynched could be our spymaster or it could be the Aes Sedai, there's really no way of telling until they die and Nyn announces what their role has been.


Turning it around though, one can't help but notice that the person that was lynched yesterday was someone you voted for, as well as him being the only one voting for you. Today, i voted for you and now i'm named as a suspect in your post. Sure, you voted for Talya in the end, but if we're going to be pointing fingers... ^^;

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Coren sweets if you check Sham was not the first person I voted for, so if by your reckoning I'm evil then I wouldn't have voted at all and just waited to band wagon.


My assupntion is that the evils might be on that lynch, and at a guess there are only two of them. I say that because the number of people in this game would only suggest that. Also look at hose that didn't vote (Crystal), from my experience there is usually at least one that remains very quiet and tries to keep under the radar.


The reason I choose Tay was becasue she was middle of the vote on Sham, It's a very 'safe' place to be, not too close to the front to be leading and not near the end looking as though trying to secure a lynch.


By all means go ahead and vote for me, but it would be a wasted vote.

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First, Jehaine, you're defending yourself a little too hard for someone I never actually accused of anything. Which I must say makes me a bit suspicious. As does the fact that you edited your own post.


And Talya, I'm aware of the fact that you changed your vote. The FACT that you changed your vote in the first round actually makes you MORE suspicious as the killer has the most motive for guaranteeing a lynch on the first day. And adding the 4th vote gives it a plurality which many times a Mod will use in the absence of a clear majority vote. Also, with time still left in the day phase and knowledge that several people hadn't voted yet it was an easy move to decide to throw in the fourth vote and wait for what would be essentially inevitable.


Unless of course you also used your symp to ensure the vote. I thought Kara was the symp before, and a part of me still does, but it could just as easily be Jehaine. Since Jehaine did jump in last on the lynch and strike the kill. The fact that she even bothered to defend herself when she wasn't being accused in even the smallest way only goes to strengthen that belief in my mind.


Either way, I'm still reasonably certain that Talya is the Aes Sedai and if any of this makes sense to the rest of you players, I strongly encourage you to vote for her.

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