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And the Review come piling in: Dark Knight is Emperastic


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You still have time to see the first Batman movie.


Thur. July 17 8:00 PM FX     

Thur. July 17 11:00 PM FX 

Sun. July 20 8:00 PM FX     

Mon. July 21 5:00 PM FX 



Of course you are British so you might not get to see em as you only get 5 channels.


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omg this movie kicked so much ass!


no, really, i'm not kidding/


Heath Ledger's performance was above and beyond anything so far i've seen and, dear w/e strike me down if i lie, I will see this movie again


and again


and again



because some of us just want to watch the world burn^^

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I might just go again today, and we are going next week to see it again in IMAX. In my small city/town they sold out 10 theaters (1,400 tickets) at the Cinema I went to and we have three other Cinemas in town and they were just as sold out and the IMAX is sold out for a week.

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Just walked in the door after getting back from the theater. Had to wait in line for two hours after buying our tickets, and we were only about fifty people from the end of the line, too. You know a movie is going to be huge when that happens in a town like Flagstaff!


Finally, a superhero movie that is more than a movie...it's a film. I rank it up there with the great crime dramas like Goodfellas and The Departed. And Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker, in my opinion, rivals Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lector. It was THAT good!

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I saw it last night, It had its moments, and its definately a great movie, but when I went in, I was either expecting so much more, or something different. Cause I was basically indifferent when I came out of the theater...

But then, I barely laughed at the pencil scene, when everyone else were 'really laughing'... I may have just been to tired yesterday to 'give ahoot'. :P


I dunno, It almost felt like they were 'trying to hard' to get that oscar...


Anyways, The 'new joker' is definately the best, and I like how they actually did a good job on Harvy Dents 'transformation'. His comment about you either die as a hero, or live long enough tobecome the villian may have been too much of a foreshadow, even if you DIDN'T know about who he becomes. ;)

I guess It just seems 'obvious' to me, that all there 'foreshadowing' was far to obvious...

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Cause I was basically indifferent when I came out of the theater...


Well, you like movies like die hard, so I suppose this was too complex for you to fully grasp ;D



Bloody hell, I will have nightmares about Ledgers Joker for months. Rivals Hannibal Lector? Dude, he makes hannibal look like a boyscout (Ok, those are quite creepy in their own way, but still...)

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Cause I was basically indifferent when I came out of the theater...


Well, you like movies like die hard, so I suppose this was too complex for you to fully grasp ;D


Hell no, it wasn't to complex for me to fully grasp, if anything the damned movie wasn't complex enough.

It felt to obvious, all the foreshadows were very aparant. They are supposed to somewhat 'hidden' to the point that when you watch it again your like 'oohhhhh', not the first time you watch it make you say 'oh he's gunna die'.

And Die Hard is a good movie, its called a genre, and its a great movie for that genre, he's the right man, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, can't help but to love it. But then, you do 'love' some absolutely horrible movies.


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Hey, Die Hard is a classic.  Die Hard 2 is a pretty good movie.  Die Hard 3 is good.  And Live free or Die Hard is watchable.  *nods*


And I'll watch Dark Knight in the theaters, which means I'll wait till it's been playing for 4 weeks and then catch it on a tuesday afternoon like always.  That way I can completely avoid the crowds.  Course that's what sucks about summer movies, damn teenagers can come to the matinee.  *shakes a fist and immediately breaks a hip* whippersnappers, damn wanderin' gypsies!




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I think I figured out why I wasn't totally estatic over the movie.


1st, I had high hopes, then the reviews came pouring in, and they all said it lives up to the hipe, and went beyond it. So naturally I though it was going to be the best damned movie ever made.


2nd, I found many of the plot points to be to obvious. Alot of things were foreshadowed a little to obviously, and they spent to much time building up alot of the aspects, that they already foreshadowed.

I didn't know two-faces orignal name before I went into the movie, but the moment he started going on about his coin he got from his father and 'luck', and not leaving anything to 'chance' IT was fairly obvious at that point. (He still kicks tommy lee jones ass as two face though! Same goes for the  heath ledger as the joker, he's fucking awesome as the joker, Kicks jack nichlesons ass so hard in that role, I wouldn't be suprised if ol' Jack wants to reprise the role to vindicate him self as some kind of old bad ass. ;)


3rd, I started a job this week, so all my batteries have been running dry. So I was probaly a little to tired to really see the 'awesomeness' in the movie, I got the humor, it just wasn't as funny as everyone else thought it was. The so called 'scary scenes', or the 'gasp' scenes were laughable. (Two-faces, 2nd face is wicked awesome though... But man, how does THAT NOT get infected? I mean... really? ;) )


4th, This might be the clincher. I had JUST seen the movie, American Psycho, which our ol' boy the batman played. I don't know why, but I'm guessing this is what made the movie kinda awkard to me. It didn't quite 'hit me' in the theater, but every time Bruce Wayne grinned, I couldn't help but see that psycho guy. Its almost like... Is he really acting, or just being himself?! ;) Aside from the killing with chainsaws, You can't deny that bruce wayne and that psycho guy share a little bit in-common. (That is, the guy bruce wayne is pretending to be, aka the lady's man.)



When I say I JUST saw American Psycho, that was about 3-6 weeks ago, but it may as well have been yesterday. It takes me about 6 months just to forget enough about a movie, before I can watch it and enjoy it again. Its not a photo-graphic memory or anything like that, I just like 'new' content, not something I've seen half a billion times and can say with all certaintity exactly how the plot will progress.

Unless it is the movies Aliens 1-4, 5th Element, Predator 1-2, Evil Dead 1-3, the fugitive (and probably the upcoming 4th installment). I mean, those movies are GOOD enough, that it don't matter, they are just that awesome.

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Thats a hard question. The two are great movies, but they are both great in there own way.

As far as superheroe movies go, begins was a damned good 'origin' story imo. And the Dark Knight was a damned good sequal, as well as a 'detective' type story (even if they foreshadowed everything to obviously).


I don't know if I can say the Dark Knight was better than Begins.


Spiderman 2 kicked Spiderman's ass.

X2 kicked X1's ass.

(And popular concessus is, both 3's sucked ass)


But, Begins was soooo good compared to X1, and Spiderman, that If anything the Dark Knight is 'just barely' better than the orginal... But thats just imo.

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Well, I'm not as ecstatic as some people seem to be, but I saw DK last night and was quite satisfied. It was a good piece of entertainment, although I wouldn't call it Oscar worthy. Heath Ledger WAS amazing, and quite possibly will inspire my next Halloween costume if I have a reason to wear one this year. I thought Christian Bale's Batman sounded sort of retarded, and I couldn't stand the way his mouth moves under the cowl. His almost-lisp doesn't bother me when you can see his whole face, but that overly exaggerated Batman voice just emphasized it in a way that distracted me. I also thought it could have done with one fewer ending, losing about 20 minutes of the movie. But all in all, I recommend it, because there is definitely greatness in some parts of it, and some of Joker's scenes had me more revved up and suspenseful than I can remember being in a long time.

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