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An Ogier Visit


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Elder Lorei continues walking down the broad road, reading from a small leather-bound book, Walking-Tour Attractions for Ogier: "The Black Tower was set up by Rand in direct contrast to the White, and its sole purpose was to gather men who could channel and who would help him fight the Shadow. The Black Tower is therefore a place where everyone is a potential madman, as we each struggle to fight the taint that comes with the use of the One Power. So if you see anything crazy going on ... it's the taint and must therefore be tolerated."

This should be a very interesting visit!  We'll just have to trust to the power of the Portable Hot Tub and Tiki Bar to soothe their savage breasts.  ;)

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This should be a very interesting visit!  We'll just have to trust to the power of the Portable Hot Tub and Tiki Bar to soothe their savage breasts.  ;)


It might take a little to tame my savage breasts!... ;) :D


*arrives in the wrong point of the conversation*


Your savage beasts? Your not talking about your.....umm... are you? *looks down*


walks in and sets up several large crates at the Tiki bar and starts filling stiens of the best ale anywhere. hey all of course you know me i'm a master brewer at the ogier so come gett your drinks




You'll notice there's none of us crazy here, only a little nutty and at times, incomprehensibly violent, but not crazy... in that sense of the word anyway *nods*



*atomic wedgies Loreina* Now you are safe here.


LOL  *puts winds out to pasture*


:o  *never had a bikini wedgie before* er..Thanks Roka, I think.  :D


Moose, a large Ogier Old-fashioned ale for me, please.  :) 


*looks around* Nice place you have here! We thought we'd come and pay you a short visit. The guide book says some nice things about the Tower architecture. I'm a Builder, the Elder Builder of Stedding Lantoine, and I'm interested in such as that. *nods*


*ponders* How do you mean 'incomprehensibly violent'? 


that is, as of yet, incomprehensible to us *nods*



As for structures... well, we have a few wooden sheds and I guess a wall around the camp is in the making... though that's mostly in our heads... our nutty little heads... nutty the nuthead *nods and wonders what the hell he is trying to say*



Demi's nude... he's always nude, but you don't know that so I'm thinking I was helpful... and that's enough o helpful for one day less I burn myself out *nods*.


*looks clueless* Ahhh, yes... *marvels at the incomprehensibility that is the BT*


Hi, Elgee! ;) Of course! As Moose said, our Master Brewers make the best ales in the world! Of course, we didn't bring all of them with us, but I think you'll be able to find something you like.  :)  


*nods and pretends not to notice Dunbar's nekkidness*  


Drinks are on the house if you take yer breeches off.




*takes his breeches off*





... wait, do you Ogier even wear clothes or do you go el'naturale 24/7 like Demi?


*comes in to see how the Ogier are fairing at the BT*  Ahh I see you've bonded quite nicely already.  ;)


*pinches Demi's cute bottom*


ROKA!! *huggles Roka and pulls him into the hot tub with her*  So how have you been hon! I haven't talked to you in ages.  ;D  Elgee!  Come join us!


I'll take an Ice Chocolate Stout please Moose, its been a hot day. 


*joins in the hot tub*


wow ... this is just like in the Lounge: nekked men, hottubs, and alcohol ... no wonder I feel so at home !  ;D


;D Of course you do, hun! We Ogier are a homey bunch!  ;) We're thinking of adding mud-wrestling to our repertoire of talents.  :D

*rummages behind the bar*

Until Moose gets back, we'll just help ourselves. *passes around the drinks*


How's your summer been so far? Mine has been too hectic. I am getting some reading done, but everything else I had planned has kind of stalled out. *nods* Time is passing waaay toooo fast. 




Hey there sister mine! :D


*blinks at moose and covers eyes* I am so not sitting in your lap here!





















:o This place is turn into a nudest beach...Ineresting.


Lor, the summer definately goes too quickly, especially if the weather hasn't even been good enough to do anything, like here. :(


A hottub...just what I need...*jumps on next to Elgee*


Now this is the life.


*looks away as moose hands her a drink*


Hmmm ...difficult to know where to look.. ;)


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