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Machine 'could create time tunnel'

9 hours ago


Switching on a giant atom-smashing machine might open the door to unexpected visitors - from the future, it has been claimed.


The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), due to come on stream this year, could turn out to be the world's first time machine, according to two Russian scientists.


Their calculations show it is possible the machine will tear a hole in the fabric of space and time, creating a gateway to tomorrow. And, with sufficiently advanced technology, people from the future might even be able to walk through it.


The vast LHC has been constructed at CERN, the European particle physics centre near Geneva.


Designed to investigate the origins of the universe, it will generate particles with so much energy that scientists are not entirely sure what will happen when they switch the machine on.


One possibility is that microscopic black holes will be created within the LHC.


But Russian mathematicians Irina Aref'eva and Igor Volovich point to another scenario. They believe a "wormhole" could open up, linking our time with another in the future.


Such a time tunnel would need to be propped open for anyone to step through it. But this could happen if "dark energy" - the mysterious anti-gravity force that causes galaxies to accelerate away from each other - possesses a special "phantom" property.


The year 2008 might then become "Year Zero" for future time travellers, since it would only be possible to travel back as far as the first doorway in time.


Manipulating such a wormhole to create a viable time machine would take incredibly advanced technology, New Scientist magazine reported - yet this could not be ruled out in the distant future.



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I read something about this somewhere and the micro blackholes they said wouldn't last too long but they should be able to get a trememndous about of data from them, but there was a very small chance of destroying the universe :P

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Jelly, a black hole is a lump of matter compacted into a really small point by its own gravity. So it's not really that big.


Though its effects are big, I suppose.


Even if they chucked people into it and those people somehow survived being ripped apart on the entry to the black hole (because their feet would be accelerating faster than their head, or vice versa), they still couldn't communicate from within it or leave it because not even light can escape a black hole, hence the name.  :P


So, in the real world, it doesn't really matter.

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Black holes are generally thought to have been formed when dying stars implode.  They are massive amounts of material compressed into very dense, small packages, creating incredible levels of gravity.


Imagine our sun, the closest star to us... its mass is approximately 332,946 times that of the Earth. That's a lot of mass to implode into a black hole.


The miniature black holes they are talking about the possibility of creating are supposed to be formed when two protons collide. A proton is one of the particles that make up an atom.


So, we're actually talking about potentially creating "black holes" with the combined mass of two protons.


The Earth has the mass of 35,714 (followed by 47 zeroes) times that of a proton, and we're comparing two of these protons to the cosmic black holes of 333,000 times the mass of the entire Earth.


Liiiiiiiittle difference in danger there.

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Have any of you ever heard of Hawking radiation?


Black holes need a certain size and mass to sustain itself. Anything below that threshold and they burn out within microseconds of forming due to Hawking radiation. All black holes release the radiation, not even black holes are infinite, and they don't suck everything in. So they release this radiation at infinitesimal amounts at a time and eventually the black hole goes away. However, the amount of radiation the black hole emits is proportional to its size. So the smaller it is, the more radiation it emits and the faster it decays.


So no, neither RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) nor the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) could cause the destruction of the world via micro-black hole. Physicists thought of it.


As for time machines? It is impossible to travel back in time.



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