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Perrin, the Dark Ta'veren


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Guest Dreadlord

I would LOVE to see this happen.


Early in book 12 Faile goes missing again. Perrin starts to lose his mind after all the traipsing about in KoD and now it all begins again. However, there are absolutely NO SIGNS of where she has gone. A few days later, Moridin appears in Perrins dreams.


"We have her, Wolfbrother. All you have to do is serve Shaitan, and she will be yours again."


Perrin by now knows that these dreams are as real as they get, and in the waking world he starts to lose it abit. He begins to convince himself that he isnt as important to Tarmon Gaidon as people think, that if one man went over to the Shadow it wouldnt make that much difference. He even thinks to himself that he could go to the Shadow, get Faile, and then come back to the Light.


In his next dream he seeks Moridin, and Moridin comes to him. Perrin agrees to serve so long as he has his Faile. Seeing the look of resignation in his eyes, Moridin instructs Perrin to go to Shayol Ghul, where he will be welcomed by the Hand of the Shadow, Shaidar Haran.


Perrin journeys to Shayol Ghul and enters the Pit of Doom, where he can feel the Pattern slowly unravelling. Shaidar awaits, and speaks in the booming voice of the Dark One. "SERVE ME, WOLF KING, AND YOU AND YOUR WIFE WILL LIVE FOREVER, AND SHALL HAVE POWER UNMATCHED BY ANY"


At this moment in time Perrin still thinks he will go back to the Light as soon as he has Faile. He agrees, and a dark cloud forms around him. He consumes it.


Thoughts of the Light vanish from his mind. He feels strong, invincible. Unstoppable. Perrins dark side comes to the surface, and he likes it. He likes the way the Darkfriends rush around to obey him, the looks of fear on the Chosens faces when he meets their gaze.


When Tarmon Gaidon comes, Perrin can feel something pulling at him. He remembers feeling it before, remembers that somebody needs him, but cant remember who or what for. Perrin searches for the source of this feeling, ready to crush the person responsible. And he sees Rand.


Colors swirl across his vision, and Rands face echoes in Perrins mind from all the memories, which he now realised had been blocked somehow from his mind. Rand pulls on the link between the two, the Ta'veren link, and saves Perrin from the Shadow.



Now if that was put on a big enough scale, with Perrin achieving a victory or two for the Shadow before Rand pulled him back, I think it would do well in the story


I must admit I hope that doesn't happen.

It's a creative thought though. Something like that might serve well in its own story. Maybe you should channel that creativity into a story of your own...who knows where it could go.  :)





Guest Dreadlord


I just want Faile to die



That is such an inspirational comment that I want that as my signature. How do i put it as my signature?


As for the Forsaken being scared of Perrin...The Ta'veren thing would surely scare them, as well as the yellow eyes. It hints towards Perrin not being human

Guest Dreadlord

And he didnt eat the cloud, he snorted it

Guest Dreadlord

Anyway, what makes you say the Pattern wouldnt allow someone who went over to the Dark to be Ta'veren?

Anyway, what makes you say the Pattern wouldnt allow someone who went over to the Dark to be Ta'veren?


RJs comment in his blog about DF ta'veren...


It would be possible for a Darkfriend or Forsaken to be made ta’veren, but it seems unlikely.  Ta’veren are part of the Wheel’s self-correcting mechanism.  When the Pattern seems to be drifting too quickly, and especially if it is in the wrong direction, one or more ta’veren are created.  I can’t really see how making a Darkfriend or Forsaken ta’veren would help with correcting the drift of the Pattern.


This close to TG, and considering Perrins position, he would be way more unlikely than the ordinary DF to be a ta'veren.


Can't we just hope that he turns to the dark just long enough to kill Faile?


Maybe chop her up in little bitty pieces and feed her to Darkhounds?


SURELY One can HOPE!!!!!!!


I'm pretty sure some of us did snort a cloud before posting on this thread.


The thing about Faile is that...she is that chick that gets between you and your best friend.


She may not be a bad person on her own, but just the mixture of her and your buddy is just effin nauseating. And a lot of it is his fault.


We gotta remember that Perrin is like...20. If you are lucky enough to find a young lady who just wants to jump your bones all day and night, who you just can't resist and who is just as into you, and you're a young man to boot...You're pretty much going to be hated and so is your lady friend going to be hated by all your pals. All your priorities are centered around this girl.


It's sweet if you're in that relationship, it's like carsickness x20 looking at it from the outside most of the time.


Note Tom Cruise's leapings of joy on Oprah's couch. Now, putting aside how genuine this display of love was or not, I don't think there was ever a less flattering image of a once praised individual sinking into the lowest depths of desperate horror.


At this point, I think RJ is actually doing this on purpose to Perrin to display this dark side of love. I also think that after The Shadow Rising, Perrin gained a little too much popularity and was starting to overshadow the other principles. Come on, admit it. By the end of Shadow Rising, Perrin was the best of the three male leads. RJ had to do something about that, scale him back. He had too much upside.


Right now I think Mat has been placed on the upside for too long, and Perrin has been suffering for too long. Rand, despite being the lead, really has a hard time of it when it comes to being thought of as the favorite character. Ironically, I liked Rand the best as he was in Shadow Rising. His love story with Aviendha was as satisfying as any I've read in the whole series.


Anyway...I digress.


Well, I hate what RJ did with Perrin/Faile    AND    Matt/Tynen then Matt moved on to Tuon who was even WORSE!    At least until about half way through KoD.  Now Matt is kind of coming back to his old self AND Tuon was approaching bearable.  Maybe a little better than bearable.


Hopefully, with Faile finally free, Perrin will come back a little to his old self.  While she was captured - he was at his worse - for me.


For me, I actually like and enjoy the Perrin/Faile scenes. Without Faile's help, everyone's favorite blacksmith never would have fulfilled his destiny as the Lord of the Two Rivers, and its highly doubtful that he would have become the prophetic Wolf King that the prophecies were looking for in those old writings. The only major hang-up that I had with the Perrin/Faile SL's after the Shaido captured her was that this storyline dragged on too long for my tastes.


For me, I actually like and enjoy the Perrin/Faile scenes. Without Faile's help, everyone's favorite blacksmith never would have fulfilled his destiny as the Lord of the Two Rivers, and its highly doubtful that he would have become the prophetic Wolf King that the prophecies were looking for in those old writings. The only major hang-up that I had with the Perrin/Faile SL's after the Shaido captured her was that this storyline dragged on too long for my tastes.


In defense of Faile - which is in direct contrast with many of my feelings for her.    She did help him considerably.    And I do not mean making him Lord of the Two Rivers.


Perrin was fast becoming very withdrawn and depressed about being a Wolf-brother and was only marganially holding onto his sanity until she turned him around.    Once he saw that a woman was not only not afraid of him but actually liked him despite of his eyes, he crawled out of the hole that he was digging and started to live again.    Without her, I have doubts as to wheather he would have made it.


That said - all his and her POVs while she was captured were excruciating!!    To me at least.


I don't think that Mordin could get into Perrin's dreams anymore. Didn't RJ state that being a wolf brother protected him?


I don't remember RJ stating that.    I could have missed it though because I just hear what gets put on a thread that I read here.



But now that you mention that - What protects MAT from those Ishy Dreams that the boys used to have???  I seem to have forgotten.

But now that you mention that - What protects MAT from those Ishy Dreams that the boys used to have???  I seem to have forgotten.


A side effect of the foxhead medallion.

Guest Dreadlord

Has that been confirmed by RJ Maj? Only I dont see why the medalion would protect dreams when it doesnt protect against saidin (mat, asmo & avi died when Rahvin attacked them with Saidin) plus Mat stopped having those dreams way way waaaaaaaaay before he got the medallion


Of course it's been confirmed by RJ, otherwise I would not post it as a fact.


Week 7 Question: Since the first few books, Rand's and Perrin's dreams have been protected. Rand can weave a ward around his dreams. Perrin being a wolfbrother has protected his dreams. How have Mat's dreams been protected since the first half of the series?


Robert Jordan Answers: A side effect of his foxhead medallion, though he doesn't know it. This was not part of the intended purpose of making the medallion; it's a true side effect.


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