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New member of the family... ;-P


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Thanks guys... hehe...


Horn, you get a kitty yet?


Still no name... I just haven't really thought about it. My niece wants me to name her Savannah (a name she had picked for a dog) and she's like, "you lived there even!" ... lol. I just keep saying kitty or cat, so William will say it. Tom keeps saying Fido... I'm about to beat him... lol. :P

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so cute! Mitch would go on strike if I brought another kitten in this house. He still thinks he is one and he'll turn 5 this summer. lol He's curled up at my knee snoozing and waiting on me to take the next dose of drugs so I can join him. lol


hmm...I'll think about names during my nap. I always think better during my naps...lol

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omgoose, it's twinnie... nice to see ya around... :wink:


Still no name, but I call her kitty a lot and I think William's trying to say that (he's delayed in speech and going to be having help through the school district very soon, etc etc... I won't get into all that).

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You know, the cat my parents had when I was a kid was named Kitty Kitty Glover. *laughs* seriously, they just called her kitty kitty and our last name was Glover. So...that was her name. And when they talk about her, they haul it all out "Kitty Kitty Glover."


Mine it Mitch, because I had to think of something with an M, since he's a silver and black tabby with the stripes on his head making an M over his eyes. In my opinion, God painted the letter on his head for a reason and I didn't want to have to explain to the poor thing why his name was Fred and there was an M on his head. *grins* Yes, he really is my baby and he acts like every 5 year old boy you'll ever meet, complete with "Mom, people are watching! Don't do that!" looks when I smooch on him around other people. lol Anyway, I formally named him Mitchell. Which is fine, since my favorite movie in the world was written by a Mitchell. :D


His middle name is Chase, because that's his favorite game to play.He will pounce on your foot and take off and you're supposed to chase him. The first one to home base (usually his fleece Harry Potter blanket---that he stole from me, no less) wins. However, he's a very sore loser and if you beat him, he'll flick his tail and walk the other way.


so, that's how Mitch got his name. Mitchell Chase Glover (Dana hasn't adopted him, yet. Such a shame. ;) ). His birthday is July 4th, too. *laughs* he really will be 5 this year, too.


Alright, now that I've rambled on for this exceedingly long post all about my cat, I think it's time for pills and a pillow. Talk to ya'll tomorrow! *hugs and blows smooches*

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